Make Your Life More Fun With Activity Friends

Activity friends may be the answer if you’re looking for ways to have more fun in life and keep making new buddies as you get older. Making new friends who share your interests has many positive benefits.

Consider these advantages of activity friends and strategies for getting together with them.

Benefits of Activity Friends

1. Lighten up.

Our closest friendships are often based on shared experiences and values.

Activity friends can be a more casual outlet that lets you meet and enjoy the company of new people who share your interests.

2. Expand your circle.

Many people find it more difficult to find new playmates after they finish school and join the working world.

Let your hobbies bring you into contact with others.

3. Feel more connected.

Having a partner or being part of a group turns any ordinary activity into a social event.

See if a neighbor wants to join you on Saturday mornings for garage sale excursions.

4. Manage stress.

Spending time in the company of others and engaging in activities you enjoy are both effective remedies for stress.

Double the benefits by combining the two.

5. Pace yourself.

If you’re feeling lonely, you may inadvertently push people away by seeming anxious or needy.

Switching the focus to an activity gives you a chance to make a better impression and gives everyone more time to get to know each other.

6. Help others.

Lots of people are looking for friendship.

You’re enriching their lives too when you take a risk and reach out.

7. Become more active.

Sedentary lifestyles are contributing to an epidemic of obesity.

Almost anything you do is going to burn more calories than watching TV or surfing the Internet.

8. Add to your accomplishments.

Progress comes with practice.

Teaming up with others will help you stick to your needlework or improve your tennis game.

Strategies for Getting Together

1. Look around you.

Find new friends in the places you already frequent.

Strike up a conversation with someone who attends the same lecture series as you.

2. Search online.

Lots of people find their spouses at dating websites these days.

You can use similar sites and techniques to find people who are looking for platonic chums.

3. Post an ad.

Get proactive and post your own ad starting a book club or wine group.

Check out local websites or go the traditional route with bulletin boards in neighborhood groceries and coffee shops.

4. Ask for introductions.

Let people know you’re eager to meet others.

That co-worker who loves country music may have a brother-in-law who wants to start a chamber music ensemble.

5. Hang out in public.

It’s difficult to meet anyone if you stay at home.

Visit the community pool or volunteer to answer phones during the next fund drive for your local public television station.

6. Practice small talk.

Once you surround yourself with more people, be prepared to chat with them. Ask open ended questions about why other people are attending the same event as you.

Offer a snappy summary of why you came. Ask more experienced people for advice and offer your insights to newcomers.

7. Keep an open mind.

Part of the pleasure of activity friends is the opportunity to meet new types of friends.

Get to know people from different backgrounds and broaden your mind.

Go out and make some new activity friends today. You’ll enjoy your recreation and help spread the happiness around.

Who knows? Your hiking companion or theater date may even become an integral part of your life.

The Top 6 Reasons for Why You Really Chose Your Friends

Your friends either help you move forward or encourage you to stay where you are. They introduce you to learn new things or discourage you from going after your dreams.

They may be more positive or more negative in their approaches to life.

Whatever the case with your friends, know this: they profoundly impact your life in ways you may not even realize.

It might be obvious to you why you have the ones that encourage and support you in your dreams and goals, but how did you end up with the others?

Expand your understanding of why you have the friends you have:

1. Proximity breeds friendships.

It’s true: we tend to become friends with those whom we come into contact with in our immediate environments, like in our neighborhoods, dorms, workplaces, and establishments we frequent in our hometown.

2. We gravitate toward people who dress like us. For example:

• If you look like a hippie from the 1970s, it’s likely that a few of your friends do, too.
• If you tend to look preppy or dress like a jock, your friends probably dress similarly.
• If you’re clean-cut, your friends are likely clean-cut.
• If you’re lackadaisical about your appearance, many of your friends may be too.

3. Commonalities draw us together.

You will often befriend those with whom you have something in common. When you share similar experiences, the connection can be stronger.

• Do you play on a baseball league or hang out at the local bar after work on Friday night?

• If so, you’ll probably end up friends with other baseball players on the league or those who hang out at your favorite Friday night haunt.

• If you’re married, it stands to reason the majority of your friends will also be married.

4. Your stage of life at the time you meet matters.

Where you’re at in life when you meet new people largely determines who you will choose as friends and whether you’ll put in the effort to have a friendship.

• For example, if you’re single and have recently moved to a new community and settled into your first professional job, it makes sense you’ll acquire new single friends who are also in your age group and getting accustomed to the full-time working world.

5. You and a friend might have each gone through emotional traumas.

Interestingly, we tend to be drawn to those who’ve lived similar lives as our own. We feel they understand where we’re coming from and how we view the world.

• To illustrate, perhaps you’re going through a divorce and you join a book club. It’s quite likely you will acquire a fellow book-clubber as a friend who is also experiencing a divorce at the time.

• When you share a common emotional trauma, it can often cause a strong bond of understanding to form between you.

6. Opposites might attract when it comes to friends.

Although this point seems to negate a couple of the other factors, making friends with someone who’s quite different from you in some respect is also likely.

• Consider this example. Let’s say you’re struggling financially and admire a neighbor you recently met who barely makes more than you, yet seems to have it together financially. He always talks about investments and saving for retirement.

• You’re very interested to learn more from this man. Plus, he has a great sense of humor and you both love to golf. So, you make friends with him.

It’s rarely a mystery why we ended up with our friends.

Other than the one or two high school buddies you still keep in touch with, the pattern for making friends in adulthood is pretty standard.

If you think about each of your friends, they’ll likely fit in to one of these categories.

When you understand these reasons, you’re armed to cultivate new and positive, impactful relationships.

You can make conscious choices to find friends who support your goals as you grow and work to live the life of your dreams.

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Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: How To Build Friendships That Last

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