How to Expand Your Comfort Zone

The more confining your comfort zone, the less you can accomplish. You’re more limited than you need to be.

By expanding your comfort zone, you can increase your successes significantly. You’ll have more options and enjoy life to a greater extent.

Your resistance to stress is increased. You can experience a greater level of comfort while accomplishing more.

Expand your comfort zone and watch your results skyrocket with these techniques:

1. Identify the ways that your comfort zone is limiting your progress.

What does it stop you from doing? How does that harm you?

◦ For example, are you uncomfortable with meeting strangers? This limit can narrow your employment opportunities. It can prevent social opportunities. It can make group activities uncomfortable.

◦ On the other hand, maybe you’re afraid of heights, but you live in a small town in Nebraska and your fear of heights has zero impact on your life. This an example of a limited comfort zone that isn’t limiting your progress. Why bother to change this if it doesn’t really affect you?

2. Shake up your routine.

Create a simple change in your life. Take a new route to work. Try a new restaurant for lunch. Change your dress style. Watch a new TV show.

3. Engage in activities that are good for you, but slightly uncomfortable.

Join a yoga class. Take a public speaking course. You can kill two birds with one stone by increasing your comfort zone and improving yourself in some way. What would be good for you that also makes you uncomfortable?

4. Use the five-second rule.

You probably have a lot of great ideas, like walking over and saying “Hi” to an attractive stranger. But, you talk yourself out of this type of thing every time.

◦ The key is to take action before you can start rationalizing with yourself. Act on your positive impulses before you can chicken out.

5. Go on a lot of dates.

What’s more uncomfortable than a first date? A lot of first dates. Join a night of speed dating. Join an online dating site and make several coffee dates over the next month.

You’ll get plenty of practice dealing with the discomfort. Plus, you might even find your soulmate in the process!

◦ If you’re already spoken for, talk to strangers wherever you go. Strike up a conversation and see how long you can keep it going.

6. Go someplace alone.

Go to a restaurant you love and get a table for one. Take yourself to the movies. Visit a local park and soak up some nature - alone. Learn to feel comfortable out in public by yourself.

7. Meditate.

Meditation shows you how crazy and undisciplined your mind is. It also gives you a more realistic perspective of life. It’s also boring and hard to do at first.

◦ Meditating creates discomfort that you can easily learn to overcome with practice. Then, you’ll be glad you learned when it starts helping you get the most out of life.

8. Read something that makes you uncomfortable or bored.

Read a book or watch a movie that makes you uncomfortable. It might be a horror novel or a non-fictional work that talks about things that normally make you shudder (like spiders). Expose yourself to it and learn to relax through it.

Everyone has a comfort zone. The most successful people have a greater zone of comfort. This is part of what made them successful.

You can expand your comfort zone a little each day. As your comfort zone increases, so will your self-esteem and success. Those with large comfort zones can be more, do more, and experience more.

What Will You Do If You’ve Been Ghosted?

Do you wonder if your last date was a magician because they disappeared into thin air? As more singles look for potential partners online, the risk of being ghosted increases.

Ghosting has become the term for describing a certain kind of dating behavior. It usually happens when you go out on a few dates that seem promising.

Then, your new love interest stops returning your calls. They may even block you from their social media sites or erase the account where you met them.

Your date may be inconsiderate, or they may lack communication skills. Either way, it’s natural for you to feel upset or angry. Learn how to deal with ghosting while you’re looking for a healthy, loving relationship.

How to Cope with Being Ghosted:

1. Clarify the situation. If you’ve been living with someone for a year and want to cut ties, you probably owe them an explanation. If you had coffee a couple of times, there’s no relationship to break up. In between, there are grey areas where reasonable singles disagree about what’s required.

2. Lighten up. Even if you’ve been dumped, it’s rarely a reflection on you. As long as you treat others with compassion and courtesy, you can be sure you’re a great date.

3. Acknowledge your feelings. Your emotions may be intense regardless of how brief the relationship was. Give yourself time to recover from any doubts or regrets.

4. Seek support. Talking with family and friends will help you to heal. Let your loved ones know what you’re going through and how they can comfort you.

5. Stay busy. Are you frequently replaying recent events in your head, wondering what you did wrong or trying to spot warning signals that you missed? You’re unlikely to reach any certainty, so fill your time with more enriching activities like hobbies and physical exercise.

6. Build your self-worth. Ghosting can take a toll on your self-esteem. Boost your confidence by reflecting on your achievements and setting new goals.

7. Assert yourself. If you feel like it would give you some satisfaction, you may want to speak directly with the person who ghosted you to let them know how their behavior affected you. You could also write a letter to read to yourself if you can’t reach them.

8. Move on. Ultimately, the most important thing is to learn from the experience so you can look for a happier and healthier relationship. Figure out what you want in a potential partner and return to dating when you’re ready to try again.

How to Reduce Your Risk of Being Ghosted:

1. Pace yourself. How well did you really know your last date? It’s easy to feel close to someone when you’re caught up in romantic fantasies or enjoying an infatuation. On the other hand, your relationships will be more stable if you take things gradually.

2. Observe closely. If you’re paying attention, you may notice signs that your date could be unreliable. Do they sound bitter when they’re describing past relationships? Are they reluctant to share personal information? How do they interact with others in your presence?

3. Be direct. There’s no guarantee against ghosting, but skillful communication helps. Let your date know what you expect in a friendly and nonjudgmental way. They may feel more comfortable being honest with you too.

4. Set an example. When it’s your turn to initiate a break up, be gracious about it. You may help others to see that there are kinder alternatives to ghosting.

Remember that ghosting says more about your date than it does about you. Take care of yourself and stay positive, so you’ll be ready to find love with a partner who values and respects you.

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