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Inspiring Power Quotes
Weekly Report: "10 New Year's Health Resolutions That Are Easy To Keep"
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Healthy Power Tip
Your Free PLR Article: "The Importance Of Focusing Your Time On Building Your Online Business’ 3 Essential Assets"
Editor’s Notes from Helene
Have a Laugh!
Daily Self Reflection
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Inspiring Power Quotes For This Week:
"It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action." - Al Batt
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get." - Dale Carnegie
"To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work." - Sister Mary Lauretta
"Never, never, never, never give up." - Winston Churchill
"Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments." - Henry Ward Beecher
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The
phrase 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." - Calvin Coolidge
1/1 ---- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
"Anything in life worth
having is worth working for." - Andrew Carnegie
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What's New?
So, you have opened your presents, stuffed your face til you think you will burst, made merry til you dropped... and now its time to pay the price - LOL!
By the end of this week you will have the bright shiny new year staring you in the face, and you will be thinking about the dreaded New year resolutions that we all make and break every year *sigh*
I personally have a very simple formula I follow ... I think about what I want to achieve in the next 12 months and ask myself:
(1) What do I need to start doing?
(2) What do I need to stop doing?
(3) What do I need to do more of?
... and that gives you a good honest foundation to begin working with. Then by March I usually get really serious about reviewing what I'm doing, what I'm serious about compared to just kidding myself about, or wishful thinking without any real commitment and focus to actually doing what it takes.
Anyway, in this week's self help report there are
some simple and common sense health resolutions that you will find easy to keep, and that will set you up for a great start to the year... be a winner this year!!
O.K. Lets begin with this weeks Power Tips report for you... ENJOY!
Report: "10 New Year's Health Resolutions That Are Easy To Keep"

A New Year Is Upon Us
The last few days of the year are around the corner, and many people well into the food, family gatherings, and new beginnings that come with he holidays. That’s why so many people make New Year’s Resolutions. It’s a fresh start, right?
Unfortunately, for most people, the resolve to keep those resolutions usually dies off after a few weeks. In fact, 41% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions, but only 9.2% achieve those resolutions by the end of the year.
The good news is, if you understand why people find it hard to keep those resolutions, you’ll know what works and doesn’t work for you.
Why Is It So Hard To Keep New Year’s Resolutions?
• Discontinuity effect.
According to research by professor of social psychology at the University of Bath, Bas Verplanken, “habits can be changed when you change the factors around the habit,” such as location or context.
They call this the
“discontinuity effect.” New Year's Eve is not an actual change in circumstances, which means it isn't motivation enough to change any habits.
• Distraction created by past rewards.
Research by Johns Hopkins University neuroscientists shows our brains get a surge of dopamine just by seeing things associated with past rewards.
In other words, your brain is wired to pay more attention to things that have given you pleasure in the past hoping to get that same pleasure again. That’s why you might find it hard to stop thinking about pizza while trying to eat steamed veggies.
• Vague or unrealistic resolutions.
Let’s face it – the easier your resolutions are, the more likely you’ll be to keep them for a whole year. For example, if you hate running, don’t make it a resolution to go out for a run every day just because you think it’s healthy.
10 New Year’s Resolutions That Are Easy To Keep
Luckily, making easy-
to-keep New Year’s Resolutions is easier than you think. If you need some inspiration, look at these 10 easy, healthy resolution to kick start 2018 on the right foot.
1. Drink More Water
Drinking enough water keeps your digestive system and skin healthy.
However, how much water should you drink? It depends on the climate you live on, your sex, physical activity, and other health-related conditions.
According to the Mayo Clinic, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggests 3.7 liters of fluid per day for men and 2.7 liters per day for women. However, remember that 20% of your fluid intake comes from foods.
If you find it hard to remember to drink more water, set an alarm on your phone to remind you to take a sip of water every other hour. Alternatively, you can use one of the many water tracking apps on the market.
While the healthiest option is to drink plain water, you can increase your
intake of fluids by drinking tea or infused water.
2. Improve Your Eating Habits
This is an easy enough resolution, as long as you define what eating better means to you. To do this, keep a food journal for a couple of weeks and pay attention to any patters in your eating habits.
For example, you might notice you eat healthy foods during the day but indulge at dinner time, or that you prefer takeout to homemade meals on weekends.
A good, healthy diet is varied and balanced and the best way to achieve this is to cook more meals at home. Start with easy meals, like breakfast. Instead of picking up
Cooking your own meals gives you more control of what you eat and helps you enjoy food more.
3. Workout For 10 Minutes A Day
The best way to keep this resolution is by finding a workout you enjoy. Physical activity is not just going to the gym, after all. Many people think that in order for workouts to be effective
you have to exercise for an hour or more a day.
Make it easy and start small, commit to 10 minutes a day, even if it’s just a walk around the block and build up from there.
You can take up dancing, spinning, running, yoga, rock climbing, pole dancing, or even walking your dog around the block. If you enjoy the workout, you’ll be more likely to commit to it all year.
Remember to start slow, especially if you’re starting from scratch. Building your strength and endurance progressively will help you prevent injuries and will make the experience more enjoyable.
Working out too much, exhausting yourself, or choosing advanced workouts will only make you feel frustrated, which, in turn, will make it more likely for you to quit.
Aim to make the workout experience fun. Sign up for a new class, buy workout clothes you like, or ask a friend to join you.
4. Learn Something New
Health is not just about eating enough
vegetables and working out. As human beings, we feel the need to be creative and to improve ourselves.
Learning a new skill keeps your brain sharp and healthy. Moreover, nowadays learning new things is easier than ever. Websites like Coursera, Khan Academy, and Udemy have a wealth of free and low-cost courses by professors from renowned universities and top professionals in their fields.
Language learning is also easier with technology. Duolingo offers free language courses, and YouTube also has free language learning resources.
Use the New Year as motivation to give your brain some well-deserved workout by learning a new skill.
Report continued below...
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"10 New Year's Health Resolutions That Are Easy To Keep" Report continued...
5. Reconnect With Friends And Family
Your emotional health should be just as important as your physical health. So, in 2018, make your friendships and personal relationships a priority.
Sometimes, the stress of daily life makes us forget about the importance of personal relationships in our lives. As social creatures, it’s very important for human beings to have a strong social network that offers support and comfort during difficult times.
A 2010 study confirms these results. Despite the possible negative effects of some relationships, the benefits greatly outweigh the risks.
Literature review in the same study has found consistent positive results of strong social relationships.
For example, adults with coronary artery disease were at 2.4 times greater risk of cardiac death if they were socially isolated. Low quality of social relationships is also linked to other cardiac conditions, cancer, and even slower wound
6. Cut Down On Calories
Losing weight is a common New Year’s Resolution, but in order to do it, you need to so several things – eat healthy food, work out, get more sleep, reduce your stress levels, and more.
But losing weight is just the result of using up more calories than what you consume. Therefore, you might want to be a bit more specific about your resolution and focus on
Again, a food diary or a meal tracking app will help you determine if you do need to reduce your calorie intake. If that’s the case,
Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to lower your calorie intake without going hungry or limiting yourself too much.
• Forget about sugary drinks.
A sweet, refreshing drink might taste great with your lunch, but it’s adding up calories with very little nutritional value. For example, a 500-ml bottle of Coke has almost 200 calories. Go for water (plain or infused) instead.
• Switch ingredients.
Love some milk in your coffee? Go for low-fat milk or even a non-dairy milk, instead or chose healthier side dishes, like salad instead of fries, to get more nutrition for fewer calories.
• Use smaller plates.
A 2013 study (Portion size me: plate-size induced consumption norms and win-win solutions for reducing food intake and waste, Wansink B, et al) supports the importance of the visual aspect of food, and that the size of the plates “provides a visual anchor of an appropriate fill-level, which in turn, serves as a consumption norm.”
Consequently, using smaller plates may help you feel full with smaller portions and reduce food waste, as well.
7. Eat Less Sugar
You probably know that sugar is bad for you. It affects your teeth and puts you at risk of obesity and all the health issues it brings, such as type II diabetes and heart disease.
However, when doctors talk about
cutting down on sugar, they mostly refer to added sugar, not those sugars occurring naturally in foods like fruits (fructose) and dairy (lactose).
Added sugars are those you put on your foods or drinks to improve their taste, like white and brown sugar, honey, and high fructose corn syrup.
But how much sugar should you be eating to stay healthy?
In a 2009 statement, the American Heart Association recommends the following daily limits of added sugar intake:
• For men: 150 calories from sugar (9 teaspoons, or 36 grams)
• For women: 100 calories from sugar (6 teaspoons, or 25 grams)
Now that you know how much added sugar you should be consuming, let’s look at some ideas to keep those numbers within your healthy ranges.
• Find hidden sugars. Many processed foods have sugar, even though they may not look like it. For example, most commercial tomato sauces have added sugars to stabilize the rather acidic tomato flavor. Make
sure to read the labels and look for added sugars.
• Choose healthier snacks. Muffins are delicious, but you can satisfy a sweet tooth with naturally occurring sugars from fruits. Their high fiber content helps making you feel full faster.
8. Eat mindfully
In the age of multitasking, side hustles and rush hours, it’s difficult to sit down to just eat. Not checking your email, watching a TV show, or driving.
However, making the effort of sitting down and focusing exclusively on your food helps you enjoy it more and eat less.
A 2010 pilot study suggests that using mindfulness when you eat helps you lose weight by helping you control binge and emotional eating.
When you eat distractedly, it takes you longer to notice when you’re starting to feel full. You also eat faster and you’re more likely to eat less healthy foods like snacks or fast food.
You can curb unhealthy eating habits by paying more attention
to your meals, like so:
• Eat slowly and without distractions. Eat your food away from screens, preferably sitting down in a quiet place.
• Notice any feeling of fullness when you eat. Stop eating when you start feeling full. You don’t have to eat everything on your plate.
• Learn to tell the difference between hunger and thirst. Sometimes, you may feel like snacking when you’re actually thirsty.
If you’re feeling up for a snack after lunch, drink a full glass of water, first. Wait about 20 minutes and ask yourself if you’re still hungry.
• Engage all your senses. Notice the appearance of food, its textures, smells, and tastes.
9. Cut Down On Social Media
Researchers are only starting to understand social media’s effects with prolonged use and the results so far are not optimistic – for some users, problematic use of social media works just like drug addiction in the brain, which negatively impacts
school and work performance and real-life personal relationships.
But for many people, cutting the cord from social media is just not possible. From keeping in touch with friends and family to business networking, social media is a tool many people can’t go without in their personal and professional lives.
So, what to do?
1. Put a cap on the time you spend on social media. Use browser extensions like StayFocusd and apps to put a limit on how much time you go through your Facebook wall.
2. Get rid of some accounts. If you have way too many accounts, keep just one or two.
3. Give yourself a social media free day. Choose one day of the week to go without social media.
Start the New Year with more time spent outside, cultivate your personal relationships face to face, and do more activities that increase your well-being.
10. Make Regular Appointments With Your Doctor
For some people, going to the
doctor is a hassle. It opens the possibility of something going wrong with your body, which many people prefer not to think about. In addition, healthy individuals are finding fewer reasons to visit their doctor.
However, according to a 2015 article by Harvard Health Publishing, there are still reasons to schedule that annual check-up with your doctor, no matter how healthy you are.
Needless to say, an annual check-up may help your doctor discover any health concerns before they become problems. Early detections of cancer or chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes may greatly increase your chances of recovering or better managing the disease.
However, checking in with your primary care doctor may also help him or her become more familiar with your needs and offers you more personalized care.
Final Thoughts
There’s so much you can do for your health. Luckily, you can make easy, healthy New Year’s Resolutions to improve
your wellbeing in 2018.
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Healthy Power Tip:
How much fruits and vegetables should you eat?
It depends on your age, gender and activity level, but most people need between 5-9 servings per day.
1 serving of fruit = ½ cup chopped fresh fruit, ¼ cup dry fruit, 1 medium fruit or ½ cup grapes.
1 serving of vegetables = ½ cup chopped vegetables or 1 cup green leafy vegetables.
How to get more fruit in your diet: Skip the cookies and add a fruit to your lunch, top your cereal or yogurt with fruit and add it to your cooking.
How to get more veggies in your diet: Serve more salads, pre-chop vegetables for easy snacking, incorporate vegetables into favorite like mac and cheese, meatloaf and more.
Start a “veggie challenge” with your family. Try a new vegetable each week and commit to eating the appropriate number of servings per day.
Your Free PLR article: "The Importance Of Focusing Your Time On Building Your Online Business’ 3 Essential Assets"
I'm getting back to updating the site with new PLR content for you, which you can check on the directory page here: PLRhub Article Packs and also have a catalogue that you can review and just check off the packs you have already purchased.
You can grab the latest version here at any time (right click to download): Strategic Services PLR content Catalogue
"The Importance Of Focusing Your Time On Building Your Online Business’ 3 Essential Assets"
Information overload – that feeling of knowing too much that you don’t know which to turn your attention to and what to do next. Believe it or not, this is one of the most notorious killers of your internet marketing efforts.
What if you could just forget about ALL of the unnecessary information that’s overloading that gray old matter of yours? What if you could strip the fat…just scratch off all the unimportant activities in your to-do list? What if you could focus on a handful of aspects of internet marketing, and do your daily tasks well?
What do you think would happen?
You will be a lot more PRODUCTIVE! So productive that your bottom-line can’t help but grow to epic proportions…and you don’t have to burn yourself out with stress and pressure. By focusing on things that matter most for your online business, you will be profitable AND,
more importantly, have enough time to spend with your family, friends, and do the things you LOVE doing.
Isn’t that the reason why were in the internet marketing and online business bandwagon…to be financially well-off and break the chains we came to know as J-O-B?
We will start that process today! And to get started in the right direction, ask yourself this important question:
For me to make as much money as I want, what are the 3 most important things for my online business?
Don’t read on just yet. Grab a pen and paper. Take the time to find out what you really need to have to run your online business successfully.
Good! Now let’s check your answers out. Perhaps some of wrote ‘IM tools’. Maybe others wrote down ‘links, links, and tons of more links’. You may find ‘good site design’ in your list.
Yes, all of the things mentioned (and more) can help in getting the best out of your internet marketing
efforts. However, they are NOT your most important business assets. Rather, the most crucial pillars of your online biz are:
1. Offers (Products/Services)
2. List (Subscribers who are interested on what you have to offer)
3. Traffic… targeted traffic to be precise
Think about it. If you could secure these 3 business assets:
- If you could find products and services that are HIGHLY relevant to your chosen market
- If you could get those offers in front of your list of interested subscribers
- If you could continuously drive targeted traffic to your offers AND convert them to subscribers
Your online business’s profits will take off! It’s a very simple and understandable 3-step process – get offers, present them to your list, and drive traffic to your offers and list. It’s that simple!
The Next Step
Now that we have already established our 3 most important online business assets, it’s
time to tweak our schedule and daily work routine according to these 3 assets.
And it all starts by blocking your time and tasks into bite-sized chunks! Why? Well, there are tons of reasons but here’s to name a few:
1. Tasks get easier to manage when they are in bite-sized portions.
2. Things are not as overwhelming. It goes a long way in keeping your psychology and mental attitude towards internet marketing POSITIVE!
3. We get that sense of achievement, which will drive us to do MORE!
4. Time is not wasted. Real progress is made slowly BUT surely. And it’s only a matter of time until we see jaw-dropping results.
Start by devoting 45 minutes of everyday to each of these 3 important online business assets. Set another 45 minutes for small and urgent tasks. To sum things up, you will only be spending 3 hours a day. But these are not ordinary working hours. For each of these hours, you are laser-focused on the task at hand.
And you will be amazed to see how MUCH you can accomplish within 3 focused, undistracted hours.
Focus on what matters…on your 3 business assets. Spend 45 minutes every day for each of these three. Do this day-in and day-out, and you will see your business soar minus the stress and information overload!
End of free PLR article
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Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
WOW! What a year this has been... the good, the bad, and the ugly... the whole enchilada!
I hope that your year was a good one, and that you are thoroughly enjoying your well-earned holidays right now, and looking forward to the brand shiny new year in a few days time.
I can't stress enough the benefits of making at least some basic plans... do some daydreaming.
What would you do if you knew absolutely that you would achieve or get it? What if you couldn't fail... what would you try?
Get creative about what you want... get to the core, the essence of what you want. When we say we 'want money' we don't want stacks of bits of paper with pictures of people on it, to look at ... we want what money can buy us... and even then, its how those 'things' make us FEEL that we really want, not so much the things themselves.
You don't need to OWN a horse and stables, to enjoy RIDING a horse and feeling the wind in your hair and sun on your
face as you gallop along on your steed. Arrange to visit a horse riding club and hire a horse for a ride.
Ditto a fancy sports car... hire one for a day, even hire a race car to do a few laps on the track... you can hire just about anything you want nowadays, without all the hassles and expense of owning one.
Keep your life simple, don't make it harder or more expensive than you need to.
So take the time to think about the ESSENCE of what makes you FEEL GOOD, what makes you feel happy, what makes you feel a success, what makes you feel loved. And plan ways to have or do more of those things in the year ahead.
And get yourself ORGANIZED... time management is crucial... don't waste time and energy... make the effort to write down your activities and plans... measure, monitor and track how effective you are... ponder how to become better... and you WILL!
And get yourself a beautiful and inspiring Diary or Planner. Yes, like one
of the ones I have designed for you. They work. They make you happy. Use them.
Click on the banner images to see the full range, as I keep adding new designs every few days... and if you have the time, please do tell me what you would like to see included, so that I can meet your requirements!

Its time for some shameless self promotion of my 2018 diaries and journals... NOW is the time to order them so they are delivered in plenty of time to get set for the New Year only a handful of weeks away. Click on the banner above to see the entire Strategic Publications catalogue, or go straight to some of the samples below:
***Monogrammed A 2018 Diary Monthly & Weekly Planner: 12 months with Contact & Password lists & spare Note pages 8.5 x 11
***90 Day Weekly Planner - Rose Cover 6"x9"
***Monogram M - 90 day Journal Planner 6x9
***Mindful Dreaming 30 day Journal 6x9
***Floral Bullet Journal 150 dot grid pages
8.5"x 11"
***Monogram B Bullet Journal 8.5"x 11"
And a reminder: "Power Tips" is here to help you learn and apply new self growth strategies. Are you getting benefit from these self growth reports? Most importantly: Will you USE what you are learning?
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May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
Have a Laugh!
I've Learned That...
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in...
I've learned that one good turn gets most of the blankets.
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.
I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think.
I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
I've learned that it is not what you wear; it is how you take it off.
I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're finished.
I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty things.
I've learned that ex's are like fungus,
and keep coming back.
I've learned age is a very high price to pay for maturity.
I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.
I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
I've learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working in your house, one of your kids did it
I've learned that there is a fine line between genius and insanity.
I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away. And the real pains in the ass are permanent.
Daily Self Reflection:

Thank you once again for joining us today, I hope that you have found some helpful self help tips and also found our free PLR article helpful to build quality relevant niche content on your online properties!
Helene Malmsio
Published by: Strategic Alliances (est. 1987)
Victoria 3073
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