All too often, people get that nagging feeling whenever they consider doing something important that they probably won’t succeed. They believe that it’s probably best to just not try in the first place to save themselves from embarrassment, disappointment, or sadness.
However, this nagging feeling is incredibly misguided. It sounds good at first to want to protect yourself from negative feelings like disappointment, but it’s really not quite what it sounds like.
In actuality, all you’re doing is stopping yourself from taking any risk at all that might have a really good outcome, which prevents you from being as successful as you’d like to be.
While it’s natural to be a bit wary when it comes to taking risks, you can’t let that wariness overtake you. Even with significant risks, you have to be able to think about both sides of the spectrum, ranging from being all for it to not doing anything at all.
Neither extreme is necessarily the best course of action, but you still have to be reasonable about it. Instead of talking yourself out of doing something, you need to learn how to take it head on.
It might not always work out. However, that doesn’t mean you didn’t try, and that’s way more important for success than the actual failure or completion.
If you at least attempt something, then you can rest easier knowing how that situation actually worked out.
Otherwise, you might go on for years wondering about what you could’ve done. If you want the best chance possible at becoming successful, you need to get out of that fearful mindset.
You can’t be afraid of failures or obstacles because they do exist, and you’ll most certainly run into them at some point.
The sooner you can get over this idea that one failure means your entire shot at success is over, the sooner you can start actually working towards your goals.
Learn how to silence that critic and replace it with words of encouragement. You will miss out on so many opportunities if you choose to take complete inaction just for the sake of not feeling a little upset for a short period of time.
Those feelings of embarrassment or disappointment are uncomfortable, but they subside a lot quicker than you might think they do.
Once you start learning how to deal with a little bit of failure, you’ll be opening up a lot of doors.
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