Don’t Trade Your Time Trap at Work for One at Home
Some people think being at home automatically equals rest and relaxation. But if you’re not careful, it can become a drain on you just as work is.
Making time for your own needs is the most important thing for your mental health, because you need to take time to relieve all of the stress that work brings you in order to reset your mindset before you go back to work.
This will make you feel much less drained when you return, making you more productive. Don’t spend your free time meeting everyone else’s demands and never meeting your own needs.
For example, if your friends keep pressuring you to go out with them, but you would much rather stay home and relax, do what you want instead of what they want.
Always doing what other people expect of you will make you feel like you’re being walked all over.
Taking time for yourself is just as important as taking time for others.
While doing chores is extremely important to living in a stress-free environment, make sure that your free time isn’t being overloaded with cleaning.
Only spend a small amount of time doing chores, and make sure you organize your cleaning schedule into a manageable amount that will leave you free time and also allow you to complete what you need to feel stress-free in your home.
Spending too much time cleaning will only stress you out more and make you feel like you never have any free time because you’re never doing things that you want, but instead you’re doing chores.
Making time to meet your own wants and needs during your free time is what you should be doing to maintain a healthy mindset.
Make sure you’re prioritizing both your mental and physical health by taking time to work out, doing some self-care type of activities such as going to the spa or doing a face mask, and whatever else makes you happy.
Even if you have to sacrifice going out with friends, you can explain to them that you feel like you need some time alone to reset from work.
Relieving stress from work at home is important to making sure that your mental health doesn’t suffer.
However, if you don’t spend time doing the things you want, you’ll only end up feeling more drained as if you’re missing out on free time.
Make sure you prioritize your own wants and needs over everyone else's when it comes to maintaining a stable mentality.
Living in an Unorganized Home Can Wreak Havoc on Your Life
When you’re working eight hours a day, you can sometimes feel like you have no time to clean your home because it’s a time consuming task.
However, coming home and trying to work or relax in a messy environment will only stress you out more.
You need to keep your living space somewhat tidy so that you can come home to a nice and relaxing area. Start by organizing your workspace, whether it’s at home or in an office.
Organizing your workspace in an office will relieve stress at work by knowing where everything is.
If you work at home, make sure you’re not working in one of the most used rooms in your house, like your living room.
If you don’t have a home office, try to have a space that’s designated to work only, like a desk in your room.
Keep your bedroom clean to make sure that when you go in there, you can be as relaxed as possible.
Your bedroom should be your space where you can relax, not a place where you can’t find anything or a place where you have to navigate your way around without tripping on anything because your floor is so messy.
This means you should keep your closet tidy, too. Whether you’re storing items in there or just using it for clothing, you need to make sure that you can reduce stress by not having to rummage through the mess in order to find something.
Your kitchen is one of the places you go to take time away from work.
If you have a pile of dishes that need to be done, you’re going to be focused on getting that done on top of other chores, which will only stress you out more.
Try using a method that involves washing your dish each time you bring it to the sink, in order to reduce the mess.
Keep your fridge and freezer organized as well, so you won’t have to get frazzled by searching through tons of food.
Do this by throwing away items you and your family don’t use anymore, or items that may be expired. Keep your bathroom tidy so that you can focus on self-care and hygiene.
Your bathroom is where you often do things like apply face masks, makeup, and hair styling.
Taking a relaxing bath is also a common stress reliever, and trying to bathe in a dirty or cluttered environment is anything but relaxing.
Make sure your counter is clean as well, to keep all of your products from getting mixed up.
Have designated areas for certain things, like a place for makeup or self-care items, a place for hair styling products, and a place for hygienic items like your toothbrush and toothpaste.
Your home should be a place where you get rid of all your stress and worries from work. Waking up and coming home to an unorganized place will only stress you out more.
Make sure you keep everything in an area where you can find it, so that leaving from and coming back to your home never leaves you frazzled and upset.
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Cheers, Helene Malmsio
Related Reading:
Work From Home GuideWin at Home First
It’s natural to want to be a success in your career. Many people have the drive to succeed. But in the course of chasing the career, a part of your life can suffer.
You can give so much of yourself to your work that you have little left over for your loved ones or even your own personal needs.
When that happens, things can get worse for you at home. Your relationships will get rocky and maybe splinter.
Your children won’t get their emotional needs met and you’ll spend your days feeling frustrated like something is missing.
In the book,
Win at Home First, the author tells you exactly how you can have the life you want without sacrificing what’s important to you.
No matter how hectic or busy your life is, you do not have to choose work over your home life or vice versa.
You can have both. The book is divided into four parts that deal with work, yourself, marriage and parenting.
In the section on yourself, you’ll begin to learn who you truly are.
You’ll also discover what it is that you want in life. It might be different than what you think.
Using the values taught in this part of the book, you’ll be able to prioritize your life so that nothing important withers from lack of attention and focus.
In the teachings about learning who you are, the author suggests that readers listen to what God is saying about their life.
This can lead to a direction or future far greater than you believed.
Schedules are covered in this section and you’ll learn why it’s important that you’re the one in charge of your time.
Personal setbacks happen to everyone and they can either worsen or improve one’s life.
The author shares how readers can deal with setbacks so that they don’t remain off course.
Temptation comes to everyone in life but understanding what this is and how to handle it can prevent these temptations from ruining the life that you want.
In this part of the book, you’ll learn why it’s problematic to compare your life to someone else’s.
The book shows readers how they can improve their marriage. The section that explains this talks about becoming someone who looks to give rather than to get.
By discovering how to reach a work/life balance, this can improve the intimacy and emotional health of your marriage.
Parenting is another part the author delves into. This section shows parents how they can help their children to flourish and give them the tools to be happy and successful.
The last part of the book focuses on work. You’ll learn what your purpose is and how to be productive at what you do.
The lessons shared will show you how you can be the right kind of leader and motivate others.

Win at Home First How did you like this post? If you found this article helpful to you, you may want to share it with others by clicking the social networking buttons – Thank You!
Cheers, Helene Malmsio
Related Reading:
Work From Home Guide