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Inspiring Power Quotes
Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
Self Help Report: "Finding Your True Passion in Life"
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Healthy Power Tip
Your Free PLR Article: "Lazertag System 2PK"
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Have a Laugh!
Daily Self Reflection
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Inspiring Power Quotes:
"For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?"
- Jimmy Dean
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambition. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
- Mark Twain
"Every great man, every successful man, no matter what the field of endeavor, has known the magic that lies in these words: Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit."
- W. Clement Stone
"Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration."
- Thomas Edison
Get your daily inspiration here: September success tips and daily motivating Quote
Learn more of our how to do it tips for motivating yourself every day by using free daily motivation and also get inspirational quotes.
Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
There is a lot of debating about making your passion your livelihood. The thought is often that you will stop enjoying your passion when it becomes a job, and there is certainly an aspect of that but I would say its a lot harder if you are in a job or business that you are absolutely not passionate about.
It is the passion for what you do that gets you to work every day, so you had better have some degree of love for what you do, if you want to be happy every day of your working life!
Maybe this self help report will help you see where you stand in regard to creating a pleasurable as well as profitable livelihood
O.K. Lets begin with this edition's Power Tips report for you... ENJOY!
"Finding Your True Passion in Life"

So many people set out on a course in life only to discover down the road that they’re not passionate about what they’re doing. They’re working, they have a great job and from the outside looking in, it appears that they’ve got it made.
But you know within yourself that something’s wrong. You’re not happy. Going to work every day feels like a drag.
You can’t wait to get off for the day and you just dread the thought of going back the next day.
Identify What You Dislike About Your Career Right Now
There’s a myth that the course that you set out on in life is your forever path. People change. What you thought was going to be a sure thing back when you were in high school can seem different because you’re different.
You’ve grown and matured. Maybe you see things that you don’t like about your career. Or maybe you don’t like the job as a whole. Many people end up trudging to work every day stuck in a
career that they can’t stand.
This is something that happen easily. You end up in a job that doesn’t suit you, and that you’re not passionate about because you got steered that way in high school or college.
Maybe you showed great strength in math and now you’re in a career that’s math based. You don’t like it because - while you’re good at it - it wasn’t your heart’s desire.
Sometimes people can steer you in a certain direction. They really do mean well and they think that they’re trying to help. But when you’re in high school or in college, you’re young and your mindset, beliefs and strengths can and do change.
What you do with your life should reflect what you love, not what you’re good at or what someone else thinks you’d be good at.
Most high school and college students get options present to them, but what they don’t realize is that these options are often in the same box that everyone else is fitting
Be a doctor. Be a lawyer. Become a teacher, an engineer, a nurse, a pharmacist or lab tech. These are standard or tried and true career options.
Unfortunately, many high school students, college students and even those who are older were never given the option to become an entrepreneur.
One reason for that is because you don’t find a whole lot of entrepreneurs as high school guidance counselors who often steer students. College professors aren’t usually entrepreneurs, either.
So the opportunity to do something else, which is outside the norm, isn’t presented. Someone might feel the desire to do or be something else - but they just don’t know that it’s possible.
Analyze your career and find out why it’s not delivering any personal satisfaction. Maybe you just don’t like the tasks involved. You couldn’t care less about what you do.
Or maybe your coworkers have the personality of a rock, or
they’re jerks and you wish you could work solo.
You might not like the mission statement of the company you work for or maybe you’re stuck in city and state that you don’t like and wish you could travel and work from a laptop.
Just remember that if you’re not happy in your job right now, that life is too short to keep putting up with it. You can make changes that will give you personal satisfaction.
Research Careers That Provide the Personal Satisfaction You Crave
When you decide to make a change, it can suddenly feel like the entire world opens up to you. It might even feel overwhelming when you’re faced with so many choices.
Maybe you’ve chased a career for the money and you’ve discovered that it hasn’t made you happy and you’re not passionate about it. It could be that you want to stop chasing money and go to work at a non profit.
Or maybe you have a desire to be your own boss. You
like the idea of answering to yourself. You want to indulge what you’re passionate about because you feel like it can make a difference in your life and in the world.
If you’re in a career that maybe you like, but you don’t particularly like your department or job title, you may find your passion within the same company but a different department.
Then again, there might be a company that’s in the same career field as the one that you’re with now that’s offering you more freedom to do what you’d be passionate about.
Sometimes people enjoy their career, but they know they want to move up the ladder. You can make changes happen in your life so that you do exactly that. Maybe you like what you do but you can’t stand living where you do.
That can make you feel stuck in life and it could be that if you’re in a job that’s in a place where you’re unhappy, it’s time to make that break.
So often people will stay
stuck in a career that doesn’t make them happy and they’re not fulfilling what they believe is their purpose - but they remain because they just don’t realize what’s out there for them.
You can research careers and find your true passion. It’s imperative that you be honest with yourself first. Take a look at what you’re talented at and see if it’s something that you really like to use.
For example, if you have a talent for drawing, ask yourself if you’d like doing things related to art or graphics. Pay attention to the things that you love to do now.
Ask if you could make money doing that. Pay attention to what you invest your time and money in. Those are good clues that you’re passionate about something.
Look back at your childhood or high school dreams to see if something that you really wanted to do was replaced by “being practical.”
Check out seminars, webinars, online sites, go to meetings, talk to
others who are doing what interests you and read books in the fields that interest you.
Research careers based on what your passion is. For example, if you’re creative, look up careers for creative people. If you’re someone who’s passionate about the outdoors, search for careers for outdoorsmen or women.
When you figure out what it is that you love or makes you happy, then look for careers that can be built from that love or passion. Don’t forget that you can also carve your ow path in a niche as an online entrepreneur.
Can You Turn a Hobby Into a Career?
You might be someone who has a hobby that you love, but you’ve always kind of kept it on the side while you worked at your job.
You love the hobby and you’re passionate about it - but you’re not sure that you could turn it into a career.
Everyone has something that they love doing and they’re good at, but they just never thought about
turning their hobby into something that could make money for them.
Anything that you love doing can be turned into a career - even ones that surprise you. If you love sports, you can build a career out of that.
If you love surfing, you can start a business teaching others how to do that.
Maybe you love to golf and you’re good at it. You can make money teaching others. Or open a golf related business online with digital courses and tangible product promotions.
You can turn a photography hobby into a career taking professional photographs or as a freelancing selling to travel magazines. If writing is a hobby of yours, you can write for blogs, write fiction or nonfiction.
You can write for children or adults. You can write for TV or write movies. You can write plays or write for magazines, both online and off.
If you love flower gardening or landscaping, you can turn your hobby into a business creating
gardens and designing yard layouts for other people.
For those who have a music hobby, such as playing the guitar, you can teach other people how to play or you can create guidebooks others can buy that can help them learn.
Maybe something like working out and keeping fit is your hobby. You can turn that into a career, too - by becoming a personal fitness coach.
Whatever your hobby is, if you’re passionate about it, you can turn it into an online niche blog and become a leader in that area.
You can make it a career by teaching other people how to do what it is that you do.
You can share your knowledge. If you know how to garden, you can create a website with tutorials teaching others.
You can create videos or guides to gardening. You can share with others the items and the tools that you’ve used that have helped you or ones you’ve created yourself.
You can recommend other products that are
associated with the hobby you love and turn that into a career.
Report continued below...
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"Finding Your True Passion in Life" Report continued...
You Don't Have to Rely on Your Natural Talents for Success
Some people stay stuck in a career that they don’t really enjoy because they feel like they don’t have the talent to make a change.
It could be that there’s a job they’d really love to do and it’s something that they have a passion for, but they don’t attempt it because they feel like they’re lacking in talent.
Fear of not being enough to make a change keeps many people trapped in a life on the short side of happiness. Not feeling qualified to do whatever it is that you really want to do is a common belief.
Sometimes people think that they have the talent, but they’re not truly prepared so they don’t make any changes at all. Instead, they stay where they are and they daydream.
They think about what it would be like if things were different. If that sounds like you, then you should know that you don’t have to rely on your natural talents to
find the success that you want.
While it’s true that natural talent can help pave the way in certain areas of life, it’s not a deal breaker if you don’t have it.
Look at whatever it is that you want to do in life as a task and break that task down into manageable goals or steps that will lead you to becoming qualified, skilled or prepared.
Natural talent is something you’re born with, but every success in life is found by honing that talent.
There are many different ways that you can help yourself reach the point where you feel that are you ready for success and that you’re ready to find what your passion is in life.
You can take classes that are associated with whatever it is that you’d like to do. For example, you might love flowers, but not have a natural knack for arranging them.
You’d like to start a flower shop or break into business creating the flowers for weddings. By taking classes
and growing in knowledge, you can gain what you need to make your passion become a reality.
You can also find others who have walked the road that you’re on and have them act as your guide. You can learn one on one. Or you can take online classes or seminars.
You can easily find out what it is that you need to know so that you’re qualified and you’re ready to take the next steps to create the beautiful, passionate life that’s waiting for you to be ready.
When you invest in the knowledge that you need, you can educate yourself on whatever you’re passionate about or whatever your hobby is and you can succeed with it based on your efforts to master it.
Battle the Backlash That Change Brings About
There’s no doubt that going after your passion means you’re going to bring change to your life. That change will always ripple over into the lives of other people that you know.
It can
affect your life partner, your spouse, your mom and dad, work colleagues, close friends and so on. Change is scary and that’s a given.
When you decide to make a change in your life, it means that things aren’t going to be the same.
You’re not going to be the same. It means that you’re going to take steps to change the status quo. It could be that what you’re doing will upset things financially at first.
Maybe the budget will get a little tighter. You’re prepared to make that sacrifice because you believe in what it is you’re going to do. But others may not jump on board because money equals safety.
If you have a good job that pays well and you want to leave that behind to chase a passion, others will express to you their strong opinions about it.
They’ll question your decision and you might hear a lot of negative talk about it.
It could be because the people who love you are worried. They’re
worried about you. They’re afraid of how you’ll take it if you fail because they can’t see the dream the way that you can.
They’re worried about how they’ll make it if you fail, especially if you’re the breadwinner in the situation. Finding your true passion in life means breaking away from the normal and that scares people.
It makes them not only worry, but envy you as well. They wish that they had the guts to step forward and make a change. Before you move forward and as you’re on the journey, you may get nagged about it.
You may hear almost every downside under the sun. Expect it to happen. But don’t let the backlash keep you from moving forward.
Let others know that you believe in what you’re doing and that for you, what you’re doing is the best possible thing for your life.
Handle it by talking to the person who’s not supporting you. Ask them why they’re saying that and what they’re worried about.
Talk to them, but stand firm in your desire to make the change you want.
Be prepared with proof that what you’re doing is the right thing. Sometimes, by showing that you’ve done your homework, you can ease the fear that family and loved ones are experiencing.
You might have to let what’s being said go in one ear and out the other if you know the person talking is simply jealous.
If it’s a constant backlash that’s eroding your confidence in making the change, you might have to put some space between you and them until you feel grounded because nothing and no one should stand in your way when it comes to pursuing your true passion.
I hope you enjoyed this self help report and will put the information to good use!
You can learn more here about how to set goals you are passionate about, to craft the life and career of your dreams. There is a ton of useful resources and training guides online at my website including learning how to craft your own self development plan to help guide your career and life, so please visit and have a jolly good look around at all the content subjects. You will learn a lot at my self help supermart - and its all free.
And please, as I keep asking, do let me know what your most desired self help topics are, and I'll try my best to publish exactly what you are looking for
Get Motivated!
Here's a Free Motivational Social Media Graphic For You To Enjoy and Share!
All you need to do is to right click on the image and select "Save image As" to download it to your computer.
Feel free to download and share the social media image below with your friends and family - ENJOY!

Healthy Power Tip:
More Sleep Aids
Need a better sleep? Remove the TV and digital devices. Use your room for sleep and sex only.
Naps can ruin your sleep schedule, so don’t make them a habit, or getting a good night’s rest can become difficult.
Not getting enough sleep can affect your immunity and make you susceptible to illness, so get enough!
Not getting enough sleep is not only bad for your health, but it can be dangerous too. It leads to poor decision making that can lead to accidents and other harmful incidents.
Studies show that people regularly getting less than 6 hours of sleep each night are more susceptible to high blood pressure.
Vitamin B6 helps your body make melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone. Eat meat, fish, vegetables, whole grains and nuts to get your B6.
If you wake up in the night, stay in bed with your eyes closed, instead of getting back up. You’ll probably fall back
Make a plan to get 8 hours sleep before you get up.
Research shows, the best sleep for humans occurs before midnight. So early to bed and early to rise, really does make you health and (potentially) wise.
TiVo is your friend when it comes to getting enough sleep. Record your favorite late night programs and watch them the next day.
Your Free PLR article:
"Lazertag System 2PK"
I'm getting back to updating the PLRhub.net site with new PLR content for you, which you can check on the directory page here: PLRhub Article Packs and also have a catalogue that you can review and just check off the packs you have already purchased.
You can grab the latest version here at any time (right click to download): Strategic Services PLR content Catalogue
"Lazertag System 2PK"
The Lazertag System is a huge hit with the boys! Playing against one another they can tag or be tagged with this real-life, intense lazer combat game.
This set is for two players and includes two Phoenix LTX taggers that give boys heaps of action when they register hits with special weapon activations. The set features lights, sounds and vibrations for a real-life lazer tag effect.
When you've been hit you will feel a rumble and there is a recoil features that engages with every shot that is fired. You will have a shield to protect yourself from the incoming fire of your opponent.
Additional taggers can be bought separately which will allow you to play with more than two players and the more players the more fun!
Lazertag System 2Pk features include:
* Thrilling minute to minute action with the two Phoenix LTX taggers
* Recoil feature that engages with every shot that is
* A rumble pack that lets you know when you have been hit
* A shield for protection against incoming fire
* Line up shots with amazing accuracy
* Play with two or more players for amazing battle with intense real life lazer combat
* Hits are registered with special weapon activations that feature sounds, lights and vibrations
* Includes 2 Phoenix LTX taggers (additional taggers are sold separately) and instructions.
This Lazertag system is an absolute blast with two players or with a group of players. Both adults and kids will love to battle one another with this Lazertag system.
The taggers (guns) have an amazing range of around 350 to 400 feet giving players a large area to play combat. You can set your life to a certain number of tags - 10 or 25 - which can help when playing with less experienced players or different age groups.
There is also an indoor/outdoor mode to help reduce the sensitivity of the
receivers while playing inside. The taggers have a realistic reload where you drop a fake clip out the bottom just like an ammo clip.
There is a vibration with each shot/hit and a hammer that lights up and pops out a little with each shot. These features make playing Lazertag more realistic and fun.
Kids spend too much time indoors these days playing video games, but the Lazertag system is an enjoyable way for them to be outdoors or indoors getting some exercise.
Because of the great range on these taggers, kids can do a lot of running around inside the playable area while playing Lazertag.
Kids can strategize, learn or create new tactics and learn to work in a team. This is a great way for kids to bond with one another and to learn to work together.
Lazertag is also a great way to get older children to play with their younger brothers or sisters and have fun together.
Children will have hours of fun
together even when playing just two players. With additional taggers there is no limit to how many players you can add to your combat game and the more the merrier.
Lazertag is an amazing game system that kids absolutely love and they may even have to fight the adults to get a turn. This is a great game for people of all ages.
End of free PLR article
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What's New?
September means Spring here in Australia, so I'm really looking forward to some milder warm weather, and getting back into my garden planting my summer crops.
So much new to tell you about this month.
I created a series of Junk Journal book signatures in paperback!!! I thought it would be a good idea for those people that like the idea of scrapbooking and junk journaling but don't know where to get started and don't want to be sewing book signatures together.
So, these are various themed slim paperbacks that have the first 10 pages beautifully illustrated, and the back pages are filled with scraps and cards and holders etc that you cut out and glue into the book pages along with your own scraps and lace and journaling paper.
Its a fun way to get started, and then you just bind the paperbacks together with some ribbon or elastic cord, on a hardback cover if you want. I love the look of them.
So far I
have themes in Vintage: Victorian Scraps, Masculine/Steampunk, Birds, and Fairies. Next I'll be doing some for Boho Gypsy and for the Circus, and plans for a Nautical theme as well. Such fun!!!
Later I'll expand the artwork to use them in gratitude journals as well, just to get the best value from the artwork I'm creating.
Then I created a simple "I am Grateful for..." lined journal in pretty Oriental themed covers that I designed. They are slim books easy to carry around, and have pretty Cherry Blossom images on each page that you can color in or doodle with.
And then I expanded on the 365 Dated Page a Day Journal Planners and added famous quotes to the top of each page.
So, if you like to have a daily inspiration this book is for you. The pages can be used for long journals every day, or be split up into Line-a-day multi-year journal on each
Then I created some glorious full color books Quotes & Alphabets filled with famous quotes beautifully illustrated so that you can cut them out and paste into your journals or scrapbooks, and the quotes all have a letter of the alphabet on the back of them, so they serve double purpose not just inspiration for journalers and scrapbookers.
Next I'll be creating more 2020 Planners to upload during September to be ready for the end of year rush for diaries and schedulers for the new year ahead.
All of these are available on both Amazon and Lulu for you to check out!
It's been a busy month!

If you enjoy journaling and goalsetting/tracking along with financial planning, meal planning, and a weekly scheduler, you may like my monogrammed 90 day perpetual planners!!
The other new thing this month is that I've published another new self help book for you to download in the next section below... it comes in all the popular eReader formats for all your gadgets!
And once again, thank you so very, very much to everyone who has invested in one of my books... I really appreciate your trust, and know that you will love the book!
And p.s. Any reviews posted on Amazon and Lulu would be hugely appreciated as well!!

Do get yourself a beautiful and inspiring Diary or Planner. Yes, like one of the ones I have designed for you.
They work. They make you happy. Use them.
Click HERE or on the banner images above to see the full range, as I keep adding new designs every few days... and if you have the time, please do tell me what you would like to see included, so that I can meet your requirements!
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May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
Have a Laugh!
To those of us who have children in our lives, whether they are our own, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or students...here is something to make you chuckle.
Whenever your children are out of control, you can take comfort from the thought that even God's omnipotence did not extend to His own children.
After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve.
And the first thing he said was:
"Don't what?"Adam replied.
"Don't eat the forbidden fruit."God said.
"Forbidden fruit?We have forbidden fruit?
Hey Eve ... we have forbidden fruit!"
"No Way!"
"Yes way!"
"Do NOT eat the fruit! "said God.
"Because I am your Father and I said so! " God replied, wondering why He hadn't stopped creation after making the elephants.
A few minutes later, God saw His children having an apple break and He was ticked!
"Didn't I tell you not to eat the fruit?" God asked.
"Uh huh," Adam replied.
"Then why did you? "said the Father.
"I don't know,"said Eve.
"She started it! "Adam said.
"Did not! "
"Did too! "
Having had it with the two of them, God's punishment was that
Adam and Eve should have children of their own.
Thus the pattern was set and it has never changed.
If you have persistently and lovingly tried to give children wisdom and they haven't taken it, don't be hard on yourself.
If God had trouble raising children, what makes you think it would be a piece of cake for you?
Daily Self Reflection:

Brand New Self Help Report Download:
I've published a new self help report for you that you can download the zip file with a right mouse button click and "Save Link As" to your desktop to read at your leisure.
Grab it here 15 Surprising Ways to Live More Spiritually

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Helene Malmsio
Published by: Strategic Publications (est. 1987)
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