Self Development Plan

This section covers everything you need for your own Self Development Plan to grow and develop yourself this year.

You can use it and follow it as outlined in here, or you can simply use it as a template or example for you to create your own self help plan.

A New Year hails a new beginning for most of us.

Some may resolve to quit smoking, lose weight, get a new job or get our finances in order.

By February, some of our resolve has vanished, mainly because we couldn’t get over ourselves.

We’re our own worst enemies when it comes to change.

What most of us need is a plan that we can understand and stick to, through all of the hurdles, temptations and stress that enter our lives.

This Self Development Plan contains five basic elements that you’ll need to overcome yourself and win the battles to take you to ultimate success.

The Elements of a Self Development Plan

self development plan sample

The elements you will cover to work on and develop further include not just the obvious business or health aspects that most people focus on when they make new year's resolutions, or self growth plans for themselves.

Your self development plan sample should cover areas such as:

·    Spiritual  

You don’t have to be religious to be a spiritual person.

When a person has spiritual strength within, they have a built in belief system in themselves that will propel them on no matter what the problem.

·    Habits  

We all have some habits we’d like to rid ourselves of, but some habits are debilitating and affect many areas of our lives in a negative way.

For example, smoking is a habit that keeps us away from others and damages our health.

Drinking too much can do the same.

·    Stress

Too much stress in our lives can lead to depression and anxiety and take a toll on our health.

Find a way to control stress and you’ve found a key element toward positive self-development.

·    Relationships  

There are many types of relationships in our lives – family, spouse or love interest, friends, money, co-workers and even food.

Until we address the toxic relationships in our lives that keep us from success and positive self-development, we’ll be lacking in that part of our lives.

·    Body/Mind  

As you care for your body – so you care for your mind.

Without exercise, the proper diet, avoiding chemicals and other contaminates in your life, the body doesn’t function as it should – and neither does your mind.

As you take this journey of Self Development, turn inward for answers.

You’ll find that there are some that you’ve always known for sure – and some that will be a big surprise.

Keep a journal about your progress and setbacks, and learn about yourself in everything you strive to do.

Awaken Your Spiritual Guide

A spiritual guide isn’t like a genie in a bottle.

But it can be magical when you know how to develop the spiritual guide within so that you and you alone are in control of your destiny.

In Rhonda Byrne’s best-selling book, “The Secret,” she illustrates how your life experiences are created by you.

You’re the one who controls your thoughts – which ones will make a positive impression on you and which will set you back.

The object is to become so absorbed with the positive thoughts that negative thoughts can’t enter.

It’s completely your choice as to which thoughts you’re going to let enter your mind and take control – for minutes, hours, days or for the rest of your life. Your life’s spiritual experience depends on which you choose.

Inevitably, negative thoughts will creep into your mind when you least expect it, and that’s where practice is key to changing those thoughts back into positive ones that you and you alone will harbor.

How to Control Your Thoughts

Being able to successfully control your thoughts so that you can control your life from within is one of the best ways to awaken your spiritual guide.

When you focus on positive rather than negative thoughts, you become a powerful ally to yourself, firmly pointing your destiny in a direction that will help you conquer anything holding you back from success.

When you’re truly in charge of creating your life’s destiny, you become confident and assured because your mind is nurturing rather than tearing down and preventing you from enjoying life to the fullest extent possible.

In the beginning, it sometimes takes a conscious decision on your part to stop the flow of negativity, but eventually you’ll come to the place where the negative thoughts simply “ping” off your mind before they can cause damage.

You may believe that a negative thought has already done its damage by simply entering your mind.

But, a thought only damages your thinking process when it’s allowed to linger – to become a strong and powerful force in your mind, repeating itself when necessary to keep you under its “spell.”

To lessen the impact of negative thoughts, begin to think of them as separate from yourself.

Only when you begin to realize that negative thoughts are foreign invaders and not part of your true thought process will you be able to release them quickly and effectively.

One way to control thoughts, especially negative ones, is to immediately concentrate on something else.

Pick up a good book that’s hard to put down, put on some music that makes you sing and/or dance or exercise your body to clear your mind. It works almost every time.

Letting a negative thought linger in your mind can be appealing to you – especially when you’re in a particularly vulnerable state of mind.

When you find yourself entertaining a negative thought, think about the origin of it.

Once you know that the thought is from a place of despair, lack of confidence, fear or lack of self-esteem, you can consciously choose to reject it.

Meditation is one of the best ways to control your thought process. As you calm the mind, you can better concentrate on the powers you possess within.

These unique powers can “harness the universe” and bring about positive thoughts that will bring you abundance and clarity.

Try meditating at a time when your mind isn’t running rampant with thoughts, either positive or negative. 

Meditation will bring you peace of mind – and you’ll find it easier to thwart any negative thoughts that come your way.

Actions Speak Louder than Words to Our Minds

“As ye think, so shall you be,” is an old saying that would be great if it worked.

But, just because we think the good thoughts doesn’t mean that we’ll perform the same actions. Again, it takes conscientious effort to act as we think.

For example, if you’re trying to get in shape for the New Year, simply thinking it won’t make it come true.

You have to give birth to the thoughts and make them come true by keeping a watchful eye on your diet and getting into an exercise program that will turn the dream into a reality.

Use your own inventiveness to think of ways you can act on the positive thoughts that come your way.

Also, think about what it would mean if you acted on the negative thoughts that enter your mind.

Use your imagination to conjure up ways that will highlight the affirmative things in your life and you’ll be that much closer to controlling your thoughts.       

We sometimes don’t act on positive thoughts because of opinions.

Try to keep an open mind about events that happen and people who come into your life.

Acting in a positive way toward something or someone you’ve already formed a negative opinion about can open our minds in a way that helps us to listen and better understand an ocean of possibilities.

Joy vs. Sorrow

We’re all periodically visited by joy and sorrow in our lives. What we do with the experiences set apart the survivors from those who let either one overtake them.

If you never experience sadness, you’re missing one of the great character-building elements in your life.

If you never experience joy, you’re missing one of the greatest building blocks to success and true happiness.

Sorrow can turn you into a bitter person and ruin what chances you have at true love and abundance of good things in your life.

It can keep you from unlocking the door to the part of you that contains your spiritual guide.

Everyone experiences sorrow in a lifetime of experiences. You may be having trouble getting over the death of a loved one or the ending of a relationship.

You may have gone through an awful tragedy that has altered your life and the lives of those you love.

This is where your spiritual guide can be the most benefit.

Grief is a normal part of life, the same as birth and deaths, but if you dwell on the grieving times of your life, you’ll never experience the joy that your spiritual guide has in store for you.

But, how can you be happy most of the time when there are so many terrible things going on in the world?

Perhaps you’ve lost your job and face eviction from your home and are confronted every day by bills you can’t pay and phone calls demanding that you do.

It may sound simplistic, but when you feel that sorrow permeates your life and you just can’t rise above it – think about times in your life when you felt truly happy.

It doesn’t have to be a major, money-spending splurge – think about the smile of a child when you read a book to her.

Think about taking a walk with your dog and seeing her delight in every smell that came her way.

Those are just a few samplings of the little things that you can think about and do to get your mind off the sorrow you’re feeling and back to the happiness that’s still available in your life.

You may even want to write down some things you’re happy about – a gratitude journal about what’s positive in your life.

Listening to beautiful music, watching a funny or gratifying movie or reading a good book are just some of the things in your life that you can be grateful for.

Eventually, you’ll have to deal with situations like unpaid bills or evictions notices, and you’ll experience sadness when this happens. But, deal with them as best you can and then move on.

It doesn’t help at all to focus on self-pity or “what ifs,” -- only driving you further into a rut. Choose to think about happier times and those to come or you’ll continue to live a life without the proper spiritual guidance.

By choosing to focus on happiness rather than sorrow, you’re choosing to control your thoughts and when you do that, the spiritual guide that may be laying dormant in your mind will listen and respond.

Don’t Become Victim to Your Thoughts

You can become a victim of your thoughts as easily as you can become a victim of identity fraud if you’re not diligent about protecting your mind.

Just as you’re careful to shred documents that could become dangerous if they land in the hands of an identity thief, so should you be especially diligent about letting thoughts enter your mind that are going to make you a victim of negativity.

It takes real effort to reject negative thoughts. It’s tempting to succumb and wallow in the self-pity they sometimes bring, so practice “catching” them just as you would catch a ball.

That skill took practice – you probably missed the ball on the first try, but as you practiced, you became more adept.

When you find a negative thought about to enter your mind, catch it as soon as possible and give it a good swift kick to the outside.

Communicating with Your Spiritual Guide

Communicating with your spiritual guide is the best way to develop a relationship with this powerful force in your life.

When you know the proper and most effective way of communicating, you’ll begin to develop and nurture the intuition you were born with.

Unless you’re constantly engaged in forming a relationship with your spiritual guide, the ability wanes and – just like muscles that are seldom used – it loses its power.

When you don’t communicate with family, friends, boss, coworkers and other people in your life, the relationships become weak and you eventually become out of touch with what’s going on and problems will ensue.

It’s the same with your spiritual guide. Lack of communication can keep you in the dark about what steps to take next on your life’s path and will prevent your natural intuitive powers from helping you.

You can communicate with your spiritual guide the same way you would communicate with other people in your life – talk to it.

That doesn’t mean you should walk along babbling to yourself, but communicate by your thought process.

Ask yourself questions and then answer them to get a clear picture of what’s really going on in your life.

Be as creative as you can in communicating with your internal guide.

For example, when you ask yourself a question, draw from the deep recesses of your mind to gather the information you need to get the answers.

Saying Goodbye to Bad Habits

Only after you’ve identified why your bad habits are taking over your life (or at least making you miserable and keeping you from enjoying as much of life as you could) can you wage an effective war with them.

Begin by writing those habits down on paper. Then, you’ll be able to develop the strategies that will help rid them from your life.

The triggers that help to promote and prolong bad habits are sometimes difficult to identify, but you need to learn what your triggers are to avoid those situations that promote the bad habit for the first days, weeks or even months until you feel that you can handle it on your own.

Putting yourself in the way of a trigger situation when you’re trying to get rid of a bad habit is a bad idea.

Here are some bad habits that most people complain about and solutions for how to break them:
·    Nail-biting or other nervous habits

·    Compulsive shopping

·    Gossiping

·    Swearing  

·    Hoarding

·    Bad Financial Habits

·    Anger

·    Jealousy

·    Smoking

·    Drinking

If part of your Self Development Plan includes getting rid of bad habits, know that controlling your thoughts is the quickest and best way to do it.

Be sure that your plan includes how you’re going to replace the habit with new, positive thoughts and actions – then, for 30 days do your best to be consistent.

Work on one bad habit at a time. If you try to do too much, you’ll simply become overwhelmed and discouraged. 

In this next section of the site I have covered in detail the strategies and suggestions to use when you create your self development plan to beat your bad habits: How To Change Bad Habits

Learning How to Deal With Stress, Depression and Anxiety

Stress, depression, anxiety – we’ve heard so much about these mental and physical ailments – that they’re detrimental to our complete happiness, stop us from achieving all that we can – and, they can turn into killers.

Medical experts have deemed stress as one of the top causes of strokes and heart attacks.

It makes sense. When our body experiences stress, it’s attempting to defend itself.

That’s great if you’re running from a swarm of killer bees, but if your body is experiencing constant stress, the system can become overwhelmed and break down.

You can suffer mental and physical consequences from too much stress.

Even good experiences can cause stress in your life – and stress can lead to depression and anxiety.

Preparing for a future wedding day, even though it’s going to be a joyful occasion, can cause a truckload of stress and when the big day arrives, the stress may come tumbling down in the form of tears, anxiety and even anger.

The thing that sets apart those who can handle stress effectively and those who can’t is how each of us reacts to the stress that might come our way.

For example, there could be two people working for the same company and in the same work environment.

The company is losing money and may have to lay off employees.

One person frets and complains about all the “stress” of having to come to work each day knowing that could be the last. How is she going to pay bills and buy food?

The other person, however, has prepared for a situation where she might be out of a job – perhaps from illness or layoffs.

She’s put aside a nest egg that can get her through the next few months in case she’s laid off.

Rather than thinking of how she’s going to get by, she’s thinking about going into business for herself – or networking to find another job, should she have to.

Each person has the same type of stress, but one is prepared while the other one isn’t.

Handling stress by dealing with surprises before they happen is a good way to reduce the way stress affects your life.

Other stressful situations aren’t so easy to prepare for. For example, the death or illness of a spouse, a child leaving home or a tragic accident can’t really be prepared for in terms of reducing the stressful effects it has on your life.

Signs of Too Much Stress in Your Life

Since happy events can also cause stress, it’s sometimes difficult to know when a health or mental problem is stress-related or stems from another problem.

Since stress leads to anxiety and depression, it’s important to know both the mental and physical signs that may signal we’re suffering from too much of it in our lives.

Stress, depression and anxiety are so closely linked to both our mental and physical well being that some of the signs are same.

Some signs that might indicate that you’re suffering from one or more of these maladies are:

·    Headaches  

Nagging or frequent headaches may not be caused from sinus or health problems. They could be a direct cause of stress in your life.

·    Chronic pain  

Backaches, chest pain and other annoying aches in your body may signal a health problem, but they can also be a sign that you’re suffering from stress.

·    Nausea and other stomach problems  

Like chronic pain, stomach or digestive problems could be caused by health or diet related issues. They can also happen because of stress and anxiety.

·    Heart palpitations and high blood pressure

Definite signs that stress could be an issue in your lifestyle.

·    Weight gain or loss

Compulsive eating problems often occur because we’re stressed, depressed or anxious about something.

Some people eat more when stressed, but others feel so anxious that they can’t eat at all – neither of which is healthy for your body.

·    Constipation

If our bodies are stressed, our systems don’t work the way they should.

Food doesn’t get digested properly and constipation may occur frequently.

·    Insomnia  

Interrupted or erratic sleep patterns are a leading sign that you may have too much stress in your life.

Insomnia can make us lose productivity at work, become irritable and forgetful.

·    Irritability

Do you find yourself flying off the handle at your children on a constant basis or snapping at coworkers until everyone avoids you?

Being irritable when there’s no reason is a sign of stress.

·    Losing Focus

We all forget once in awhile, why we walked into a room or can’t focus on a project we need to finish.

But, if you find yourself losing focus on a regular basis and becoming highly disorganized, you might be a victim of stress or anxiety in your life.

Sadness and crying can also be signs that you’re depressed.

Almost any change in your feelings and routine that’s causing unhealthful or mind altering stress in your life should be addressed quickly by your health care provider or make changes in your life and thoughts to end the problems.

Managing Your Stress, Depression and Anxiety

If you don’t learn to manage stress, depression and anxiety in your life, it could lead to serious health problems.

There are several ways to control these difficulties, including more physical activity and relaxation techniques such as meditation. Some methods to control stress are:

Meditation – a deep thinking strategy where you let go of surface feelings and go into a deep conscious awareness.

Many people use meditation to rid their lives of stress, but they also use it as a pathway to clarity and enlightenment.

Chronic sufferers of pain use meditation to relieve physical symptoms.

It’s a very powerful method of controlling both your mind and body and done at home, it won’t cost you a thing.

To effectively put meditation into practice, find a room that’s comfortable and quiet.

Don’t try to meditate in the middle of the living room while Spongebob Squarepants is blaring out of the TV and your toddlers are running circles around you.

Set the temperature of the room to something cozy to you. Not too hot and not too cold.

Have a place on the floor where you can sit comfortably and get deep into thought.

Practice some deep breathing techniques and spend at least 30 minutes meditating each day. Maintain good posture in your back as you sit with your legs folded “Indian style.”

Yoga – a mind-body connection is what yoga has to offer, and it helps you tune into yourself and tune out stress on any level.

Hatha yoga is the most beneficial for stress relief (there are many different yoga styles to choose from).  

Yoga also engages you in controlled breathing, which quiets your mind and helps your body with a renewed sense of energy and calm simultaneously.

As with meditation, you’ll want a nice, quiet place where you can practice your yoga poses. And invest in a comfortable yoga mat too.

Self Hypnosis – a form of tapping into your mind and realigning the way your mental state is headed.

You’re not hypnotizing yourself so that you’re not in control. In fact, you’re hypnotizing yourself to regain control over your thoughts.

You’ll be gently suggesting that your mind take a different thought pattern and by doing this repetitively, you’ll help a new habit form so that eventually, your new thoughts replace the old ones and stress doesn’t bother you as much.

Exercise – it relieves endorphins instantly so whenever you pick up your body and move, your stress goes to the wayside.

You don’t have to sprint across town to get that “runner’s high” either. You can walk briskly.

You can do many forms of aerobic exercise to help your brain release endorphins, which are those “feel good” hormones that help keep stress at bay.

In fact, in a 2003 scientific study, scientists found that even swimming released endorphins.

Counseling – for some, stress relief may not be found in the form of exercise or meditative processes, but in talking to a trained professional who knows how to help you work through your issues.

For some people, it just helps to have someone lend an ear to their problems and tell them it’ll be okay, or give advice on how to better handle a certain situation.

Find someone that you trust and then schedule a few sessions until you feel better about things and the stress has lifted.

In this next section of the site we cover in detail How To Manage Stress so that you live a happier and more fulfilled life

Relationships Are Key for Setting Yourself Up for Success

Success means different things to different people.

Some may equate success with money and things while others may feel successful if they have and maintain great relationships with most everyone in their lives.

Climbing the corporate ladder to achieve a pinnacle in a career path is also a measure of success for some people who are driven to succeed.

At any particular time in life, a person may be successful in one or more areas, but very ineffective in others.

If you want to be “successful,” you must first define what success means to you.

Then, you can begin to work on the areas necessary to fulfill that desire.

As mentioned at the introduction here, there are many different types of "relationships" that interact in our lives including the obvious ones like family, spouse or love interest, friends, but also include less obvious 'relationships' we have in areas such as - with money, with co-workers and even with our daily food.

Until we address what may be the "toxic relationships" that play a big part in our lives and that keep us from success and positive self-development, we’ll be failing to achieve our goals and desires in those parts of our lives.

So, let's have a look at the big 'relationships' you most likely need to have a good look at:

Achieving Financial Success

Since so many people equate true success with monetary worth, let’s focus on that.

In today’s economy, simply paying the bills on time might be a financial goal you’re trying to reach.

There are basically 4 key elements involved in achieving financial success – mindset, commitment, education, and action – and you need to build relationships to make all of these work.

These elements all work together in solving the mysteries of achieving the monetary success you want from life.

Developing a Winning Financial Mindset

A positive financial mindset is essential to achieve monetary prosperity.

If you think poverty, you’ll live in poverty – but, if you think wealth and financial success – you’ll be much more likely to achieve it.

And if you build relationships with people who have a similar wealth-building mindset, it will rub off on you.

Everyone knows that what you spend your emotional energy on is what you reap from it.

If you’re putting all your time and energy into something that doesn’t make you happy – like a dead-end job – you’ll grow old thinking of “what might have been.”

Fortunately, there are ways to change your negative thinking and get back on the road to financial independence and even wealth.

Every positive step in your life begins with a decision.

If you haven’t yet made a decision about what you want to achieve in life, you have no life’s purpose and your life’s path will reflect that as the days, months and years pass by.

Surround yourself with successful people and foster relationships with them.

Mentors are important in any successes you might have, so develop those relationships as much as possible.

Focus your thinking on what you want out of life and don’t let it go – not even for a moment.

Developing a positive mindset takes patience, practice and determination to succeed.

After you’ve accomplished some of the goals you set for yourself, you’ll recognize success and how it feels.

The more you’ve accomplished, the less chance there is of losing your focus.

Educate yourself by figuring out who you want to learn from.

If debt is your goal, see if Dave Ramsey’s lessons suit your style. If not, try Suze Orman or another debt and finances guru.

Learn about ways to make and invest money and choose methods that you like and excel at.

There are no shortcuts to achieving wealth, and you must spend time educating yourself about how to spend your time getting to your ultimate financial goals.

The great power of Rome certainly wasn’t built in a day – and neither will your financial wealth.

Create a financial plan that includes goals, both large and small.

Celebrate the small victories that you achieve and keep them at the forefront of your mind as you move on to the next goal.

Periodically revamp your plan as you take action.

Things change – like the economy and unforeseen hurdles in your life – and rather than abandoning a successful mindset, you must work hard to keep it.

Document everything about your thinking and goals so that you create a path that you can refer to when you need it to reaffirm goals or become motivated.

Documentation is also important so you can have a paper trail of everything you do. It’s smart financial planning to protect yourself with documentation.

Remember to have fun along the way.

Enjoy life as you’re planning for your financial future so that you won’t become bored or jaded about the whole plan.

Relationships Can Be Tricky

To be successful in any relationship – whether with a friend, family member, spouse, love interest, co-workers, mentor or boss – you have to work at them to be successful.

You won’t keep a friend for very long if you let the relationship become stagnant, so you must keep in touch at least periodically.

If you become so engrossed in your career or job, the relationship with a spouse or family members can suffer.

So, balance is the key for keeping a relationship intact and thriving.

Some entrepreneurs get bogged down in this manner because they’re building a business solo – with a goal of spending more time with their family.

Unfortunately, they spend years trying to increase their level of success, so they dedicate too much time to cultivating their income and not enough time enjoying the fruits of their labors with those that they love.

Make sure you take time each day to tell those you care about why they’re special to you.

And think about it yourself as a way to feel grateful each day.

Don’t focus on the negative aspects of your spouse – think about that you do love about them.

Taking Care of Your Body and Mind

When you take care of yourself, mentally and physically, it naturally attracts the right people to you in your life.

You wake up every day feeling good about yourself. Others feel good about you, too.

So let’s attack this portion of your self development plan in two parts.

First, we’ll talk about the mental portion and then we’ll talk about the physical development options you have!

Improving Your Mental Outlook

Sometimes all it takes is a simple switch from being a glass half empty kind of person to a glass half full personality.

Which one are you now? You can do several things to start looking at life in a whole new way.

First, buy a gratitude journal. They have some amazing ones that include inspirational messages or quotes on each page to give you a springboard for your thoughts.

Write down things you are grateful for at the end of each day so that you get a good night’s rest and wake up feeling serene.

If you prefer, keep your gratitude journal with you at all times and keep track of the little things you feel grateful for.

It can be something as simple as, “a young man gave up his seat on the bus for me when I was feeling tired.”

Or, it can be something big like, “my boss told me he was so impressed with my performance that he’s giving me a 10% raise!”

Work on finding gratitude out of negative situations, too.

It’s hard, but this is the first step in helping you turn your life around and make it one of wonder and amazement rather than disappointment and frustration.

For example, if your girlfriend breaks up with you, write down something positive about it, such as, “Chelsea broke up with me when I wasn’t ready to end the relationship yet, but I am grateful that she didn’t draw it out longer and that I’m now free to find the one true love of my life.”

One thing you should do with your gratitude journal that not many people remember to do is reread it from time to time.

Make a special time, like on Sundays, when you review the previous week and remind yourself of all of the things you have to be grateful about.

Positive affirmations are another method you can use to create a good mentality.

Positive affirmations can be sued for stress relief, but also for building self esteem.

Each person will have different ones, but you basically make them your mantra for living life!

You can say them in front of a mirror, whisper them to yourself whenever you need a boost throughout the day, or mentally recite them as you lay in bed waiting to fall asleep.

The key is to engage in some sort of positive talk with yourself each and every day.

With positive affirmations, you’re making statements, such as:

·    I nourish my body with the right kinds of foods.
·    I deserve prosperity in my career.
·    I give love in a healthy relationship and receive it from those closest to me in my life.
·    I believe in myself and my abilities to achieve my goals.
·    I am at peace tonight.
·    I choose to live my life freely, without restraints so that I can enjoy all that life has to offer.

Visualization is yet another method you can employ to achieve happiness.

Visualization is when you picture life the way you want it to appear as if it has already happened.

But you try to do more than just a 2D image in your mind.

For instance, if riding along the coastline in a convertible would relax or inspire you, then you would imagine that scenario as if you’re looking out of your eyes, not looking at yourself.

Imagine the wind in your hair, the scent of the ocean breeze coming off the sea.

Focus on vibrant colors and even how the steering wheel feels in the palm of your hands.

Enhancing Your Physical Appearance and Health

For some people, the need for self development may lie in a health aspect of their physical being, while others simply want to be more personally satisfied with their appearances.

If you want to look better for yourself and for those around you, then you might try some of these options:

·    Assess your current weight and see if you’re at a healthy BMI.

If not, devise a workout and diet regimen designed to help you reach those goals.

·    Update your look with a new haircut.

Some people have the same hairstyle they had a decade ago, and once they allow the stylist the freedom to bring them up to date, hey feel years younger.

·    Take care of your nails.

When you go to shake hands with someone and your bitten nails and cuticles are the first thing you present to someone, it doesn’t reflect well on you.

Manicures are not expensive, and you can easily learn how to take care of your hands at home.

·    Moisturize your body.

It’s the largest organ you have – your skin – and yet we abuse it with suntans and harsh chemicals.

Every day, moisturize your face, neck, and the rest of your body and soon you’ll appear younger and more refreshed.

·    Go for a makeup lesson.

We sometimes get in a rut with the way we do things. Go to a makeup counter at a department store and have them give you a makeup lesson.

You may feel fresher once you learn that you’ve been applying your eyeliner too heavily or that your stark red lipstick is making your fine lines show up whereas a more muted color gives you a flawless appearance.

·    Update your wardrobe.

You don’t have to spend a small fortune, but every once in awhile, add a new piece of clothing to your wardrobe that’s current and timeless in nature.

Shop when things are sale and buy clothes that fit you well.

If health is your main concern, then you’ll want to address any issues that you’ve neglected lately.

Some people put off going to the doctor – especially if they’re just run down and tired all of the time.

Schedule a well check up with your physician to rule out any thyroid problems, diabetes and chronic fatigue issues.

You want to make sure that your iron levels are up to par, too, since that can cause a depletion of energy.

Some report a more healthful feeling when they adhere to a holistic strategy like Tai Chi.

Tai Chi is a rhythmic movement that helps you achieve a sense of peacefulness.

The goal is to focus on the present and not on stressful situations that occurred earlier or that you’re worrying will happen soon.

You could look into herbal supplements to help you with stress, depression, and energy, too.

Certain herbs like cayenne, Siberian ginseng, gotu kola and Ginkgo biloba helps with energy levels and in staving off depression.

Always check with an herbal expert before using herbs on your own or combining them with your current medications, since they can have adverse reactions in certain combinations.


As you take this journey of Self Development, turn inward for answers.

You’ll find that there are some that you’ve always known for sure – and some that will be a big surprise.

Keep a journal about your progress and setbacks, and learn about yourself in everything you strive to do.

Putting Your Self Development Plan to Work for You

As you embark on this journey to better yourself, you’re going to encounter a lot of friction.

Sometimes with yourself and sometimes with others.

You may second guess yourself about some of the big changes you’re making, and it’ll be hard because you’ll be getting out of your comfort zone.

Sometimes you’ll be moving along content in your journey and someone will chime in with their opinions about what you should or shouldn’t be doing and telling you how to do it better.

Be grateful that they care enough to provide you with their insight, thank them, and them continue on your path as you see fit.

You don’t need to engage in an argument with someone who isn’t aware of every element you’re dealing with in your life.

Work on one self development goal at a time.

Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to look perfect, have an optimistic attitude 100% of the time, rake in tons of monetary wealth and make everyone like you in one day.

Pick the area you feel needs the most work and chip away at it until you’ve mastered it to your own personal satisfaction.

Then move on to the next most important goal you have in mind and work on that.

Don’t be afraid to admit one tactic didn’t work for you and then try something else.

For example, you might try counseling and end up feeling awkward talking to a stranger.

Then you try self hypnosis and you feel more in touch with yourself than ever before!

You may choose to share your self development journey with others.

This is fine as long as the person you’re sharing with won’t turn the tables on you whenever you falter.

For example, if you tell your mom that you’re going on a diet to lose 20 pounds, and then she raises an eyebrow when you have a brownie at a family get together, or scolds you, it can hamper your results.

Becoming a better person means you need to first think about what kind of person you want to be.

Don’t set unrealistic expectations of yourself. Make your goals doable and easy at first and work on the harder issues as time goes on.

Soon, you’ll feel great about the life that you’re living and the person that you’ve become.

And you can spread the word to others who are in the same boat about how you changed your life and achieved the kind of success you’ve always wanted.

More Resources

Some of us can overcome issues of how to build self-confidence easier than others, but we can all become more confident by following a plan and focusing on the task at hand.

Online help is available. Start now to find a method to boost your self-confidence that’s right for you.

I have written and published the books below, created specifically to help you develop self confidence and hone your self assertiveness skills and communication.

You can get this book or the whole series, in Kindle digital version or as a paperback posted to you from Amazon.

Just click the covers below to learn more about how incredibly helpful these books can be for your self assertiveness and increased self confidence!

Workplace Solutions: Unlocking Your Potential with Self-Esteem and Positive CommunicationWorkplace Solutions: Unlocking Your Potential with Self-Esteem and Positive Communication

Workplace Solutions: Motivating Your Workforce and Negotiating for ResultsWorkplace Solutions: Motivating Your Workforce and Negotiating for Results$9.04

Workplace Solutions: Win-Win Negotiation for Women - Strategies for Getting What You Want in the WorkplaceWorkplace Solutions: Win-Win Negotiation for Women - Strategies for Getting What You Want in the Workplace$3.59

Workplace Solutions: Exploring Conflict Resolution and Dealing with Difficult PeopleWorkplace Solutions: Exploring Conflict Resolution and Dealing with Difficult People$9.90


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Tips For Self Development Plans 
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How to Begin A Self Help Plan Journey 
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Ways to Start Your Self-Improvement Journey  
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Build a Life Based on Honor to Enjoy the Ultimate Personal Satisfaction 
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Change Hopeless Negativity to an Optimistic Success Mindset  
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Why a Successful Mindset Makes Your Goals Achievable 
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Creating Your Action Plan and Online Business Timeline 
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See How the 1% Rule Can Change Your Life and Your Results 
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10 Easy Things You Can Do to Have a Great Year 
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8 Steps to Realizing Your Full Potential 
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10 Things Everyone Should Do Each Day for a Happy Life 
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9 Hacks to Having a More Organized Life 
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How to Live an Intentional Life 
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4 Actions That Target Your Personal Growth 
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9 Activities That Clear Your Mind 
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Renovate Your Life With These Changes 
You've finally had enough. You want to make some major changes. You might even think you want to change everything in your life. There are many ways …

9 Ways to Develop Daily Discipline 
Discipline is something we all wish we had a little more of. With discipline, losing weight, going to the gym, and flossing regularly are a piece of …

The Secret to Finding Yourself 
Trying to find yourself has gotten a mixed reputation. It can be a convenient excuse when you want to break up with someone without mentioning the real …

Do You Have an Abundance or Scarcity Mindset? 
How you view the world can affect the opportunities you see, your expectations, and ultimately your results. You can choose to see the world as a place …

How to Figure Out What You Want in Life 
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Are You Following Your Own Path, or Someone Else's? 
It's not easy to find your way through the world. You might have interests that don't coincide with the values of your parents or with those of western …

8 Personal Growth Strategies to Take Your Life to the Next Level 
Life is slipping by, but there is still time to create a meaningful and impressive life. Your personal growth is your responsibility. No one else has …

7 Tips for Improving Your Self-Improvement Efforts 
There's no shortage of self-improvement books, courses, manuals, videos, and ideas. The information needed to become fit, wealthy, healthy, famous, confident, …

7 Ingredients of a Happy Life 
What does it take to be happy? We all know healthy, wealthy, beautiful people that are miserable, so it must take something else to be happy. But what? …

The Patterns of Success 
One success might look different from another, but there are patterns that can't be denied. You can adopt these patterns of success and greatly enhance …

Create Your Own Bucket List 
How many things have you done in the last five years that you consider to be meaningful? You can bet that you'll have even more meaningful experiences …

4 Steps for Freeing Yourself from Your Ego 
A narcissist has an inflated image of his or her own importance. This person's ego is sky-high. This creates a constant need for admiration, and expresses …

How to Make a Fresh Start 
You've thrown your hands up in the air and declared that something must change. You're ready for a fresh start. While your current situation may be challenging, …

Set Yourself Free by Being Yourself 
Authenticity is underrated. It's more than being honest with the world. It's about being honest with yourself. There are many advantages to being authentic. …

What is Success? 
To many, success is obvious. It's a life that includes a nice car, fine home, impressive job, and attractive spouse. Yet, people with all of these things …

What is Self-Talk? 
Do you know that inner voice that always seems to be going? It is constantly "telling" you what you should do, what you might do, and reflecting on things …

How To Develop A More Positive Mindset  
Negativity can discourage us, add to our stress, put strain on our relationship, make us less productive, and reduce our overall happiness. Positivity …

Why You Need to Stop Being a People-Pleaser 
Do you put everyone before yourself? Is saying yes a habit, more than a true intention? If more people helped others, the world would be a better place. …

Tips for Improving Your Memory 
Your lifestyle dictates how your body looks, feels and performs. If you stay up late each night, don't get the rest you need, eat a lot of processed foods …

How to Overcome the Fear of Making Mistakes 
Fear of making mistakes can cripple you. This fear can keep you from developing and maintaining wonderful relationships. It can limit your potential …

Show the Real You: 10 Easy Ways to Reveal Your True Personality 
It's possible to enhance your personality and your ability to share it more authentically with others. You'll form stronger and more meaningful relationships …

5 Healthy New Year's Resolution Ideas 
New Year’s resolutions – you have to love them. At the beginning of each year one-third of us resolve to do something different that year. However …

Seriously - You Hate Your Own Company That Much??? 
There was a small story in at least two of the papers I read today that basically says you would rather electrocute yourself than spend a few minutes alone …

5 Steps for Getting What You Want Out of Life 
Many of us complain that our lives aren’t where we want them to be, yet we don’t take any action to change things. Everyone has goals, and a solid plan …

Law of Attraction: How to Get Clear About What You Want 
In the realms of LOA, also known as Law of Attraction, we're told to focus on and think about things we want. One of the tricks to this is to focus on …

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How to Use the Law Of Attraction for Depression - part 2  
The guide for using Law of Attraction to help you beat depression: Part 2 Daily Affirmations to Choke Out Depression Now you have to adopt a new …

LOA for Depression - part 1 
In this section we'll have a look at how the Law Of Attraction works for Depression Sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness all rolled into one can rapidly …

2 Ways To Create Your Own Custom Subliminal Messages 
Subliminal messages are basically suggestions for you mind which are exposed on you for such a short period of time, or hidden, that your mind does not …

If Your Learn From The Pros - Problem Solving Can Be Easy With These Self Help Steps 
We all face problems from time to time. Sometimes we get really stuck, unable to find a decent solution. A lot of the time it’s because we really don’t …

Motivation To Be Productive At Work 
It can be difficult to motivate yourself, but if you have something that you're excited about working toward, you will find it easier to stay motivated. …

Is Your Focus On Attention? 
The word 'attention' means to apply your mind to an object of sense or thought. When you selectively narrow your thoughts and consciously focus on what …

Motivational Tapes To Help You Win 
There are many things you can do to get yourself motivated. Trying motivational tapes is one way to help get you on the right track to being successful …

Self Discipline - You Can’t Succeed Without It 
Discipline is what governs a person. Self-discipline is regarded as a great weapon for success because it gives you the power to achieve anything. Without …

You Can Motivate Yourself To Accomplish Your Goals 
Self motivation can be a difficult thing to learn. Some people seem to have a knack for keeping themselves busy and motivated, while others may really …

The Golden Rules of Self Motivation 
I was taught at a very young age to live by the Golden Rule. I think it is the most important rule on the face of this earth, and in Heaven. When you …

Setting Your Personal Development Goals With A Positive Attitude 
Setting goals will help you achieve what you want in life. Simply flying by the seat of your pants won't get you to where you want to go. You need to have …

Energize Other People And Increase Motivation 
Motivating others can be difficult, but it is not impossible. With some people, it may also require a great deal of patience. To get others motivated, …

How to Stop Procrastinating And Be More Productive 
Motivation is the answer to procrastination! At some point in time, we have all put off doing something. When you procrastinate on occasion, it can …

Learn How to Motivate Yourself And Stay Motivated 
If you struggle to maintain your motivation every day it will help you to learn how to motivate yourself and stay motivated. It is a life skill that …

How to Develop a Can-Do Attitude 
When a person has a can-do attitude, it only means that he is optimistic enough about everything that goes on around him. He always believes that success …

Learn to Assess Your Self confidence & Self Esteem  
How confident are you depends on your feelings about yourself. Friends and relatives can give you their assessment but bear in mind that is their perspective. …

Motivation to Lose Weight and Become More Active 
Like anything else that you do, losing weight requires motivation. You cannot simply say that you want to lose weight and expect it to just happen. You …

How To Motivate Your Significant Other 
It can sometimes be difficult to get yourself motivated, so trying to motivate someone else can be really hard. You may be worried that your attempt will …

Dealing with Difficult People 
If your type of work exposes you to different types of people daily, then in most probability you have met people that are troublesome and difficult to …

Life is so much better when you learn time management! 
In any time management scheduling, your first step should be to keep track of, and write down your time in each activity (or wasted time) already being …

How to be happier, healthier and more successful 
Everybody wants to know how to find their own success. Some personal development students have already found it, and some are still trying to achieve success. …

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