11 Life-Changing 30-Day Challenges

A 30-day challenge can be a great way to kickstart making a significant change in your life. The mere thought of making a long-term change can be too uncomfortable for most people to bear. However, most of us are intrigued and less intimidated by trying something new for just a month.

In just a month, you can get a great start on creating a new habit that can take your life to the next level. It’s only 30 days. What do you have to lose?

Time is a valuable resource, so pick the 30-day challenge that will best elevate your life:

1. Speak to one new person each day.

Talking to new people has a lot of benefits. You’ll get better at talking to strangers. You’ll reduce your social anxiety. You might make a new friend. You might even get a date out of the deal.

2. Give up a bad habit and replace it with a new, positive one.

Try not to get too carried away. Start with two relatively small habits and give yourself a good chance for success.

3. Give up TV and social media.

If these are big time-wasters for you, this would be an excellent challenge. Let everyone know you’re taking a break from social media. You’ll probably have plenty of volunteers ready to join you. Maybe you can all find something else to do together.

4. Exercise for 30 minutes.

If you don’t exercise, it’s important to add to your life. It’s beneficial to your physical and mental health. Find an activity that you like to do and commit to it for 30 days.

5. Gratitude journal.

This is one of the easier challenges, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t incredibly life-changing. Just list five things each day you’re grateful for.

Try to avoid too many repeats over the month. Do this either first thing in the morning or the last thing at night. Or you could do both!

6. Try a new diet.

There are plenty of healthy diets out there. You can’t possibly know for sure which one is best for you without trying them. Pick one and stick to it for 30 days.

7. Take a walk.

If you’re sedentary or stressed, a daily walk can do a lot for you. Any time of day can work.

8. Listen to a guided meditation audio program in bed each night.

It’s not easy to begin meditating on your own, but there is another option: Recorded, guided meditations.

Lie in bed at night and just listen. Notice the changes you’ve experienced after 10 days.

9. Get up one hour earlier and use the time.

Most of wasted time is in the evening. Get to bed an hour earlier and get up earlier. Find a way to use that time constructively.

10. Create a morning routine and follow it.

Plan out the first two hours of your day and then follow your plan. Think about your goals and responsibilities. Create a morning routine that supports those.

11. Read for 30 minutes each day.

Read something non-fiction each night. Ideally, it will be something you can apply to your life. Imagine if you learned something daily and incorporated it into your life!

Thirty-day challenges can be a fun and less threatening way to start making a change in your life.

In the back of your mind, you’ll always know that it’s just 30 days, and that you’re free to quit after that. This is a very different mindset than starting something that you feel you should maintain forever.

At the end of 30 days, evaluate the month. Was it worth it? What have you gained? What did it cost you financially, emotionally, or with regards to time? Is it worth continuing?

If you’d like to make a change in your life, consider using a 30-day challenge to jumpstart the process. Try something new for 30 days and see what happens.

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12 Strategies to Help You Say Goodbye to All-or-Nothing Thinking

If you’re feeling depressed or anxious, it may be a matter of how you look at the world. All-or-nothing thinking can make you feel like a victim of circumstances and cause emotional swings.

One day you think your marriage was made in heaven. The next you want to call a divorce lawyer. You start the week loving your job because you gave a successful presentation. On Friday, you’re debating whether to resign because you had an argument with your boss.

Psychologists call it dichotomous thinking. It’s what happens when you take a specific event and turn it into a global generalization.

Learning to replace exaggerated thoughts with more realistic assessments will help you to deal with setbacks and feel more hopeful about the future.

Practice these steps for overcoming polarized thinking.

Simple Steps to Overcome Polarized Thinking

When all or nothing thinking becomes chronic, it can have far reaching effects on your life.

However, there are simple actions you can take each day to gradually achieve more moderation.

Try these techniques:

1. Change your vocabulary.

Speaking in unconditional terms reinforces all-or-nothing thinking. Try replacing words like always and everyone with descriptions that are closer to the facts.

2. Take an inventory.

Give yourself more credit if a single setback is blinding you to your overall track record. Remember the many things you have already accomplished.

3. Accentuate the positive.

Black and white thinking tends to be pessimistic. Take time to count your blessings and notice the things you like in yourself and others.

4. Set realistic expectations.

Create goals you can achieve instead of trying to be a superhero. Consider your abilities and resources.

5. Celebrate small victories.

Take satisfaction in making progress. Cleaning out one closet is a step closer to putting your house in order.

Advanced Steps to Overcome Polarized Thinking

It’s easy to become stuck when you engage in black or white thinking. You may need to take additional steps if you feel trapped in a cycle you want to break.

Follow these strategies for additional steps:

1. See things through.

Do you abandon projects unless they deliver the exact results you were seeking?

You’ll be happier and more productive if you can train yourself to be flexible and tolerate frustration. Try to identify the successful elements of any operation and learn from experience.

2. Take risks.

All-or-nothing thinking saps your motivation when you believe that your efforts would be futile. Surprise yourself by seizing more opportunities and watching some of them pay off.

Related Reading: Comprehensive Self development online guide

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