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"Anti Aging For Your 20s and Beyond" Report continued...
Living Young and Healthy in Your 40s
The 40s can really be a fabulous time in your life. You certainly don't want to spend these years dealing with age related skin or health issues.
Besides eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and getting the exercise that you need to keep your heart healthy, you want to
protect your skin.
Unfortunately, by the time you reach your 40s, the collagen in your skin just doesn't have the same smooth elasticity that it once had. That's because aging isn't in collagen's favor.
It starts to break down - and since this is a support for your skin, you end up getting wrinkles and saggy looking areas of skin.
What you can do to combat this is to use collagen firming creams and take collagen supplements.
You also want to go on an anti-aging regimen that includes foods that can
prevent age related conditions such as age-related
memory loss.
You can make sure you get the right vitamins that will help battle against dementia.
While most people don't struggle with this until they reach their 50s, you can start now in your 40s to prevent this.
You can prevent it by taking vitamin supplements to make sure that you're giving your body the minerals that it needs to function well.
Get plenty of folate, the B vitamins and vitamins C and E to keep your brain's neurons in top shape. You want to eat a balanced diet and you want to make sure that you exercise regularly.
You also want to make sure that you never stop stretching your brain. Learning is like exercise for your brain and you have to constantly keep it active.
Puzzles, games and learning new skills are good for this.
When you reach your 40s, you want to stay on top of whatever preventative measures that you can.
Besides taking care of your skin and making sure your mind is active, get the routine tests that your doctor suggests having done at this age.
You need to have your blood pressure tested as well as having your cholesterol screening done.
If your blood pressure is tested and the readings aren't normal, that can be a warning sign that your heart is working too hard.
It can also be a warning sign that you're at a higher risk for diabetes.
If your blood pressure comes back higher than it should, you need to have your A1c tested even if you're not carrying very much excess weight.
People who are slender can still have diabetes. At this age, women need to have mammograms done and men need to have their
prostate checked.
One of the biggest factors in fighting aging is making sure that you stay healthy by having routine tests as well as not putting off getting checked if there is a problem.
Living Young Inwardly and Outwardly in Your 50s
Too many people assume that routine tests recommended by certain organizations mean that they're in the clear until they hit that age timeline.
But disease doesn't follow any organization's "average" timeline.
A disease can strike a person as young as their teens. So that's why - while it's important to pay attention to guidelines that are recommended - you need to be tested for diseases sooner if you have a family history.
You also need to get tested earlier if you have a nagging feeling that something is just not quite right.
Many times, your body will give you a hint that something is going on. Listen to your gut instinct and get anything that's bothering you checked out.
In your 50s, what many people at this age begin to face are the appearance of certain cancers, vision changes, aches and pains, and for men, erec'tile dysfunction.
At this age, you an also begin to experience
hair loss or early stages of
hearing loss. You can also be at risk for heart diseases and higher than normal cholesterol counts.
Menopause and
osteoporosis can also be a concern. At this age, you may also start to notice the first signs of
age spots on your skin.
You can eat a diet filled with foods as well as drink
green tea that contain antioxidants to help prevent certain cancers.
You'll want to make sure you get regular vision checkups because many
vision problems can be treated if they're caught early.
Regular exercise can help keep the muscles strong and limber.
If you're a man experiencing ED, you can talk to your doctor about your treatment options.
Women having trouble with menopause symptoms such as hot flashes can take certain supplements to ease the symptoms.
To prevent a risk of developing osteoporosis in both men and women, you want to make sure that you get plenty of Vitamin D3, which works to keep
the bones healthy.
When you're in your 50s, you should have a regular checkup. During the checkup, your doctor should test your blood pressure and compare the levels to previous visits.
You should also have your cholesterol checked as well as be screened for diabetes.
An all over skin test should be conducted to check for abnormalities and anything unusual should be referred to a dermatologist.
It's important too that you keep an eye on your heart health. At this age, your doctor should do a baseline EKG to look for any rhythm problems.
Women should have a mammogram and pap smear. Men should have a prostate screening.
Both men and women should have a colonoscopy to check for any abnormal growth of polyps.
Both should also undergo a bone density screening to check for early signs of osteoporosis.
Fighting Aging in Your 60s and Beyond
Many people are living well into their
late 90s and beyond thanks to a lifestyle that promotes good health.
Having a long life doesn't just happen - although family genetics do play an important part.
By having a regular beauty as well as a health routine, you can enjoy your golden years.
stress and weight both at a minimal by eating right, exercising and getting plenty of sleep.
Find ways to deal with stress and don't let it build within you. Practice good
skin care routines to prevent wrinkles. Look for skin rejuvenating products to help keep skin soft and supple.
Men who are having an issue with thinning hair can discuss treatment options with their doctor. At this age, men should have a PSA blood test.
This test can detect abnormal levels
of PSA in the blood. Numbers above a certain level require more testing to rule out prostate cancer.
Besides getting routine screenings for blood pressure and cholesterol, people at this age should also have a bone test.
A colonoscopy is recommended only if you haven't had one in the previous five years.
However, if you have a family history of this cancer, the test is recommended more often.
It's important at this age to stay on top of eye exams because
cataracts and other vision problems can begin to be particularly troublesome at this age.
If you have a history of floaters or are severely near or far sighted, it's even more imperative that you be checked.
Your doctor will check the pressure in your eye to see if it's elevated. This can be a sign of
There really isn't a magic potion to prevent aging. However, the best thing that you can do is to start where you're at, whatever age that is and practice good health.
That means that if you haven't been eating right, start now - and if you've never been big on vitamins and supplements, then you should learn how these can help you fight aging.
Exercise, even a little bit of it three to four times a week, can help in the fight against aging.
By eating right, exercising and getting your body checked out regularly, you'll have the tools that you need to look and feel young.
I hope you enjoyed this self help report and will put the information to good use!
You can learn more about how to reverse the effects of aging with the top suggestions in my online guide!
And remember I have my book on sale for a few days longer!
And please, do let me know what your most desired self help topics are, and I'll try my best to publish exactly what you are looking for
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Healthy Power Tip:
Your eyes are important to your health:
Do you know the 20-20-20 rule when it comes to your eyes? Every 20 minutes of focusing on something like a computer screen, focus on something else 20 feet away for about 20 seconds.
It’s important to know your family eye history. Certain conditions are hereditary, so get yourself checked out.
Antioxidants are good for your eye health, so load up on berries, broccoli, garlic, spinach, whole grains and more.
Keeping tabs on your blood pressure is not only good for your body, it’s important to your eye health too.
Another reason not to smoke: It increases your chances of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other eye issues.
Protect yourself from UV damage to your eyes. Put on those sunglasses!
You probably need green leafy vegetables for your eye health more than you need carrots. They contain lutein, which can help prevent and reverse some eye
Your Free PLR article:
"Hypnotherapy For Social Anxiety"
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"Hypnotherapy For Social Anxiety – Getting Rid Of Those Jitters And Overcoming Shyness"
It was back in 1700s when the first research about hypnosis (originally termed as animal magnetism) was set in motion by Franz Anton Mesmer.
However, it wasn’t until 1958 when the American Medical Association (or AMA) acknowledged hypnotherapy’s validity as a very useful medical procedure.
Fast forward today, hypnotherapy, usually combined with Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy (or CBT), has been one of the tried and tested ‘tools’ for stopping smoking, alleviating pain and physical conditions like asthma and IBS, and those are just to name a few.
And just recently, another discovery has been made concerning new uses of hypnotherapy…that of relieving social anxiety and shyness.
If you are someone who tends to cower for no apparent reason when talking to strangers or stutter a lot when speaking in public, this may be just the ‘pill’ you
*Getting Rid Of Social Anxiety Through Hypnotherapy – How It Works*
“The events and experiences we undergo are linked to physical and emotional reactions.”
This is the premise of hypnotherapy. When we experience the same events once again, the physical reactions and emotions we have subconsciously linked to it (regardless if it’s healthy or not) are brought back to the surface…reactivated.
Here’s a simple example: Let’s say someone just had a traumatic public speaking experience. Perhaps, in the middle of his speech, he forgot his piece. He felt lost…he panicked in front of hundreds or even thousands of people.
Such a person is very likely to experience the negative/unhealthy emotions when speaking again in public or shaking hands with other people. His subconscious has linked public speaking to panic and confusion.
Using the simple example above, the goal of hypnotherapy is to break that link…to separate the
traumatic public speaking experience from the negative emotions he came to associate with it.
Furthermore, during these hypnotherapy sessions, the therapist might even give post hypnotic suggestions that will allow the subject to relax whenever he wants.
*What Happens In A Hypnotherapy Session*
Before a therapist starts a hypnotherapy session, he will first discuss your medical history – looking at and discussing the problems with you, while providing you with a simple overview of how the process works.
Just in case you are worried, no, the goal of hypnotherapy isn’t to make you run around the room like a chicken or do weird stuff.
That’s stage hypnosis. What hypnotherapy tries to do is to have you enter an altered state of consciousness.
Known as trance or hypnotic state, people in this different level of consciousness experience extreme relaxation, lowered blood pressure and heart rate, as well as significant changes
in brainwaves.
BUT more importantly, while in trance or hypnotic state, you will be highly responsive to suggestions. These suggestions can be direct or multi-layered.
In most hypnotherapy sessions that deal with social anxiety, the latter has been found to work a lot better than the former.
These suggestions – its delivery and structure, will serve as the main tool of the hypnotherapist in breaking down the negative associations and anchors to social events and interactions you have unknowingly made.
At the end of every session, the hypnotherapist will bring you back to alertness and will discuss and reflect on the experience with you.
No pills, no pain – if that sounds like a great way to finally get rid of social anxiety, maybe it’s about time you give hypnotherapy the shot it deserves.
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Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio

Well, Spring has totally Sprung here! I'm looking at baby peas and tomatoes, some spinach and silverbeet, I have herbs in abundance, sweetpeas are flowering and my broadbeans are making me look forward to a hot buttery session with them. The sweetcorn is taking much longer to come up than I expected, but it will be worth the wait!
On top of that, my little new Apricot tree is covered with tiny fruit, my mandarin is budding everywhere, and I'm hanging out for the other fruits I'll be harvesting this year!
Oh the joys of gardening, and harvesting the fruits of your labours.
Like most things in life, you reap what you sow, and I look forward to a great harvest in so many areas of life this year. I wish for you that you reap an abundance for your work as well.
If you don't mind, I'm going to have another quick show-and-tell moment here, and ask you to check out some of the Journals I've published as paperbacks to get from Amazon and other
book outlets.
If I can work out how to do some give-away competitions I'll set them up so you can win some if you enter!
Anyway, for those of you who would like a look, you can see some of the new designs here:
90 Day Weekly Planner - Rose Cover
Monogram M - 90 day Journal Planner
Mindful Dreaming 30 day Journal
Floral Bullet Journal 150 dot grid pages
"Monogram B Bullet Journal
What do you think? Is anyone interested in these, or do you have any suggestions for what you would like to see in personal journals? I'd really appreciate your feedback
And a reminder: "Power Tips" is here to help you learn and apply new self growth strategies. Are you getting benefit from these self growth reports? Most importantly: Will you USE what you are learning?
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May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
Have a Laugh!
Letters to God:
Dear God:
Are you really invisible,
or is that just a trick?
-- Lucy
Dear God:
Did you mean for Giraffe to look
like that or was it an accident?
-- Norma
Dear God:
I keep waiting for Spring, but it never
come yet. Don’t forget, OK?
-- Mark
Dear God:
Maybe Cain and Abel wouldn’t kill each
other so much if they had separate
rooms. It works with my brother.
-- Larry
If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, It will always be yours.
If it doesn't come back, it was never yours.
But, if it just sits in your living room,
messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses
your telephone, takes your money &
doesn't appear to realize that you set it free
- You either married it or gave birth to it!
Daily Self Reflection:

Thank you once again for joining us today, I hope that you have found some helpful self help tips and also found our free PLR article helpful to build quality relevant niche content on your online properties!
Helene Malmsio
Published by: Strategic Alliances (est. 1987)
Victoria 3073
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