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Inspiring Power Quotes
Weekly Report: "Tools for Boosting Inner Strength"
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Healthy Power Tip
Your Free PLR Article: "Aerobics for Fitness"
Editor’s Notes from Helene
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Daily Reflection
Power Tips weekly ezine is back!
This new version will include a free comprehensive self help report that you can read in full right here in the ezine!
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Inspiring Power Quotes For This Week:
"Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk and to act." - Maxwell Maltz
"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent van Gogh
"Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success." - Rob Gilbert
"Picture yourself vividly as winning and that alone will contribute immeasurably to success." - Harry Fosdick
"Peak performance in life isn't about succeeding all the time or even being happy all the time. It's often about compensating, adjusting, and doing the best you can with what you have right now." - Ken Ravizza
"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire." - Reggie Leach
"It doesn't matter what you're trying to accomplish. It's all a matter of discipline. I was determined to discover what life held for me beyond the inner-city streets." - Wilma Rudolph
What's New?
Well, its been a busy time here, which helps explain why it has been such a ridiculous long time between editions. My apologies for that. One of the things you might notice if you visit the site is that the name has changed from to
This is because the site has so many subjects, it is more about discovering than only learning DIY and self help.
It will also be split into mini-sites... one for PLR content for sale, one for my Author updates and new books published, a Health section, a Self Help section, a Motivational section, an animal welfare CompassionHub section, as well as the existing Learn how to DIY Guides and article resources.
There is still so much to do it makes my head boggle, but I'll just keep banging away at it.
O.K. Lets begin with the first Power Tips report for you... ENJOY!
Report: "Tools for Boosting Inner Strength"

There’s hardly a person alive who would tell you that life is anything but busy – and sometimes tough. You can be pulled in so many directions at once it can be easy to get stretched thin.
No matter how old you are, you’ll encounter trying situations at home, at work, among your friends and family and even with strangers. Everything you go through taps into your inner strength and can drain it little by little.
You can’t do anything about what you experience simply because it’s part of life. But what you can do is to find ways to boost your inner strength so that you have the calm that you need to deal with whatever comes your way.
There are several tools that you can use to help boost your ability from an internal mindset perspective - so that regardless of what you face, you can have a life of calm.
Exercise to Gain Inner Strength
One of the
easiest tools that you have at your disposal to use when you need to boost your mental strength is physical exercise. Exercise does so much more than give your muscles strength and help keep your weight under control.
Exercise is necessary to strengthen you emotionally- and one of the reasons for this is because it can calm stress. It’s a well known fact that stress is one of the leading causes for turmoil, loss of peace and mentally draining.
When you experience a loss of inner strength, you’ll feel tired, mentally sluggish and unable to concentrate.
What’s going on is that the things you’re dealing with in life(even if they’re not necessarily horrible things) are chipping away at your inner strength.
What you go through in life will hit you internally long before it hits you outwardly. In other words, you’ll feel the stress first.
You’ll fee anxious and
restless and then you’ll exhibit physical symptoms like insomnia, headaches, stomach aches and more.
What exercise does is cause you to produce a greater supply of endorphins. Not only do these chemicals take care of stress, but they work to boost your supply of inner strength.
You’ll feel calmer and ready to handle whatever it is that you need to take care of. There are some exercises that are better for boosting your inner strength than others.
When you exercise vigorously - such as with aerobic exercise - you’ll find that you have more inner strength.
This is because the faster paced exercise works to raise the endorphin levels, but at the same time, it drives down the stress level, gives you more confidence and a more positive
When you take part in a regular exercise routine, you’ll find that your store of inner strength increases and has a beneficial boost to your mental abilities.
The key to using exercise to boost your inner strength is making sure that you find something that you enjoy doing.
If you don’t, you’ll only feel the added stress of doing something that you don’t want to do and you’ll be dealing with the negative emotions associated with that, instead of healing.
And there is nothing at all wrong about beginning workouts slowly, by designing a home fitness program for beginners that is suited to exercises for sedentary people and workout newbies ... just go at your own pace and build it up from there.
efforts to "move more" will be well rewarded!
How Mantras Boost Your Inner Strength
If you’re not sure what a mantra is, it’s a sound or a word that’s used to help people focus when they’re meditating. There are many reasons that you want to use mantras.
They can help you deflect the thoughts and attitudes that can drain your inner strength. When you practice a mantra, you’ll notice that you have a more positive outlook toward whatever it is that you’re dealing with.
You’ll also discover that learning a mantra can set you free from stress and anxiety. The words that you use in a mantra or the sounds that you’ll use can vary depending on what you choose to do.
There can be particular mantras, too - based on what you’re searching for. Some people will use a basic Om sound as their mantra while others will use specific mantras that translate into requests for healing or blessings or other things that they want to focus
Mantras are a way of tapping into your inner strength and finding the balance that you need to restore the draining energy.
When you have a mantra, you can use it to help you focus during the times that you feel uncertain or nervous.
You can use it to calm your fears and to help you find your center so that you remain in control. Studies have shown that people who use mantras to help boost their inner strength are often more successful in all areas of their lives than people who don’t.
You’ll experience clarity and a mental focus that others won’t have. Not only will you be able to boost your inner strength on a regular basis, but during a time of crisis when you really need your mental alertness.
Mantras help you be aware of what’s going on around you as well as within you. They can guide you to help lift you above the situation and to keep your perspective.
This will help you to see situations as solvable and as
a moment in time rather than as something that can’t be overcome.
When you practice with a mantra, it will teach you to be more confident in your abilities and can raise your self-esteem.
You’ll be able to find the positives even in the negative situations you might have to deal with. By using a mantra, you’ll be able to have a way to relax at any moment throughout the day.
This can help bring your emotions back into focus. People who practice mantras are also often more compassionate and slower to get angry.
This level headedness is a wonderful trait to have in terms of keeping you emotionally sound.
Affirmations Are a Tool for Boosting Inner Strength
Some people think that affirmations and mantras are one in the same, but they’re not. Rather than being a single word or a sound, an affirmation is made up of complete sentences.
These sentences are designed to delve deep into the subconscious mind to
refill the well of inner strength.
When people practice these sentences, they’re keys that can help the user see what it is that restores them.
When the affirmations are practiced, the subconscious mind recognizes them. Behavior changes takes place based on how the person then decides to live his or her life.
Affirmations influence the people who use them by causing them to react to pleasant or unpleasant situations with a happier outlook.
When affirmations are practiced, it allows the person to replenish the inner strength rather than taking from it.
When you connect with the power of the subconscious mind, you can change your life. What the affirmations do first is affect the way that you think. The way that you think about things will be followed by the way that you act.
So if you’re someone who has a situation in your life that has always robbed you of confidence or affected your self-esteem, practicing
affirmations can help you change the way that you react because it changes your thought processes.
You’ll be able to break free of the type of thinking that keeps you stuck. Affirmations give you a positive outlook on life, which in turn leads you to feeling happier and more vibrant.
The positivity adds to your inner strength rather than taking from it. You don’t have to carve out huge blocks of time to be able to practice affirmations. You can say them throughout the day to unleash their positive power.
When you first begin to use affirmations, you might encounter some self-resistance because it can be a struggle to change the way that you’ve always thought about things.
But you can press on and use affirmations to help you until it becomes second nature for you. You can use different affirmations depending on what type of inner strength you need to boost.
For example, if you’re struggling in the area of self-doubt and you
feel like a failure in what you try to do, then you need to use an affirmation that supports your success.
For that type of affirmation, you would say something like “I can achieve success” or “Success is drawn to me.” Don’t put it in the future by using words like, “I will succeed.”
If you were struggling with feeling sad or not happy with your life, you would use affirmations that affirmed happiness.
You would repeat a sentence such as “Happiness dwells within me” or “Happiness is drawn to me.”
You wouldn’t say, “I will become happier.” You want to keep it in the present. By using affirmations to change your subconscious, you can boost the level of your inner strength.
Report continued below...
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My first book published in the series for CFS therapies is now a Best Seller on Amazon.
You can get it as both a Kindle or a paperback!
If you would like to learn more about CFS therapy first, check out my online guide on the topic here:
How to Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
If you have a product or service that you would like to feature here for our subscribers, we feature approved classified ads here for only $17 per edition, so please Contact me me to book your advertisement (or an advertorial article).
"Tools for Boosting Inner Strength" Report continued...
Using Yoga to Boost Inner Strength
Finding a way to boost your inner strength is a lot easier than you might think. One of the ways that you can do this is by practicing yoga.
Yoga is a spiritual practice that uses breathing and postures in meditation and relaxation.
It teaches people how to gain inner strength and get rid of stress. You can use it to help you retain a sense of peace.
By working to build up a person’s body and mind strength, it works to boost the inner strength.
You might be living your life and feel that you’re doing what you supposed to do but there are times throughout the day when you simply feel so mentally and emotionally drained, it’s hard to muddle through.
Or you might reach the end of the day and feel as if you gave your all to the point where you have nothing left to give - including to yourself.
This will
quickly drain your inner strength and if you don’t boost it back, you’ll end up experiencing things like fatigue and emotional and physical upsets.
Yoga is a tool that you can use to influence yourself toward being a positive person and positive people are more successful.
The reason is because people who have inner strength have a confidence that others don’t often have.
Practicing yoga makes you feel a greater sense of self because when you take part in the poses, your body releases endorphins that affect your mood and give you a boost.
When you practice yoga on a consistent basis, you’ll notice that you feel better physically and emotionally. The benefit of yoga is that it can be practiced anywhere - including at the office.
When you feel that mental and emotional drain and you know that your inner strength needs a boost, you can use yoga to give you back your energy and clarity.
You’ll feel better about yourself
and your abilities. There are different types of yoga that you can use, including ones to build your physical body with yoga sports training. But some of them are better suited for boosting inner strength than others.
There is Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyenga, Vinyasa and Hatha. Of these, Hatha is more often used for the purpose of boosting inner strength because it has the ability to restore balance to the body.
Finding the Right Self-Help Books to Boost Inner Strength
A great tool that you can use to boost your inner strength is a self-help book. You can find a wide selection of them at retail and online stores that are written specifically to guide you toward greater inner strength.
One of the ways that these books can help you is that they teach you the link that self-esteem has with your actions.
When you have lower self-esteem, you also have a lack of confidence in your ability as a person.
This lack of confidence bleeds over into how you perform at work and how well you do in your relationships with other people.
When you struggle with your inner strength, it can make you feel less happy than you deserve to feel.
By using a self-help book, you can have the power that you need to reach the best level of inner strength.
These books will help you be able to pinpoint how you’re sabotaging yourself in different areas of your life and draining your well of inner strength.
You’ll learn about actions that you’re doing that create a well of negativity and keep you trapped in an ongoing cycle of strength drain.
When you gain the inner
strength balance that you need, you’ll be able to overcome a lack of self-esteem.
You’ll discover that you feel more confident in your relationships and with your job. You’ll also learn to recognize situations and people in your life that act as drains on your attitude - and how you can deal with these individuals.
A self help book can show you how to restore your inner strength through the use of different techniques that teach calmness and restoration. You’ll be able to view things with a clarity that you didn’t have before.
You’ll learn exactly what inner strength is and the issues that can occur in life that can affect your strength.
You’ll learn the negative and positive influences that are around and within you that you need either avoid or cultivate.
By using self help books that show you how to boost your inner strength, you’ll gain a stronger sense of self that will lead you to develop a life of accomplishments and
happiness that are well within your reach.
I hope you enjoyed this self development report and will put the information to good use!
You can learn more here on my site about things like how to create your own self development plan with my sample guide.
And please do let me know what your most desired topics are, and I'll try my best to publish exactly what you are looking for
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Healthy Power Tip:
Raw Apples – Healthy Fast Food
Feel like snacking on an apple? With so many delicious varieties available, you can bite into a fresh, crisp apple and have a joyfully different taste adventure every day of the week.
• Pack an apple in your brown bag lunch.
• Include a colorful variety of apples on your picnic menu. They have great keeping qualities and will do fine without refrigeration for the day.
• Add chopped apples to your tossed salad. It adds little bursts of sweetness and makes salad special.
• Slice apples and enjoy them with a nut butter spread.
• Add crunch to a fruit salad with diced apples.
• Make a vegan Waldorf Salad with diced apples, diced celery, raisins, and vegan mayonnaise.
• Apples and a savory creamy vegan dip make great partners at a party.
• If you are fortunate enough to have a juicer in your kitchen, you can enjoy fresh apple juice throughout the year.
Start your day with an unbaked apple. In a bowl, combine raisins, nuts, chopped dried pineapple, chopped dates, and sprouted buckwheat. Core the apple, fill the cavity with some of the fruit-nut mixture, and surround the apple with the remainder. Enjoy this breakfast dish with a knife and fork.
Your Free PLR article: "Aerobics for Fitness"
I keep updating the site with new PLR content for you, which you can check on the directory page here: PLR Article Packs and also have a catalogue that you can review and just check off the packs you have already purchased.
You can grab the latest version here at any time (right click to download): Strategic Services PLR content Catalog
Want to know who I buy PLR content from to use on my sites when I don't have content of my own already? Well, I have a few great ghostwriters I buy from, but my favourite PLR store is Tiffany Lambert's PLR-MiniMart.
If you can't find the subject content you need on my PLR store, do check it out!
"Aerobics for Fitness - 434 words"
Regular cardiovascular training can help improve your health but it needs to be done at a good intensity and along with a good diet. Cardiovascular training is one of the most important aspects of fitness and being healthy.
Not only can it strengthen your heart but it can also add years to your life, lower stress levels, lower blood pressure and cholesterol if done along with a healthy eating plan. It can also help you reduce your weight and help you acheive your health goals.
Swimming, jogging, running and cycling are all good forms of cardivascular exercise and if done regularly you can reap a lot of healthful benefits.
But it's also important to keep in mind that cardiovascular activity is best done at a gradual increase or you can become injured, get out of breath too quick and you can actually over train. If this happens it can be very discouraging.
Using an aerobic exercise
program is a great way to improve your health over time, increase indurance and stamina but it also builds intensity throughout the routine and then has a cool down period as well.
It's an excellent way to increase your overall health and should be used in conjunction with other forms of cardivascular activity that you enjoy.
Research shows thаt аn aerobic exercise program thаt exceeds mоrе thаn fоur - 45 minute sessions реr week hаѕ a limited effect оn improving уоur aerobic capacity.
Yоu burn uр mоrе calories if уоu exercise more, but уоu wоn't necessarily wind uр with a heightened level оf cardiovascular fitness. In addition, exercising aerobically mоrе thаn 1.5 hours реr week mау bе counterproductive, if уоur goal iѕ tо maximize уоur level оf muscle mass.
Yоur goal should dictate hоw muсh cardio уоu ѕhоuld do. Fоr еxаmрlе if уоur goal iѕ tо reduce bоdу fat thеn 20-40 minutes sessions 3 tо 4 timеѕ a week is a good goal. Start slowly
if уоu аrе juѕt starting training, e. g. thrее timеѕ реr week, 20 minutes реr session.
However, don't worry if you are only able to five or ten minutes in the beginning, you will build your endurance over time if you keep at it.
Fоr improving cardiovascular fitness thrее tо fоur sessions оf 20-30 minutes ѕhоuld yield good results without over doing it.
It'ѕ аlѕо important tо сhаngе уоur exercise pattern аftеr уоu hаvе bееn оn a certain routine for a few weeks. Alternate bеtwееn swimming, running, cycling аnd aerobics if possible.
Thiѕ kеерѕ thе cardiovascular workout mоrе effective. Thе key tо effective cardiovascular training iѕ consistency аnd regularity whilе ensuring уоu kеер safe!
End of free PLR article
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Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
Well, its been fun getting back in the saddle and publishing my ezine again.
I used to get so many kind reviews from subscribers from when I first started publishing it in 2005 on my "Personal Enterprise Self Help Resources" website, so I hope I can get back to publishing a quality magazine that you will really enjoy reading and investing your time into.
Each week I will select from and publish a combination of online report Guides covering Health, Personal Development / Happiness, Business Success / Professional Development, and Online Business Guides.
The goal is to educate, inspire, motivate and share tips that will help you to live your best life.
Let me know the topics you would find most helpful for me to publish Guides about!
I really appreciate you subscribing to this ezine, I hope you enjoy it, and I welcome your feedback about this ezine - Don't "reply" to this ezine... you can use this form to Contact Me
May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
Have a Laugh!
Growing Old In Florida
A group of seniors were sitting around the pool in sunny Florida talking about all their ailments.
"My arms have gotten so weak I can hardly lift this cup of coffee," said one.
"Yes, I know," said another. "My cataracts are so bad I can't even see my coffee."
"I couldn't even mark an 'X' at election time, my hands are so crippled, "volunteered a third.
"What? Speak up, I can't hear you," said a fourth.
"I can't turn my head because of the arthritis in my neck," said a fifth, to which several nodded weakly in agreement.
"My blood pressure pills make me so dizzy I can hardly walk," exclaimed another.
"I forget where I am and where I'm going," said an elderly gent.
"I guess that's the price we pay for getting old," winced an old man as he slowly shook his head.
The others nodded in agreement.
"Well, count your blessings," said one woman
Daily Reflection:

Thank you for joining us today, I hope that you have found some helpful self help tips and also found our free PLR article helpful to build your online properties!
Helene Malmsio
Strategic Services
Victoria 3465
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