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Weekly Report: "Fight Stress with Lifestyle Alterations"
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Your Free PLR Article: "Staying Motivated When Life is Falling Apart"
Editor’s Notes from Helene
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Daily Self Reflection
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Inspiring Power Quotes For This Week:
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"A person's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things." - Wallace D. Wattles
"Success demands singleness of purpose." - Vince Lombardi
"A man is but of product of his thought, What he thinks he becomes." - Mahatma Gandhi
"The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you.
If you do that, you're in control of your life. If
you don't, life controls you." - Anthony Robbins
"First, say to yourself what you would be, then do what you have to do." - Epictetus
"If you can dream it, you can do it. Your limits are all within yourself." - Brian Tracy
What's New?
Stress sucks. Its sucks the joy out of your life. It ruins your successes in life. It makes you miserable and a frazzled hot mess when you should instead be able to enjoy the moment.
I cover stress management a lot in my writing and self help training, simply because it is such a key life skill that simply everyone needs to master.
So, apart from suggesting that you actually invest in my Stress Management book, I'm giving you some insights here that will give you a starting point at least.
O.K. Lets begin with this weeks Power Tips report for you... ENJOY!
Report: "Fight Stress with Lifestyle Alterations"

There are many things you can do to fight back against stress without medicating yourself. Natural remedies are safer and easier to implement than going through the routine of getting a doctor's fix.
Of course, if your stress is out of control to the point where you fear you'll hurt yourself - or someone else - then you should always seek the intervention of a professional first and foremost.
There are five fundamental ways you can ease the stress in your life - and they're all based on simple modifications you can make in your own lifestyle. From better planning to diet and exercise - even better sleep - you can take control of the situation and feel better in an instant.
Eliminate and Modify Your Plans
Sometimes we put ourselves directly in the path of oncoming stress. The first thing you have to do is become aware.
Awareness is key to managing stress loads, and sometimes we turn a blind eye to things that upset
us the most.
Get yourself a journal and jot down an entire week's worth of stress. Whenever you feel upset, even if it's only for 20 minutes, write down the root cause and how long it lasted.
Once you become aware of constant factors in your stress load, you can work to eliminate or modify how you interact with them on a regular basis, if at all!
Traffic is a good example of stress, and some people fight traffic day after day, during a morning commute and early evening rush hour.
There are ways to improve the situation to some degree, such as leaving early for work or taking a different route.
Romantic relationships can cause a great deal of stress when they become less romantic and more volatile. Instead of hanging onto something toxic in your life,
address it head on - with couples counseling, or by breaking it off and opening your life up to something healthy for you.
Familial relationships are sometimes toxic, too. Some people can't close the door on family, but you can learn how to construct safe boundaries by not allowing yourself to be used or abused.
Friendships can be unhealthy and stressful. Know when to have a talk with a friend about the way you're being treated, and when to let go of these friendships that do more harm than good.
Finances are a major source of stress, and many people think they're powerless to control them. But they're wrong. You can pursue a good debt management strategy and pay off what you owe, start saving and begin earning more if you plan for it.
Control Stress By Controlling Your Diet
There are many ways that stress affects our diets - and ways that stress is
affected by our diets, too. Most people only grasp the unhealthy connection - comfort eating during periods of high stress.
The first thing you need to do is stop emotionally soothing yourself with food. Then, look at ways that food can become your friend during times of stress. What we normally do when comfort eating is binge on high salt and high sugar foods.
What you really need to do is look for foods that have an opposite effect on your body than stress does. For example, stress causes you to feel fatigued, so in the past, you might have turned to sugar to get a jolt of energy.
Nuts are a great food that instantly goes to work in your body to keep cortisol levels down when they spike. Cortisol is the stress hormone that gives you that "fight or flight" feeling when anxiety hits.
High potassium foods like bananas or avocados help combat stress. When you get stressed out, your blood pressure spikes. Foods rich in potassium help
lower your blood pressure.
Another thing that happens when your body feels stressed is your blood sugar can spike. There are some foods, such as oatmeal or whole grain breads (complex carbs) that stabilize your blood sugar and help keep you calm. They also boost your serotonin (feel good) hormones.
There are certain foods filled with folic acid that help keep stress low. Any dark, leafy green like kale, collards, spinach and turnips will work. Citrus foods, beans and seeds will also do the job.
One of the health side effects of chronic stress is constipation. If this affects you, then you want to turn to foods high in fiber. Beans, corn, whole wheat foods, oatmeal and berries are all high in fiber.
Researchers have discovered that those who lack vitamin B have a propensity to develop feelings of anxiety. You might be lacking in this, so eat foods rich in B vitamins, such as shellfish, soy, low fat dairy and eggs.
Let Your
Endorphins Snuff Out Stress for Good
It's a myth to think that if you exercise, all of your stress will simply disappear. It doesn't work like that.
Stress will be around you no matter what - but what exercise does is help you be better able to handle stress so that it doesn't take the same toll on you that it is now.
Endorphins are commonly called happy hormones because they create a "feel good" effect in your mind when they hit. They're actually neurotransmitters that get released in your body to fight the cortisol (negative hormone) that's bringing you down.
Many people form a love of exercise because after awhile of engaging in it, they become used to the release of the endorphins. Not only does it deliver physical stress relief, but it clears your mind, too - because it allows more oxygen to reach your bloodstream.
At first, you might feel tired from exercising. But over time, exercise actually helps you feel less
fatigued. You'll become stronger, have more energy, and your mental clarity will skyrocket.
When you exercise regularly, you end up seeing long-term stress relief benefits. Not only will your mood improve, but you'll sleep better at night.
Getting enough exercise is great, but even a quick 5-minute aerobic jolt to your system can pack a punch when it comes to endorphins.
One way to get more exercise is to have fun with it. Don't make it a chore. If you hate going to the gym, then don't! Do something else instead, like rollerblading or another activity or sport that gets your heart rate up.
It's not just aerobics that release endorphins. Even slower exercise has that effect, just at a different level. You can engage in meditation or yoga and feel the benefits of endorphins being released.
When you exercise, we know that it delivers other health benefits to
your body, like assisting you in managing your blood pressure, for example.
So when stress does hit you and your blood pressure rises slightly, exercise will already have you at more manageable levels, so you won't be putting yourself in danger.
If you have been sedentary for a long period of time, it's best not to jump right into a strenuous routine where you might possibly harm or injure your body from the rigorous movements.
Start out slower and in small increments and build on your routine from there. As you increase your time and effort, you'll start to feel even more of the physical and mental boost that you get from engaging in this form of stress relief.
Report continued below...
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I'm an author who has published over a dozen self help and natural health ebooks and paperbacks, so in this section I'll usually feature one of my books for you to check out.
Stress does not have to control your life... my book really does have the answers you are looking for, so check it out!
How to Break Free From A Stressful Life: Stress Management Relief for at Home and at Work
Instant download available 24/7 - dont wait any longer to get the solutions you need today!

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Monogrammed A 2018 Diary Monthly & Weekly Planner: 12 months with Contact & Password lists & spare Note pages 8.5 x 11
"Fight Stress with Lifestyle Alterations" Report continued...
Improve Your Sleep and Watch Stress Dissipate
If there's one thing that creates a vicious cycle in the stress world, it's insomnia. The sleep and stress connection is brutal because if you don't get enough sleep, you get stressed the next day - and if you're stressed, you can't sleep.
Where does it all end?
It ends when you regain control of the situation. It's one thing to address the stress that you can deal with - but you also have to handle the sleep issue on its own.
It's almost a chicken and the egg situation - nobody knows which came first - the insomnia or the stress - but you have to tackle it head on to make sure it gets sorted out.
Start by making sure you have good sleep hygiene. That means get a comfortable bed with bedding, set your room temperature to a nice, cool level, and remove all technology from the room to help induce
Develop a bedtime routine. This trains your subconscious mind to know when it's nearing bedtime, and it starts to shut down and feel drowsy. That might mean taking a nice, warm bath, reading a book, and having a light snack to stave off hunger until morning.
If you're easily woken up during the night and then find it hard to fall back asleep, make sure you help yourself not get roused from your slumber. That might mean using a white noise machine so that you don't hear sounds easily.
You can buy a specific white noise machine that's meant to drown out noise, or you can use things like a fan in your room, turned to a setting that hides outside noise from you.
You might need something to help you drift off. In that case, try aromatherapy. It can be dispensed in the room with scents like lavender that have soothing aromas to relax and calm the mind.
Sometimes it's nothing you're doing, but something your sleeping partner is
doing that makes you unable to sleep. If you have a partner who has sleep apnea, for example, then he or she needs to get fitted for a sleep apnea mask so that they're not choking themselves awake and startling you in the middle of the night.
You may need to use an over the counter helper like melatonin, which weakens as you age, to help you fall (and stay) asleep. You can start out with a low dose and increase it until you find one that works best for you.
Indulge in Self Care to Tame Terrible Stress
Sometimes our minds just won't quit. They relive the stress even when we're out of immediate danger. So if this happens to you, you'll need to work on specific nurturing to your body and mind to help alleviate the pressure your mind is putting on you.
Everyone has a different idea of what self care means. For some, it includes a little much-needed "me time" away from everyone - time to just be alone with your thoughts and free of
You might find that taking time for a nice, warm bath each night is plenty of relaxation for you. Or, maybe you need to get out of the house and engage in an activity like photography, sports, or socialization.
Sometimes we need a little more specific self care. You might save up for a stress-relieving spa activity, like a manicure, pedicure, massage or facial that will relax you.
You can also do all of those things yourself at home using organic skincare products and essential oil blends that promote relaxation in your home. There are many spa tools for at-home use that might help make it a wonderful experience.
You may need to engage in some serious mental stress relief. For example, you can meditate or use guided meditation if you don't know how to do it on your own.
You may also want to check out how EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
works. This is a tool you can use anywhere discreetly to provide instant stress relief.
There are many ways you can help control stress in your life. And for the stress that you're unable to avoid, you can always educate yourself about how to better manage your reaction to that stress.
Sample the ideas and try combining those that work best for you. Sometimes, a specific stress relief tactic won't deliver any results for you - and that's okay. It just means your body and mind will react to a different strategy better!
I hope you enjoyed this self help report and will put the information to good use!
You can learn more about how to manage stress with this online guide
There is also my own book about natural stress management you can read on all the various tablets, phones, computers... or just print out and put in a folder to keep for reference!
And please, as I keep asking, do let me know what your most desired self help topics are, and I'll try my best to publish exactly what you are looking for
Get Motivated!
Here's a Free Motivational Social Media Graphic For You To Enjoy and Share!
All you need to do is to right click on the image and select "Save image As" to download it to your computer.
Feel free to download and share the social media image below with your friends and family - ENJOY!

Healthy Power Tip:
Get Enough Sleep!
Not getting enough sleep is not only bad for your health, but it can be dangerous too. It leads to poor decision making that can lead to accidents and other harmful incidents.
Studies show that people regularly getting less than 6 hours of sleep each night are more susceptible to high blood pressure.
Vitamin B6 helps your body make melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone. Eat meat, fish, vegetables, whole grains and nuts to get your B6.
If you wake up in the night, stay in bed with your eyes closed, instead of getting back up. You’ll probably fall back asleep.
Make a plan to get 8 hours sleep before you get up.
Research shows, the best sleep for humans occurs before midnight. So early to
bed and early to rise, really does make you health and (potentially) wise.
TiVo is your friend when it comes to getting enough sleep. Record your favorite late night programs and watch them the next day.
Your Free PLR article: "Staying Motivated When Life is Falling Apart"
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"Staying Motivated When Life is Falling Apart"
You've started this new motivation plan, you've been working on your mindset and trying to create the life you want, lose weight, reach a goal, or whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.
Unfortunately, bad things in life seem to be attacking you left and right.
When you start working on a positive mindset or making a better life for yourself aren't things supposed to magically change and just be great?
You'd think so, but it doesn't always happen that way. Happy people, wealthy people, and positive people still have their own problems to deal with. Life still attacks them.
The difference in most cases is that they deal with them differently. They've mastered coping mechanisms that help them stay motivated and positive even when life seems to be throwing them curve balls one after the other.
Life has ups and downs. Life has successes and failures. Many times
these go and come in cycles, so you can't expect either of them to hang around forever. Good times will come.
Maybe you'll get comfortable with that. When bad times come around it may set you back, it may feel devastating to you. Get used to the cycles so you can deal with them better. Nothing ever stays the same, things are constantly changing.
Learning to deal with these life cycles is much better than letting them control how you feel or think. Simply get used to the fact that life has natural cycles, just as seasons change, so do the good times and bad times.
Ecclesiates 3 says, "there's a time for every season..." Now, you don't have to be religious to know this is true. Things have a natural life cycle, from birth to death.
The things that happen in life have cycles too, much like the earth circles around the sun and the moon circles around the earth. Day follows night follows day.
So how do you stay motivated when it's a
down time, when things seem to be going wrong? One way is to remember that it's only a season.
That doesn't mean it's going to last 3 months, although it could, however, you must remember that life is going through its natural cycles and this too shall pass.
If you're experiencing good times, you should expect some bad times to show up from time to time. If you're experiencing bad times, then be comforted in knowing that they will change.
Focus on the positive things that already exist in your life. Your family or perhaps you just had a good month of sales. By keeping the positive things in the forefront of your thoughts, you are better equipped to deal with the negative.
Practice gratitude for the good things you have in your life. You can start a daily gratitude journal. Spend a few minutes each morning, or evening, writing down the things you are grateful for.
In fact, if you do this first thing in the morning, it's a great
way to start the day. Go ahead and do it again at night to end the day on a positive note. You might discover that you sleep better and wake up more refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
Read motivational materials. "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." ~ Zig Ziglar
Even your top motivational speakers read motivational content every day. They know it's an on-going process and should be a life long endeavor.
Don't give up just because you've been doing it for a little while and you aren't where you want to be. It requires an active pursuit.
If things seem to be going wrong in your life, just remember that the bad times don't last forever. Also look at them as a way to remind yourself to completely appreciate the good times and the good things that happen in life.
End of free PLR article
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Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
Well, I'm having a wonderful time here. Vegetables and fruit are growing, I'm going to reap what I sowed this year, despite the local wildlife stuffing their faces with my veges - LOL
The heat of summer is always incredibly unpleasant for me, I just don't tolerate it well, so I tend to bunk down with the air conditioner, and not really surface until evening cool breezes inspire me to work and create throughout the cooler nights.
This week we put up a couple of pagodas on the side of the house to give us some shade and also protect the fruit trees a bit from the midday sun.
I feel sorry for the rest of the world though that is right now getting frozen to the bone, so I try not to complain too much about our Australian heatwaves every summer during our blistering hot Holidays.
The most creative fun right now is still creating my new series of Diaries, Planners and Personal Journals. Such Fun! I hope they inspire many people to craft the
lives they dream of
Anyway, on a lighter note, its time for some shameless self promotion of my 2018 diaries and journals... NOW is the time to order them so they are delivered in plenty of time to get set for the New Year only a handful of weeks away. Click on banner above, or some samples below:
***Monogrammed A 2018 Diary Monthly & Weekly Planner: 12 months with Contact & Password lists & spare Note pages 8.5 x 11
***90 Day Weekly Planner - Rose Cover 6"x9"
***Monogram M - 90 day Journal Planner 6x9
***Mindful Dreaming 30 day Journal 6x9
***Floral Bullet Journal 150 dot grid pages 8.5"x 11"
***Monogram B Bullet Journal 8.5"x 11"
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May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
Have a Laugh!
1. Two vultures board an airplane, each carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at them and says, "I'm sorry, gentlemen, only one carrion allowed per passenger."
2. Did you hear that NASA recently put a bunch of Holsteins into low earth orbit? They called it the herd shot 'round the world.
3. Two boll weevils grew up in South Carolina. One went to Hollywood and became a famous actor. The other stayed behind in the cotton fields and never amounted to much. The second one, naturally, became known as the lesser of two weevils.
4. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, but when they lit a fire in the craft, it sank proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it, too.
5. A three legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He slides up to the bar and announces: "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."
6. Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal?
He wanted to transcend dental medication.
7. A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. "But why?" they asked, as they moved off. "Because," he said, "I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer."
8. A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named "Amal." The other goes to a family in Spain; they name him "Juan."
Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband responds, "They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."
9. These friars were behind on their belfry payments, so they opened up a small florist shop to raise funds.
Since everyone liked to buy flowers from the men of
God, a rival florist across town thought the competition was unfair.
He asked the good fathers to close down, but they would not. He went back and begged the friars to close. They ignored him. So, the rival florist hired Hugh MacTaggart, the roughest and most vicious thug in town to "persuade" them to close.
Hugh beat up the friars and trashed their store, saying he'd be back if they didn't close up shop. Terrified, they did so, thereby proving that: Hugh, and only Hugh, can prevent florist friars.
10. And finally, There was a man who sent ten different puns to friends, in the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
Let's end today with a fowl joke, shall we?
Q. Why are chickens considered good employees?
A. Because they work around the cluck.
You didn't care much for that one? Well, how about this...
There once was a lady, Ilene,
Who lived on distilled
But she started absorbin'
A new hydrocarbon
and since then she'd never benzene.
Daily Self Reflection:

Thank you once again for joining us today, I hope that you have found some helpful self help tips and also found our free PLR article helpful to build quality relevant niche content on your online properties!
Helene Malmsio
Published by: Strategic Alliances (est. 1987)
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