Strong Leaders Understand the Concept of Delayed Gratification
Due to a variety of technological advancements in modern society, many people today are used to instant gratification. This means that the moment they want something, they’re used to getting it instead of having to wait or work for it.
Most people are now conditioned to feel as though they have to get something immediately or else they won’t get it at all. Instant gratification is only going to come for smaller, insignificant things.
Being able to message friends back and forth, being able to access the news, and so on are good example. However, for your more significant life goals, the things that matter to you most, you’ll have to begin to grasp delayed gratification.
Practicing delayed gratification means that you’re able to understand that getting the things you want takes a lot of time and hard work. Nothing worth getting can just be gotten immediately.
The really valuable things in life take a lot of effort to attain. There’s plenty of advantages that delayed gratification has over instant gratification. For one, you’ll be a lot more patient in working towards your goals.
Instead of being hasty and trying to hurry things along as quickly as possible, you’ll be more inclined to take your time and make sure you do everything correctly, which can greatly increase your chances of success.
When you rush your success, it’s a lot easier to slip up. Another advantage of delayed gratification is that when you finally do achieve that success, the gratification will be much greater.
While it’s convenient and nice to get something you want quickly, nothing quite matches the feeling you get when something you’ve been working on for so long finally comes to fruition.
The leaders that are able to master this concept are much stronger than others because they’ll be a lot more patient and hard working when it comes to their goals. They’ll be able to take some time with the people following them and make sure that they’re all doing the best possible job instead of a quick job.
Don’t get all worked up if your goals aren’t being met as quickly as you thought they would be. Once you start to get emotional, your work starts to become more sloppy, and it’ll take even longer to achieve your goals. Think rationally about your work and be dedicated to doing the best job possible, even if it takes more time.
The Best Leaders Never Hide from Their Failures
When people are trying to become successful, they have this fear of failure engraved into their minds. The feel as though if they fail, then it’s all over for them, because they weren’t successful then and probably never will be.
To them, any kind of failure, small or large, means the end of the world for them. This is a toxic mindset, and in reality, isn’t how any highly successful people see failure. Anyone who is highly successful will tell you that they have certainly failed before, and they can go into great detail about what they did wrong and why they failed.
They don’t shy away from it at all, but rather they embrace their failures. This is for a number of different reasons, and you can take away details from those reasons to reshape your idea of success and failure.
One of the most prominent reasons that successful people don’t back away from their failures is that they know how to learn from them. If you come up short in something, your response shouldn’t be to just get upset and shy away from it.
Instead, you need to look deeply at why and how you failed if you want a better chance at succeeding in your next attempt. This isn’t to say you have to be proud of your failures, but you shouldn’t be ashamed, either.
Your failure is an exceptional resource that can give you a lot of information about what works and what doesn’t, and by changing things up based on previous failures, you give yourself a much greater chance of success the next time.
Another major reason not to hide from your failures is that conquering them and then succeeding is far more satisfying than just getting lucky the first time around. By stepping out of your comfort zone and confronting something that you already failed at once before, you’re showing that your confidence cannot and will not be waivered.
Whether you failed once or a hundred times, coming back again for another try is difficult. But nobody has ever really made a name for themselves without overcoming a little bit of difficulty.
Learn from your mistakes each time you fail, and you’ll eventually come up with a solution. Whether you’re trying completely different methods or changing up ones that you’ve already tried, you’ll be able to narrow it down to a science and become successful in everything you attempt.
If You’re Disgruntled with Your Situation, Take Control to Change It
Everyone complains. Some people have complained so much and so often that it’s their default setting. Something bad happens and they complain. Something good happens and they complain.
Default complainers often feel that success is for others. What you might not know is that many complaints are based in understandable reasons. Things do go wrong and sometimes through no fault of your own.
But complaints without making an effort to change anything can end up making you stuck in life if that’s all you ever do. Most complaining is based in negativity. You feel disappointed by something.
A situation didn’t work out the way that you’d hoped it would. Or something or someone failed to live up to your expectations. Another type of complaining is the kind that people do because their ordinary world has been disturbed.
They’ve lost electricity during a snowstorm. They’re stuck in line at the grocery store. Someone took a parking space they wanted. One type of complaining is fear-based complaining.
This can happen when you’re in a high stress situation or dealing with something and you’re fearing the potential outcome. This could be based on rumors of job layoffs, a relationship is rocky, or a medical diagnosis isn’t what you’d hoped, to name a few.
Some people complain out of frustration. They’re just not happy with their situation. They think their life could be better. They want better. They crave success and happiness.
They have low self-worth. But all they do is complain about it instead of taking control - and that’s why nothing changes for them. There are some people who aren’t happy with the way that their life is going.
They may engage in something called focused complaining instead of negative complaining. These are complaints with a purpose. They’re designed to solve a problem, to make the person keep trying - or to look inward at what’s going on with their feelings.
They might complain that they’re not happy, but then they stop and ask themselves what they can do about that. Instead of wallowing in a life of unhappiness, instead of giving in to continued low self-worth, they decide that they’re going to take action.
They then begin to take steps to create the life that they want. But creating that life doesn’t happen without the decision to change things. They reach a point where they decide that the life that they have just isn’t working for them anymore.
So they get to work and keep going until change occurs. You can take control of your situation if you’re not happy. Name what it is that you want. This will give you a goal that can lead to you working out a strategy to make that happen. Keep a positive attitude. Negativity is the breeding ground for complaints. Give up excuses for why you’re not happy and just take action to turn things around.
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Workplace Solutions: Motivating Your Workforce and Negotiating for Results>>
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Workplace Solutions: Unlocking Your Potential with Self-Esteem and Positive Communication>>
Workplace Solutions: Win-Win Negotiation for Women - Strategies for Getting What You Want in the Workplace