Important Trends in Self Care

A growing trend - and one that’s here to stay - is the movement toward making self care a priority in one’s life. By practicing it, you can live a healthier, more fulfilled life than people have in the past.

Within the trend, you’ll find a plethora of things that you can do to take care of yourself.
These things include stress management, beauty care, sleep, diet and fitness, longevity and more.

One of the important trends is found in the area of mental self care. With so much going on in the world - from upheaval within your own hometown to upheaval elsewhere in the world as well as online, it’s important that people know how to soothe emotional turmoil or build boundaries that eliminate technology and get you back in touch with a world void of so much “noise.”

Another trend you’ll find is in personal beauty and spa products. Consumers not only care more about what goes into these products, but they want them to enrich their lives and offer soothing and comfort.

Another self care trend emerging is also changing how people get healthcare treatments. The days of having to make an appointment with the family doctor or mental care physician to get a blood pressure check or counseling are long gone.

People are buying health equipment for home use and they’re also using digital face to face phone call options like Dr. on Demand to access a doctor of their choice the minute they need them, rather than putting it off until they can figure out a way to work it into their schedule.

Pharmacies offer everything from a flu shot to a blood pressure check to diabetes testing. At some grocery stores, you can find it easier to get your medication straight to you using the store or pharmacy’s home delivery service.

There are tests that can show if you’re eating nutritionally sound and you can get that tested right at the store or mail in a blood sample instead of the doctor’s office.

Another growing self care trend will be consumers seeking comprehensive do-it-yourself relief for common maladies such as insomnia and pain. People are looking for solutions that pair fast physical relief with overall personal satisfaction.

Make sure, when you’re shopping for a self care solution for your needs, that you look around for the different options and try many to see what works best for you. Sometimes, you may not think something would make a difference, but when you try it, it becomes life changing.

How Many Minutes Do You Need for Self Care?

Self care seems like an impossible idea for many people to even consider. When they add up all the things they have to do at home, plus at work, not to mention scheduling things with family and friends, self care just doesn’t fit into the picture.

Part of the reason it gets tossed out the window is because there’s an all or nothing way of looking at the time you have or the energy that it takes to practice self care. You might assume that it means something like jetting off for an island getaway or relaxing by the pool for an entire afternoon.

When you think about it like that, if you have a packed schedule already, you dismiss the idea of self care needlessly. But the time it takes to make sure you get taken care of doesn’t have to take all day, half a day or even a full hour.

A simple five minute pause to enjoy something funny - to have a good laugh - can work wonders for you mentally and physically. Just taking the time to sit quietly and simply be in the moment can also count as good way to initiate self care.

So if all it takes is five minutes, then why aren’t more people doing it? Because self care is a matter of priorities. Everyone tells themselves that they’re so busy they don’t have time to take a walk, sit by the fireplace, or enjoy a drink with a friend.

They don’t have time to read, to sit on the porch, to laugh, to take a walk - and the list could go on and on. But look at your life. Check out all the things that you did make time for.

That coworker who talked your ear off. The neighbor who stopped to chat as you checked the mail. There are dozens upon dozens of five minute intervals sprinkled throughout your day.

They’re just all consumed by other things or other people and none of that matters more than making sure you get taken care of. Without you taking care of yourself, you end up stressed, overworked, mentally exhausted.

But that short time that you take to recharge yourself can change the course of your day. It can make you feel relaxed. It can ease that tension between your shoulders. It can make you feel happier and even more energetic.

You don’t need a lot of time - but you gain a lot in return. Just choose your priorities and make sure you’re one of them. Learn how to say no or end conversations with attention vampires who leech off of you.

When Self Care Turns Into Sabotage

The concept that you should take care of you and indulge yourself is everywhere, but it’s usually in the form of advertisers advising you to vacation somewhere exotic, buy a new car, a new house, or new clothes - for no other reason than you just deserve it.

But now, pampering your needs has taken a different turn – people are focusing more on their mental and physical needs to promote happiness and calm in their lives as a way of escaping stress.

You’re overworked, underpaid, the house is a mess, the family or romantic relationship is stressing you out and you feel the need to practice a little self care. While there’s nothing wrong with taking care of yourself, it can easily slide into the area of self-sabotage or the development of bad habits that can derail your goals, hurt your health and lead you down a path that you don’t really want to be on.

This can take away what you really want in life and strip you of what you’ve worked to achieve. Many people splurge on themselves every now and then - especially on special days such as birthdays or holidays and there’s nothing wrong with that.

But if you’re not careful, you can let frequent splurges become less about soothing your soul and more about mindless overindulgence. There are ways to examine your life to see if there are signs that maybe you’ve crossed the line from self care to sabotage.

If you do something for yourself, then later wish you hadn’t because now you’re paying the price for it, that’s one symptom. An example of this can be indulging in a binge shopping spree that wrecked your budget to the point that now you’re hurting financially.

Some people refer to this as playing, then paying. If whatever it is you want to do to treat yourself keeps you from reaching personal or professional goals, then it’s sabotage.

Self sabotage can become ritual that you turn to automatically and in the long run, it causes trouble or discouragement. An example of this is feeling upset about something and blowing a day’s worth of calories on a single meal.

You have to take stock of your life and see if what you’re doing is causing you to ignore your goals or suffer setbacks. Look at the self care routine or product you’re about to invest time or money in and see if it’s about to make things better or somehow make them worse. Self care will always help your life for the long-term, while sabotage may only give you a comforting feeling for a short time.

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Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: How to Manage Stress

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