Everyone wants to feel a sense of belonging. Having your people, that group of people that makes you feel loved and respected. Close relationships are one of the most meaningful aspects of happiness, but it’s not always easy to make friends, especially when you feel you aren’t likable.
To form friendships, both parties must have mutual feelings toward each other. So, how do you boost your chances of being likable and making friends?
The idea is not to be fake or put a fake image to make people like you, but it is about improving yourself so you can be a good friend to others.
If you want to know how to make good friends even when you don’t feel likable, continue reading.
Let’s consider some points to help us make good friends:
1. Smile more.
Now, this might seem a bit cliche, but studies show that the number of times you smile during an interaction directly affects how friendly you’re likely to be perceived. So, if you smile, you’re more likely to be smiled at.
* It breaks the ice and makes it easier for people to approach you, and it also makes you seem interested and engaged in the conversation or whatever the scenario may be.
2. Be open and friendly.
How you respond or your demeanor toward people says a lot about you. When having conversations, be interested, lean toward people, respond with a nod, and face the other person you are talking to.
* When you seem distracted or engaged with something else as the other person talks, you send a wrong signal, and you are likely to give the vibe that you are not interested or that you think the person is boring. And that may cause you to lose a potential friend.
3. Be the friend you want.
Most times, we are out there looking for qualities in friends we want, but are we the friends we want? We need to be a representation of what we want to see in others.
* Be nice to people, and show personal interest in who they are, what they do, and what they like. Be compassionate toward others, show concern, and have a listening ear.
* You do not have to know someone for a long time to show interest, and caring about someone can go a long way to build friendships that last.
4. Have good vibes and a sense of humor.
Everyone enjoys being around people with good energy and a sense of humor. People like this make it easy for others to be themselves. The vibes or energy you give off can influence the surrounding people.
* Thus, people prefer to be around those who give good vibes. You don’t have to be happy all the time, but having a good sense of humor and having a good spirit can help people open up and feel more friendly.
5. Be supportive.
Being supportive is so underrated today, but it’s such a friendly gesture even if you just met someone.
* When someone tells you about an achievement, offer sincere congratulations. If someone tells you about something upsetting to them, offer your heartfelt sympathy.
* Be genuinely happy for people and show support, even for the smallest things. Everyone likes a supportive friend.
And remember, it is important be yourself. Let people get to know you for who you are. There may be room for improvement, but you still have to be comfortable being you.
Be open and approachable and make it easy for people to communicate with you. Most of all, be the friend you want to see.
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