Make Anyone Like You in 60 Seconds or Less

How long does it take to make a first impression? Some scientists say that other people draw conclusions about you in as little as two seconds!

Two seconds might be enough to get an impression, but there’s still more time available to impress the other person.

We’re going to assume that a full 60 seconds is available to you to make a good impression. There are things you can do in 60 seconds to influence others that can’t be accomplished in only two seconds.

Try these techniques:

1. Smile.

You come to a different conclusion when you meet someone that smiles at you versus someone that has a blank expression or appears annoyed.

Smiling shows that you’re not a threat, are in a positive mood, and that you feel at ease. These are all good signs. Smiling feels good, too.

2. Use their name.

Everyone likes to hear their own name in conversation. If someone says, “How are you doing today, Mary?” it feels a lot better than if your name isn’t mentioned.

That doesn’t mean you have to use their name in every other sentence but throwing it out there a time or two will make a big difference.

3. Give them your full attention.

Others are very astute at noticing whether you’re paying attention to them or not. It’s very flattering when someone gives us their full attention.

Really focus intently on the other person and you’ll make a great impression. They won’t forget you anytime soon either.

4. Dress appropriately.

Your appearance matters even if you think it shouldn’t. Dress appropriately for the situation and wear clothes that fit you well.

5. Put your phone away.

Put it in your pocket or purse until you actually need it.

Certainly, avoid having your phone out while speaking to someone.

6. Make eye contact.

Good eye contact shows that you’re attentive and confident. It’s like a smile on steroids.

If you get flustered by making strong eye contact, at least keep your gaze near their eyes.

Avoid looking at the floor or anywhere else away from their face.

7. Be positive. Be upbeat. Be happy.

Give the impression that you love your life and are happy living it.

Act like someone you would want to hang around with. Put your best face on.

8. Show slightly more energy than the person you’re meeting.

Estimate the energy level of the person you’re meeting on a scale of 1-100.

Present yourself at being five points higher than they are.

It’s a real downer to meet someone with half your energy and enthusiasm.

It’s overwhelming to meet someone twice as high on the scale as you are. Come into the conversation just a little higher, and you’ll lift them up to your level. They’ll appreciate it.

First impressions count, especially when it comes to job interviews and dates. Making a good first impression is a skill that anyone can develop.

A little effort and practice can go a long way toward making the most of your professional and social life.

Fortunately, there are plenty of people to practice your skills upon. Use these tips whenever you meet someone new. In fact, these tips will also work on people you know.

Give them a try and notice what happens to your current relationships.

Making Friends Made Easy

Ever walked into a room full of unfamiliar faces and felt a chill of discomfort down your spine?

You can gain the confidence to make a good first impression that leads to lasting relationships, even when you feel intimidated.

Follow these easy tips to make yourself a hit when it comes to breaking the ice:

1. Be confident in yourself.

Know your strengths and try to accentuate them.

* If you feel nervous at first, then pretend you're confident. Move your body as if you're confident. Use your voice as if you're confident, and soon your feelings will follow.

2. Dress to impress.

Dress comfortably in your best outfit to fit the occasion. Your clothing is an expression of who you are.

It's one of the first things people notice, and a wise choice of wardrobe can give you a head start in putting your best foot forward.

* If you're not sure what type of dress is appropriate for the occasion, confide in a trusted friend.

Clothing and appearance can feed your confidence or drain it. Feed your success by presenting yourself in the best light possible with the outfit you choose.

3. Keep a realistic perspective.

Remember that in most social situations, many of the people in the room are just as nervous as you are. Be yourself, take a deep breath, and dive in.

Few, if any, will judge you if you're polite, friendly, and interested in the people around you.

4. Smile.

When you smile, the world really does smile with you. Instead of waiting for a reason to smile, greet each person you meet with a warm handshake and a friendly smile.

You'll almost always get a warm, positive reception when you do. You'll make the other person feel at ease, and you'll begin to relax, too.

5. Make easy conversation.

You can make the task of conversing with a stranger easier with small talk. Seek to find common ground by asking non-threatening questions about the person's background, interests, or family.

You'll quickly find something you both have in common, and the conversation will flow easily from there.

6. Listen.

One of the easiest ways to be considered the life of the party is to listen more than you speak. In conversation, ask questions that cause the person speaking to open up and explain further.

People love to hear themselves talk. Effective listening takes the pressure off of you to come up with things to say in a conversation.

7. Give yourself permission to mess up.

If you put pressure on yourself to handle every situation perfectly, you'll be a nervous wreck. Instead, tell yourself that mistakes are okay.

The more conversations you enter into, the more you'll learn about how to effectively communicate and the more friends you make at the same time.

By following these very simple guidelines, you can become a master of breaking the ice. In social situations, strive to feel calm and relax, which will help you make friends with ease.

The ability to converse easily with strangers and turn them into friends will benefit you in every area of your life, equipping you to seize opportunities that once passed you by.

Did you find this post fun, informative and useful? If so, please share it with others!

If you have a comment, question or suggestion, please leave a comment below!

Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: How To Build Friendships And Maintain Them

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Invest in your Personal Development and Self Growth!
by: Helene

More Resources:

Some of us can overcome issues of how to build self-confidence easier than others, but we can all become more confident by following a plan and focusing on the task at hand.

Online help is available. Start now to find a method to boost your self-confidence that’s right for you.

I have written and published the books below, created specifically to help you develop self confidence and hone your self assertiveness skills and communication.

You can get this book or the whole series, in Kindle digital version or as a paperback posted to you from Amazon.

Just click the covers below to learn more about how incredibly helpful these books can be for your self assertiveness and increased self confidence!

Workplace Solutions: Unlocking Your Potential with Self-Esteem and Positive CommunicationWorkplace Solutions: Unlocking Your Potential with Self-Esteem and Positive Communication

Workplace Solutions: Motivating Your Workforce and Negotiating for ResultsWorkplace Solutions: Motivating Your Workforce and Negotiating for Results$9.04

Workplace Solutions: Win-Win Negotiation for Women - Strategies for Getting What You Want in the WorkplaceWorkplace Solutions: Win-Win Negotiation for Women - Strategies for Getting What You Want in the Workplace$3.59

Workplace Solutions: Exploring Conflict Resolution and Dealing with Difficult PeopleWorkplace Solutions: Exploring Conflict Resolution and Dealing with Difficult People$9.90


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