Enhance Your Relationships by Giving Friends What They Really Need

Even when you love your friends, it's sometimes difficult to know what they really need and how to give it to them. Your car and dishwasher come with manuals, but relationships can be more of a mystery.

Consider these steps to use yourself and with your pals to provide the encouragement and validation we all search for.

Steps to Take on Your Own

1. Take risks.

Friendships offer tremendous opportunities to achieve personal growth and experience more joy.

It's easier to take a chance on feeling a little uncertain or awkward when you realize all you have to gain by being willing to share your thoughts and emotions.

2. Open up.

Speaking of risks, disclosure is fundamental to any friendship. As you reveal more private information to a friend, your connection deepens.

They can reciprocate and savor the gratification of feeling understood.

3. Show initiative.

Maybe you've fallen out of touch with people just because neither of you got around to scheduling a lunch date or a morning run together. Brighten up someone's day with an unexpected invitation.

4. Learn new things. Our relationships introduce us to new activities and knowledge.

Forward an article about an upcoming meteor shower to a neighbor who told you they bought a telescope.

They'll be pleased by your interest and you'll learn more of what interests them.

5. Call in an expert.

There are times when the wisest thing you can do is refer someone to a qualified professional.

Whether the issue is depression or diabetes, let your loved ones know that help is available.

6. Cultivate your sense of humor.

Laughter makes everything better!

Sing off key or go shopping for the most garish sunglasses you can find.

Steps to Take With Your Friends

1. Listen closely.

Let your friends know they're being heard. Give them your full attention.

Try to see things from their point of view even when your opinions are different.

2. Ask questions.

Become skillful at posing open-ended questions to your friends that provoke thoughtful conversation and generate useful information.

Your friends may discover their own solutions as they reflect on the root causes of their dilemmas.

3. Spend time together.

Friendships take work. Put aside time for regular interaction. Be patient when circumstances call for extra attention.

4. Keep in touch over long distances.

Technology makes it easier to stay connected regardless of where we live.

Video conference calls and cheap plane tickets can help you stay up to date with your old college roommate so you keep a strong connection.

5. Follow through.

It's easy to start taking others for granted when you know them well.

Treat your appointments with your friends as conscientiously as any other meeting. Let them know you value their time and their company.

6. Manage changes graciously.

Friendships ebb and flow. In the long run it may be kinder to be direct and tactful about why you have less time to socialize now that you're a new parent rather than leaving people guessing.

7. Apologize promptly.

When you're close to someone, you react more strongly to their moods and actions.

Make amends when you get on each other's nerves. A sincere apology will put your communications back on track.

8. Share good times.

Friendships flourish when we take part in each other's sorrows and celebrations.

Reach out to your companions when they're going through a rough time. Be ready to rejoice when they're feeling better.

Practical help is nice, but care and understanding cement our friendships.

Give of yourself to your friends. You'll find that you receive more happiness in return.

6 Actions You Can Take to Guarantee Lasting Friendships

Friendships are one of the most important relationships in our lives. They can provide us with support, laughter, and love - but only if they last.

Sometimes people drift apart or fall out of touch. If you want to guarantee that your friendships will last, you need to take action!

Benefits of Healthy Friendships

Let’s take a look at some benefits of healthy friendships:

● You can rely on each other.

● You can be yourself.

● You have someone to talk to.

● You boost your mental health.

● According to the Mayo Clinic, wonderful friendships improve your overall well-being, reduce stress, and stimulate your brain.

Who wouldn’t want all these things? But what can you do to build such friendships?

Positive Actions You Can Take

Here are six actions you can take to ensure that your friendships stay strong for years:

1. Communicate openly and honestly.

Be open about your thoughts and feelings and share both the good and the bad. This also means being honest with your friends, even if it’s difficult.

● Let’s look at five ways to improve communication in friendships: First, make time to talk to your friends regularly.

Next, be a good listener to your friend. Third, ask questions when necessary. Also, avoid gossiping. Last, resolve conflict in a healthy way.

● Only by communicating openly can you build the trust and understanding necessary for a lasting friendship.

2. Avoid taking your friends for granted.

Show up for them when they need you and make time to spend together - even when life gets busy.

● It’s easy to take your friends for granted, but if you want them to stick around forever, show them you care!

3. Respect their opinions.

You won’t always agree with your friends. However, it’s important to respect their opinions.

You don’t have to change your own opinion but listen to what they have to say and try to see things from their perspective.

● Consider some benefits of respecting your friend’s opinions: First, they are more likely to respect your opinions in return.

Next, you can learn from each other. Third, it builds trust and understanding.

4. Support your friends.

Offer support and encouragement, even when things are tough.

Be supportive, offer advice (if asked), encourage them, and be there for them.

5. Refuse to gossip or backbite.

Avoid gossip and backbiting about your friends.

This will only damage your friendship and make it difficult to trust each other.

6. Build stronger bonds with shared hobbies.

Try new hobbies together, such as taking a dance class, joining a book club, starting a gardening club, going hiking together, taking cooking classes, or taking art classes.

● Consider the benefits of trying new hobbies with your friends: First, you can bond over new experiences. Second, you can learn more about each other. Third, it’s a great way to spend time together. Last, you might discover a new passion!

If you want to guarantee that your friendships last forever, follow these simple tips!

By communicating openly, making time for each other, respecting each other’s opinions, supporting each other, and avoiding gossip, you can build friendships that will stand the test of time!

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Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: How To Build Friendships That Last

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