Top 10 Strategies for Escaping Your Comfort Zone

Humans love to be comfortable. It’s one of our strongest urges. Unfortunately, the desire to be comfortable can be a prison. It’s hard to grow and flourish if your primary objective is comfort.

Escaping your comfort zone is important if you want to have an exciting and fulfilling life.

Use these strategies to move beyond your comfort zone and create a meaningful life:

1. Start by making a list of the things that make you uncomfortable.

What exactly makes you uncomfortable? Is it crowds? Playing your guitar for others? Writing a short story and posting it online? Dating? Parties? Speaking to new people?

2. Learn to soothe yourself.

Some people are naturally better at this than others, but anyone can strengthen their ability to calm themselves down. A simple, but effective way of doing this:

◦ Focus on the part of your body where you feel discomfort. This is most commonly in the head, chest, or stomach area. Put your full attention on the discomfort.

◦ Breathe fully and relax that part of your body. You might even imagine a tube coming out of that area that permits the discomfort to be released, like oil from a well.

◦ Practice this skill throughout the day. Sitting in traffic and feeling annoyed? Use the technique. Nervous about a test or meeting? Use the technique.

3. Go to places that make you uncomfortable.

Extract the items from the list you made above that are places. Maybe the mall is one of them. Go to the mall and sit there.

Rate your level of discomfort on a scale from 1 to 10. Use your soothing technique and rate your anxiety again. Move around the mall and repeat the process.

4. Do things that make you uncomfortable.

Pick some other things from your list. Perhaps concerts make you uncomfortable, or crowds in general.

Maybe playing tennis at the park in front of other people is uncomfortable. Maybe you hate parties. These are all additional places to practice.

5. Read things that make you uncomfortable.

If you’re a die-hard liberal, read a book by your least favorite conservative pundit.

Maybe you’re all about civil rights, so read a book by a white supremacist. Are you afraid of death? Read a book by someone in the process of dying from a terminal disease.

◦ Use your soothing technique whenever you feel uncomfortable. Finish the entire book!

6. Watch TV shows and movies that make you uncomfortable.

Some people hate movies about corrupt politicians or police officers. Others dislike movies with nudity. Maybe you’re not a fan of romantic comedies.

Perhaps you dislike political talk shows. Make yourself watch what makes you uncomfortable and practice calming yourself down.

7. Create an alter-ego.

You have a work personality, a home personality, and an “out with the guys or gals” personality.

You have multiple personas to most effectively deal with the different parts of your life. Create an alter ego specifically for dealing with discomfort.

8. Allow yourself to be physically uncomfortable.

Allow yourself to be hot, cold, or tired and deal with that physical discomfort.

9. Read inspiring books.

One way to blast through your discomfort is to be inspired by others.

It can be a short-lived feeling, but a single success can start to convince your brain that there’s no reason to be uncomfortable.

10. Plan an adventure.

Do something big that makes you uncomfortable. It should also be something that interests you. Your interest can help you to move past the discomfort.

If you’re always comfortable, you’re not getting the most out of your life. Comfort is the enemy of progress, freedom, and adventure.

Learn to deal with being uncomfortable. Turn the uncomfortable into the comfortable. Escape your comfort zone and have a life free of regrets.

What Does It Really Take to be Happy?

What do you need to be happy? Is it a big house? A great career? The freedom to do whatever you want? Of course, the requirements for happiness will vary from one person to another.

However, there are many things common to most happy people. Since we all want to be happy, researchers have been busy on the topic.

Opinions vary, but these things are likely to add to your happiness:

1. Relatively few things that detract from your happiness.

It’s easier to be happy if there are only a few things to prevent you from being happy. Just like it’s easier to get from Point A to Point B if there are few obstacles in your way.

◦ A good first step for increasing the amount of happiness in your life is to remove as many things as you can from your life that are making you unhappy.

◦ You don’t need a lot in order to feel happy, if you can minimize those things that detract from your happiness. If you need a lot to be happy, there are probably a lot of things in your life detracting from your happiness.

2. Control.

You’ll struggle to be happy if you believe that you don’t have control over your life. People that feel powerless also tend to be unhappy. Regardless of your situation, there are things you could be controlling in your life but aren’t.

◦ Strive to build a life that gives you as much control as possible. For example, having financial resources provides a lot of control.

◦ Having a good social circle also provides a lot of options.

◦ Minimizing your dependence on others also gives you more control over your life.

3. Progress.

Happy people are making progress in their lives. When you have a goal and make progress toward that goal, you’re going to feel pretty good.

◦ Life is dull when it stays the same. Life feels terrible when you’re losing ground. If you have a few goals and take steps to achieve them, you’re going to be happier.

4. A purpose.

Having a purpose increases the amount of meaning in your life. The average person has never considered their purpose. That’s why their life is average.

◦ Take some time to consider the purpose of your life. You’re free to choose whatever you like. When you begin living with your purpose as a priority, you’ll experience more happiness.

◦ Your purpose could be living the most adventurous life possible, to master the piano, or to become a movie star. What do you want your life to be about?

5. People.

There might be a few people that can truly be happy living a solitary life, but there aren’t many. Some people do well with a smaller, more intimate social circle. Others do well with a large social circle.

◦ But, it’s hard to be happy when you’re all alone. If you don’t have a couple of good friends, it’s worth the time to work on that part of your life.

6. Feeling needed.

There are many ways to feel needed. Having children, volunteering, or even having a pet are great ways to feel that you have value to the world.

When you feel needed, and you’re able to fulfill those needs, the level of happiness you experience in your life will increase.

If you had all of these things, would you be happier? What else do you think you would need?

Happiness seems to be elusive. You can’t just acquire happiness the way you would a slim waistline or a Bentley.

Happiness arises from other things and situations. Think about what you need to be happy and make it happen!

The Secret to Strengthening Your Concentration

If you’re having trouble concentrating, you have plenty of company. More than 70% of office workers report that they’re frequently interrupted, and most of them say that those disruptions stop them from feeling like they’ve had a successful day, according to Forbes Magazine.

Chatty colleagues and pop up ads are unlikely to go away, but you can increase your focus. Strengthening your concentration requires training your mind much like you train your body.

Enrich your personal and professional life by making it easier to absorb and retain information. Find out more about mental habits and lifestyle changes that will help you stay on task.

Changing Your Mental Habits:

1. Meditate daily.

Mindfulness meditation is one of the most effective ways to become more focused as you teach yourself to direct your attention to observing your thoughts or another object. Each time your mind strays, you bring your attention back.

2. Limit distractions.

Some studies suggest that it takes almost half an hour for your brain to recover from an interruption.

Try to minimize such events by turning off your phone and letting others know the hours when you need privacy.

3. Avoid multitasking.

Doing one thing at a time is becoming popular again. That’s because multitasking causes stress, impairs memory, and interferes with the quality of your work.

4. Engage fully.

It’s easier to pay attention when you’re enthusiastic about a project.

Whatever you’re doing, strive to be fully present and commit yourself to making a contribution that you can be proud of.

Other Tips:

1. Prioritize sleep.

Fatigue can affect your body the same way that alcohol does. If you want to be able to focus, you’ll need to sleep for 7 to 8 hours each night.

Sticking to a regular schedule and blocking out background noise will help.

2. Exercise regularly.

Working out helps your physical and mental health because it sends more blood and oxygen to your brain. Visit the gym or go for a walk.

3. Drink water.

If you suddenly feel weak and scattered, you may be dehydrated. Drink water throughout the day. Remember that your sense of thirst declines as you age.

Related Reading: Comprehensive Self development online guide

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