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Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
Self Help Report: "The Impact of Stress on Your Body"
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Your Free PLR Article: "Why You Should Walk Daily"
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Inspiring Power Quotes:
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
- John Wooden
"Success is living up to your potential. That's all. Wake up with a smile and go after life ... live it, enjoy it, taste it, smell it, feel it."
- Joe Knapp
"A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspired the power and energy to get it done."
- Ralph Lauren
"What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."
- Napoleon Hill
Get your daily inspiration here: October success tips and daily motivating Quotes
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Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
Now that we are in October, we are in the last quarter of the year and that usually means a lot of stress.
Stressing about the goals we haven't yet managed to achieve, whether weight loss, income targets, health management or general dreams for a better life.
And it also creates stress in many people just thinking about Christmas and the Holidays Season hurtling towards us... only a few weeks to go and we are neck high in the 'festive' season, whether we want to be or not.
What stresses you most in your day-to-day life? Hopefully you will find some helpful stress management strategies in here that you will put to good use.
O.K. Lets begin with this edition's Power Tips report for you... ENJOY!
"The Impact of Stress on Your Body"

We all experience stress from time to time and occasional stress isn't a problem - in fact, it can be helpful. But when you experience chronic stress as many people do, your body can begin to break down.
The worst part of this process is that most people just go with the flow until it's too late. They don't see the tsunami of emotional turmoil coming at them until one day they're overwhelmed and feel like they can't cope.
We all need help managing our stress, and you can get help online when you learn how to counteract some of these negative effects. But first, let's look at what stress does to the body.
The Physical Effects of Chronic Stress
When you think about stress, you may think about emotional changes but you may not think much about what it does to your body.
Stress in a specific situation can cause your heart rate to increase and can even cause a headache. Those go away when the
stress does.
But chronic stress can cause many hidden problems that you might blame on other factors. When you experience long periods of stress, your body begins to produce too much of a hormone called cortisol.
Cortisol is a helpful hormone when you have an isolated stressful incident. But when you have too much of it in your body it can cause inflammation.
This leads to problems such as weight gain (especially in the belly), fatigue, problems sleeping, and an increased risk of heart disease and other illnesses.
In fact, people who undergo chronic stress have a greater risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer. You may even begin to experience symptoms such as chronic headaches, chest pain, and digestive problems.
You may notice that you begin aging more rapidly as inflammation causes your cells to age more quickly. Your immune system can become suppressed.
As a result,
you pick up more colds and other infections than you did when stress wasn't such as factor in your life.
Another area that can be affected is your s'ex life. Chronic stress can take a healthy sex drive away and replace it with disinterest. It can also lead to problems with sexual performance and fertility.
These symptoms might creep up slowly over time. You may not even notice the transition happening. But one day you wake up and you know that you just don't feel as good as you used to.
Many people will go to the doctor to discuss symptoms and walk out with prescription drugs when the real problem at the core is stress.
Those prescriptions may treat symptoms, but also come with an array of side effects that can put further stress on your body.
While your body is an amazing machine that can handle some infrequent stress, it simply wasn't designed to handle the problems that come with chronic stress - and
that's an epidemic in today's fast-paced, tech-driven world.
The Emotional Toll of Stress
When you think of the body, you may think of flesh and bone. But the mind is intimately connected with the body, so it's important to look at how it's affected.
While the physical body experiences many symptoms of stress, your emotional health is also at risk when you have more stress than you can handle.
People who have high levels of chronic stress often feel greater levels of anxiety. If you're very stressed, you probably find yourself worrying and feeling restless all the time.
You may also feel irritable more of the time. That underlying tension can lead to problems with anger or even rage.
While this wreaks havoc on your relationships it also causes you to have higher blood pressure and problems with your heart and digestive system.
People with chronic stress are also more
likely to suffer from depression. Depression can take its toll on your physical body as well.
You may find it difficult to get out of bed, perform your work responsibilities, and maintain relationships.
Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications can help to relieve symptoms, but they do nothing to remove the source of the problem. And antidepressants, like all prescription medications, also have side effects that can be dangerous.
Chronic stress can be a vicious cycle of causing your body to feel bad, leading to depression, leading to feeling even worse physically.
Until you do something to stop the cycle and interrupt it, you'll find yourself feeling worse and worse.
For example, if you have chronic stress, you're more likely to develop diabetes. Having a chronic disease that makes you feel physically bad can lead to depression.
The more depressed you feel the more inflammation your body
experiences and you can find that your diabetes is exacerbated. This leads you to feel worse physically and depression increases.
This cycle can keep going until you're in pretty bad shape. But following a program to reduce stress can interrupt this cycle and allow you to reduce the effects of stress on the body and improve your mental health.
If you're currently caught up in this cycle, it's important to know that there is hope for getting out of it. By reducing stress and taking better care of your body, your mental health will improve as well.
Stress Behaviors that Affect Your Body
There are also many things you might do as a result of stress that can cause a negative impact on your body. People who have high levels of stress are more likely to:
* Turn to substances such as alcohol or drugs to deal with stress
* Overeat or even under eat in response to stressors
* Smoke or use other
tobacco products as a coping mechanism
* Withdraw socially and become isolated
* Have angry outbursts that even lead to physical harm
When these issues become part of your life, things can quickly spiral out of control. Using food or other substances to ease your stress symptoms leads to a whole host of health problems including liver disease, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
And using substances can also cause you to make decisions with poor judgment. Things you would never do as a sober person become more acceptable as your judgment melts away.
This can lead to even more harmful effects on your body such as sexually transmitted diseases, injuries, and overdose. These behaviors can also impact you financially.
You can find that you're spending all of your money on coping mechanisms rather than taking care of your real needs. And that leads to even greater stress.
You may also find that inappropriate
behavior causes you to lose your job or makes it difficult for you to keep a job.
And people may just not want to be around you if your behavior becomes volatile. You can even find yourself completely out of control and in need of professional help in order to get life put back together.
The best thing you can do is intervene before your stress levels get to this point. Much like the cycle of depression we discussed in the last section, adding these behaviors on top of chronic stress can compound the problems and begin a downward spiral for your body and mind.
When you interrupt the cycle of chronic stress you can avoid having problems that grow out of control, you can have a healthy body, and a healthy mind. And when you're healthy you won't rely on unhealthy behaviors to keep you going.
Chronic stress is often dismissed as just a normal part of life, but it's really not normal to experience that type of stress.
And when you don't intervene, the consequences can be grave.
Report continued below...
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Workplace Solutions: Exploring Conflict Resolution and Dealing with Difficult People$9.90
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"The Impact of Stress on Your Body" Report continued...
Am I Suffering from Chronic Stress?
Now that you know the impact of stress on your body, it's important to evaluate whether or not you're in the middle of experiencing it. There are several things you can look at to determine if you're in danger.
These aren't the only indicators of chronic stress, but they're some of the most common.
Sleep Problems: One of the first ways that chronic stress becomes obvious is that you notice trouble sleeping. You have a hard time falling asleep and you may have trouble staying asleep.
The serious problem with this is that a lack of sleep will cause the impact of stress to become even greater. If you're feeling exhausted and you notice that you're not getting good sleep, it's a sign that you may be experiencing chronic stress.
Anxiety: Do you feel like your mind is racing all the time? You may always be worrying or focusing on things over which
you don't have any control. This can cause you to feel edgy and nervous.
Difficulty Concentrating: Chronic stress can make it difficult to focus. You may find that you've begun to misplace things or that you have a harder time finishing things you start.
We all forget things from time to time or procrastinate, but the problem comes when it becomes more severe and really causes problems in daily life.
Headaches: People who have chronic stress often report headaches. These could be tension headaches caused by muscle tightness in the head and neck. But people with high stress levels can also experience more severe migraine headaches.
If you suffer from regular head and neck pain, chances are that the source of this pain is chronic stress. By working on a program to reduce chronic stress, you can say goodbye to these headaches.
Digestive Problems: Chronic stress causes many different
digestive issues. If you're always popping antacids or you're dealing with constipation and diarrhea on a regular basis you may actually be suffering from stress.
Stress causes indigestion and can lead to problems with irritable bowel syndrome. You may also experience changes in appetite.
If you feel like your stomach is always upset, it's time to take a look at stress as a possible culprit.
You Feel Overwhelmed: Chronic stress can make you feel like you just can't do all the things you need to do. You can become scattered and it may seem like you're working hard but not getting anything done.
In the end, living your life this way will make it difficult to experience joy and happiness. If you feel overwhelmed much of the time, it's time to examine what you can do to find more balance and happiness.
The Effects of Stress Are Unique to Each Individual
If you're very in tune
with your body, you may be able to notice problems before they spin out of control. But many people don't notice stress is a problem until it becomes a major problem.
The truth is that stress affects every person in his or her own way. You need to look at what's going on with your own body and mind and determine what role stress plays in your life.
Once you get real about your current physical and mental state, you can begin to combat it. It's important to break the vicious cycle of chronic stress and its devastating effects on the body.
In Primal Stress, you'll learn how you can combat the effects of stress and get the body and mind you really want. When you take care of managing your stress and you take care of your body you can reverse many of these issues.
Even if you suffer from chronic disease, such as diabetes, you'll find that your health can be restored. You can also lower your risk of developing
cancers, heart disease, stroke, and other chronic illnesses.
Stress is different for every person. Some people react to stress in a way that's more positive. You don't need to compare your experience with that of other people.
Instead, you need to look at how stress is affecting you and make the necessary changes to improve your life. Most importantly, don't ignore what your body is telling you.
Learn to be in tune with your body and recognize when negative or positive changes are taking place. When you pay attention to the signs your body is giving you, you'll be able to have more control over your own health.
By working to change the impact of stress on your body you'll find that you feel more energetic, look younger, and have fewer health problems. You won't have to depend on medications to keep you going.
Instead, you'll have better health naturally. If chronic stress is a major part of your
life, it's time to address it before your health suffers even more than it already has.
I hope you enjoyed this self help report and will put the information to good use!
You can learn more here about how to manage stress and improve your life overall. There is a ton of useful resources and training guides online at my website including learning how to craft your own self development plan to help guide your career and life, so please visit and have a jolly good look around at all the content subjects. You will learn a lot at my self help supermart - and its all free.
And please, as I keep asking, do let me know what your most desired self help topics are, and I'll try my best to publish exactly what you are looking for
Get Motivated!
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All you need to do is to right click on the image and select "Save image As" to download it to your computer.
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Healthy Power Tip:
Try Reiki healing.
Reiki is a healing art that uses the body’s energy to begin and further the healing process. It is performed by using one’s hands to follow a specific pattern of massage, in order to stimulate energy movement throughout the body.
There are many Reiki healers who are specially trained to perform the healing massage, or you can read about it or take a class to become a proficient Reiki healer yourself.
Your Free PLR article:
"Reasons Why You Should Walk Daily "
I'm getting back to updating the PLRhub.net site with new PLR content for you, which you can check on the directory page here: PLRhub Article Packs and also have a catalogue that you can review and just check off the packs you have already purchased.
You can grab the latest version here at any time (right click to download): Strategic Services PLR content Catalogue
"Reasons Why You Should Walk Daily "
There are countless different forms of exercise such as cycling, kickboxing, yoga, CrossFit, Zuu workouts and so many more.
When it comes to choosing a type of exercise to stay active, most people think of the popular and fancy workouts like Zumba, P90X, etc.
Nary a thought is given to walking as a form of exercise. It is relegated to being an activity that is reserved for senior citizens. However, there are many health benefits that can be gained from walking daily.
It’s one of the best exercises on the planet and our bodies have evolved over centuries to benefit from regular walks.
1. Low impact
Walking is a low-impact activity that won’t wear out your joints. Unlike running, kickboxing or other high-impact activities that can make your joints ache, walking is a lot more forgiving on your body.
2. Low intensity
It’s a low-intensity exercise that will not
tax your central nervous system like CrossFit or some of the more vigorous forms of exercise.
With high intensity interval training (HIIT), you may need to take a one-day break after every workout because of the demands it places on your body. Walking is much more relaxing in comparison and can be done daily.
3. Versatile
Walking can be applied to many different areas in your life.
You could easily walk to the mall and back, if it’s within walking distance. Driving to work? Park your car a block away and walk to your office. The more you walk, the better.
Thousands of people wear Fitbits to track the number of steps they take daily. You’d easily meet your daily quota if you walked for 30 to 45 minutes a day.
4. Aids in weight management
Walking may seem like a humble exercise but it can help you lose the pounds if you’re consistent.
Going for a 30 to 45-minute walk daily on an empty stomach will help
your body tap into its fat stores for fuel because its low on glycogen.
This is a very effective way to lose weight. Thousands of people shirk exercise because they fear the exertion and exhaustion involved.
Walking is easy enough to do and will still help you achieve weight loss. It may take longer than the rigorous training methods, but you’ll still get there in time to come.
5. Great for stress relief
Walking will help you to relieve stress. This is especially true if you walk in a park or some picturesque setting.
Walking allows you time to calm yourself and get in touch with your thoughts.
You do not need to focus on good form or train to failure like you would with resistance training. Walking is a natural form of movement and therapeutic to your soul.
Besides the benefits mentioned above, walking will also aid in digestion and improve your blood circulation. It will improve your cardiovascular strength and
boost your immune system.
If you walk in the sun, you’ll get your daily dose of vitamin D. Thousands of people are deficient in vitamin D and it causes them to feel lethargic and depressed. Walking will lift your moods by ensuring that you get natural vitamin D in your system.
By now you’ll realize that walking is an activity that’s so useful it cannot be neglected. Even if you focus most of your training on hardcore activities like HIIT or weight lifting, on your off days, you can have an active rest day.
What that means is that you can go for a 30-minute walk and call it a day. The walking will help to soothe sore muscles because of the increased blood circulation, and it’s also light enough to not tax your body but still burn a few calories so that it’s easier to stay lean and fit.
Make walking a part of your lifestyle and enjoy all the benefits it brings. It’s free, easy and you’ve doing it since you were born. Your body wants to walk. Let it
do so.
“Walking is a man’s best medicine.” – Hippocrates
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What's New?
October is when I finally get tomato plants in the ground and begin the optimistic process of planting everything I can to try and create an abundant summer and autumn harvest. Wish me luck - LOL
The past three months have been spent inside working hard on the computer, creating and loading new paperback books for you to have fun with!
So, I'll repeat what I put here earlier, I'm adding more to the sets I mention.I created a series of Junk Journal book signatures in paperback!!! I thought it would be a good idea for those people that like the idea of scrapbooking and junk journaling but don't know where to get started and don't want to be sewing book signatures together.
So, these are various themed slim paperbacks that have the first 10 pages beautifully illustrated, and the back pages are filled with scraps and cards and holders etc that you cut out and glue into the book pages along with your own scraps and lace
and journaling paper.
Its a fun way to get started, and then you just bind the paperbacks together with some ribbon or elastic cord, on a hardback cover if you want. I love the look of them.
So far I have themes in Vintage: Victorian Scraps, Masculine/Steampunk, Birds, and Fairies. Next I'll be doing some for Boho Gypsy and for the Circus, and plans for a Nautical theme as well. Such fun!!!
Later I'll expand the artwork to use them in gratitude journals as well, just to get the best value from the artwork I'm creating.
Then I created a simple "I am Grateful for..." lined journal in pretty Oriental themed covers that I designed. They are slim books easy to carry around, and have pretty Cherry Blossom images on each page that you can color in or doodle with.
And then I expanded on the 365 Dated Page a Day Journal Planners and added famous quotes to
the top of each page.
So, if you like to have a daily inspiration this book is for you. The pages can be used for long journals every day, or be split up into Line-a-day multi-year journal on each page.
Then I created some glorious full color books Quotes & Alphabets filled with famous quotes beautifully illustrated so that you can cut them out and paste into your journals or scrapbooks, and the quotes all have a letter of the alphabet on the back of them, so they serve double purpose not just inspiration for journalers and scrapbookers.
I created a good range of 8.5 x 11" big 2020 Planners with hourly at a glance and some smaller ones are already on online, I'll do more classic 6 x 9" ones next for Journal diaries and schedulers for the new year ahead.
All of these are available on both Amazon and Lulu for you to check out!
For some reason Amazon does not show my current 2020 Planners
until about page 9-10 of the catalogue pages on my Author page, so please keep clicking through until you see them!
It's been a busy month!

If you enjoy journaling and goalsetting/tracking along with financial planning, meal planning, and a weekly scheduler, you may like my monogrammed 90 day perpetual planners!!
And once again, thank you so very, very much to everyone who has invested in one of my books... I really appreciate your trust, and know that you will love the book!
And p.s. Any reviews posted on Amazon and Lulu would be hugely appreciated as well!!

Do get yourself a beautiful and inspiring Diary or Planner. Yes, like one of the ones I have designed for you.
They work. They make you happy. Use them.
Click HERE or on the banner images above to see the full range, as I keep adding new designs every few days... and if you have the time, please do tell me what you would like to see included, so that I can meet your requirements!
And a reminder: "Power Tips" is here to help you learn and apply new self growth strategies. Are you getting benefit from these self growth reports? Most importantly: Will you USE what you are learning?
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May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
Have a Laugh!
Get Over It!
Charles Sykes, the author of DUMBING DOWN OUR KIDS, provided for high school and college graduates a list of eleven things they did not learn in school.
In his book, he talks about how the feel good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality, and set them up for failure in the real world.
Rule 1.
Life is not fair; get used to it.
Rule 2.
The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3.
You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both.
Rule 4.
If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.
Rule 5.
Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for
burger flipping; they called it opportunity.
Rule 6.
If you mess up, it's not your parents fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7.
Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes, and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So, before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8.
Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9.
Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off, and Very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own
Rule 10.
Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to Leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11.
Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
Daily Self Reflection:

Self Help Report Download:
I've published a new self help report for you that you can download the zip file with a right mouse button click and "Save Link As" to your desktop to read at your leisure.
Grab it here 15 Surprising Ways to Live More Spiritually

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Helene Malmsio
Published by: Strategic Publications (est. 1987)
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