Essential Components of Personal Transformation

Maybe you're sick of your life, your waistline, or the person you've become. You're more flexible than you think!

You can become just about anything or anyone you like. Whether you want to get fit, build wealth, or revamp your social life, you can do it!

It's far from easy, but where there's a will, there's a way.

These strategies can help you become the person you've always wanted to be:

1. Identify your core values.

You won't be happy if you create a big change that puts you in conflict with your values.

Most people have never really taken the time to identify their values. Take a day to consider the values that are most important to you. Write them down.

2. Create a vision of the future.

Think about the end result of the transformation you want to make. If you want to lose weight and become fit, think about how you would look and feel.

Maybe you're more interested in becoming wealthy. What would that look like? What kind of house would you own? How would you spend your day?

Is your transformation reasonable for you? For example, you might not be able to make a trillion dollars, but you could still build great wealth.

3. Determine why.

Why do you want to make this change? Create a long list of reasons why you want to transform. Get excited.

4. Identify the qualities and skills you'll need to develop.

If you want to transform your body, you might need to learn more about exercise physiology, nutrition, and develop some discipline.

Consider what it will take to accomplish your transformation.

5. Identify the resources you'll require.

Do you need a personal trainer, gym membership, and a blender?

Maybe you need money and a mentor for your transformation. Figure out the resources you'll need.

6. Make a plan.

Start at the end and keep working backwards until you reach a step that you can do today. Avoid worrying about the details of step 11.

You can worry about that when you're finishing up step 10. You don't need to see 10 miles down the road to back out of your driveway.

7. Audit your plan.

Imagine following your plan and note how you feel at each step. You're bound to feel some emotional resistance at one or more points.

If you didn't, you would have made the transformation long ago.

It's important to address each of the issues that creates emotional discomfort. You're likely to quit if you don't.

Either come up with a plan to work around those issues or just relax and let the negative feelings go.

You'll know you're in a good place when you find yourself chomping at the bit to get started. Procrastination is a sign that something is awry.

8. Don't quit!

This is the most challenging part for most people. You fail if you quit. You can't fail if you don't.

Keep on going no matter how bleak things seem. You can always do better tomorrow than you did today.

A little bit of progress each day or week is all you need.

You can transform yourself starting today. Build a vision and create a plan.

Stay the course until you're satisfied with the changes you've made.

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Break Through Your Limits and Attain Greater Success

Along any self-development journey, it eventually becomes obvious that the biggest enemy you have is yourself.

Between your limiting beliefs and negative habits, there really isn't anyone in your way besides yourself.

We often ask too little of ourselves and doubt our ability to succeed in the future based on our previous struggles.

These techniques will help you break through your limits:

1. Decide what you will no longer tolerate from yourself.

You put up with a lot from yourself. The late-night snacking, procrastination, and making excuses for not making it to the gym regularly may be common scenarios in your life.

When you accept poor behavior from yourself, you'll get poor results.

Make a list of all the things you will no longer do or accept. If you want to rise to a new level in any endeavor, it's important to eliminate attitudes and behaviors that get in the way.

2. Define your goals.

Make your goals bigger and better and stick with them. Think about the worst parts of your life and start there.

It's the lowest-rated parts of your life that create your limits and stifle your happiness.

Raise your standards. Most people set goals that are too small.

Set bigger goals and then figure out how to attain them quicker. With a good enough plan and hard work, you can accomplish a lot quickly.

3. Define the five most important behaviors for your future.

What are five things you can do each day that will transform your life? Look to your goals for guidance.

A few examples:

* Cold call or email at least 10 potential clients each day.

* Eat less than 2500 calories.

* Perform 50 pushups.

* Talk to one new person that could either be a potential friend or lover.

* Spend at least 30 minutes practicing the piano

* The things you do each day matter. If you look at your average current day, it's easy to see why your life is exactly as it is.

What can you do each day that will guarantee that next year will be amazing?

4. Find a quality mentor.

Good mentors can be hard to find, but it's one of the best ways to rise above yourself.

* You think you know your weak spots, but you only see some of them. Your ego is hiding them from you.

* There may also be a few things you think you're good at but aren't.

* A mentor will be able to see the truth.

5. Evaluate each day in writing.

At the end of the day, make a list of the things you did right and those things you did wrong.

Promise yourself to do fewer of the wrong things and more of the good things going forward.

6. Learn.

Determine the three things you need to learn this year to have a great year.

Where are you lacking? What skills do you want to develop or strengthen?

You should always be learning something, but ensure you're learning what will matter the most.

7. Enhance your ability to focus.

If you can't focus, you can't accomplish much of anything.

Try using a timer, learn to meditate, make lists, or try another method. The ability to focus comes with practice.

You know you can do better than you have been. We'd like to think there's a secret to succeeding - a quick trick that will suddenly make our dreams come true. But the truth is uglier.

It's necessary to dig into your weaknesses and get to work on yourself.

Raise your expectations and personal standards. Evaluate yourself daily and find a mentor for help.

You are your greatest enemy. Break through your self-imposed limits and success will be yours!

 Cheers, Helene Malmsio

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