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Inspiring Power Quotes
Weekly Report: "Take Control Of Your Stress"
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Healthy Power Tip
Your Free PLR Article: "Steps to Create a Better You"
Editor’s Notes from Helene
Have a Laugh!
Daily Self Reflection
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Inspiring Power Quotes For This Week:
"The successful man is one who had the chance and took it." - Roger Babson
"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is for you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"If you are never scared, embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take chances." - Julia Soul
"Man is a goal-seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals." - Aristotle
"The first step towards success in any occupation is to become interested in it." - Sir William Osler
"Every man is free to rise as far as he's able or willing, but the degree to which he thinks determines the degree to which he'll rise." - Ayn Rand
"The successful person places more attention on doing the right thing rather than doing things right." - Peter Drucker
What's New?
Seriously, can you believe we are half way through October already? Time to start planning Christmas and all the usual Holiday and New Year socializing and gift giving and aaaaaarrghhh.....
I was doing pretty well this week until I realized its only about 8 weeks til Christmas. *Gulp* No way I'm going to be ahead of the game this year. Oh well.
I'm having too much fun with my Journal creating and publishing for it to stress me out.
I used to be stressed so much for years on end that I became an adrenaline junkie. Seriously. I had to have that 'buzz' going all the time to even feel alive!
But my health physically and mentally suffered, and I eventually put a lot of time and effort into learning about how to better manage my stress, and to enjoy living a 'boring' life without all the drama I had become addicted to.
I even published a book about it, and it will help you to take control of your home and work life too. But more on
that later on.
Anyway... below is a little self help report that outlines some good fundamental tips, and you can read it all right here, right now, on whatever gadget you are using.
O.K. Lets begin with this weeks Power Tips report for you... ENJOY!
Report: "Take Control Of Your Stress"

Stress is a growing problem in today’s society. Ask anyone around you- chances are most people you talk to will tell you they are suffering from it!
The truth is we are busier now than we have ever been before, and so many of us are trying to juggle a demanding job with family pressures, plus trying to have a life as well!
There are many factors which can cause stress. Today’s economy is very uncertain, and so many of us are worried about our job security.
A lot of people have lost their jobs, or had their working hours cut, so money can be a huge source of worry.
Added to this are stressful situations we all go through at some point in our lives- moving home, bereavement, divorce, relationship problems- the list is endless.
Latest studies show that as many as one in eight Americans are suffering from anxiety or stress related disorders- that equates to around 19 million people!
Women are twice as likely
as men to suffer from stress.
Surprise, Surprise.... NOT!
Anxiety, which is one of the main symptoms of stress, is now the most common mental illness.
Most of us are under a certain amount of pressure at times, and this isn’t always a bad thing- a bit of pressure can give us focus and motivate us to do a task well.
However, when the pressure is prolonged or too intense then this can lead to stress.
Stress causes us all to react differently, and the amount of stress we are able to cope with varies from individual to individual- some people are able to cope with seemingly huge amounts of stress without suffering any adverse effects, whereas others buckle under the smallest amounts of stress.
It is a fact that when we are exposed to more stress than we are able to cope with, or a prolonged period of stress, our health is adversely affected.
Why is Stress Harmful?
When we experience stress, our bodies release certain chemicals, including adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. You have probably heard of the ‘fright, flight or fright’ response.
This is a defense mechanism evolved to give our ancestors extra strength or speed to escape from or fight their way out of potentially life threatening situations.
However, we are very rarely faced with such situations nowadays, and our bodies are not required to respond physically (it is not appropriate to run away from a stressful meeting at work, although it may be tempting at times!)
This means that these chemicals are not being used, and so accumulate within the body. As adrenaline and noradrenaline build up, they increase the heart rate and blood pressure, and cause excess sweating.
A build up of cortisol can cause your immune system to malfunction and release sugars and fats directly into your blood
This can eventually increase your chances of suffering a stroke, and make you more susceptible to contracting an illness.
You will also be more at risk of contracting an autoimmune illness, cardiovascular disease or certain allergies.
During periods of stress, the digestive system can also malfunction as the body tries to conserve energy by shutting down processes not necessary for immediate survival. This can cause stomach problems or stomach or duodenal ulcers.
It is even thought that the changes in the chemical composition in our bodies which stress causes are related to diseases such as cancer.
Stress can also cause headaches, insomnia and sleep related problems, IBS, and a whole lot of other associated symptoms.
The effects of stress can also cause sufferers to adopt unhealthy habits in order to cope, such as drinking alcohol
to excess, smoking or eating processed foods high in sugars and fats.
This can further increase risks of developing a serious illness.
The Symptoms of Stress
How do you know whether you are suffering from stress? Stress affects us all differently, and we may display different symptoms.
Some of the more common ones to watch out for include; dizziness, feeling faint, headaches, chest pains and breathlessness, increased sweating, insomnia, stomach cramps and pain and muscular spasms/ twitches or aches.
Stress can also manifest a whole lot of mental symptoms, including; irritability, changes in appetite (either an increase or loss of appetite), loss of sex drive, anger, anxiety and depression, difficulties concentrating on tasks, fatigue, mood swings and increased emotional responses such as crying.
Stress can stop us from enjoying
activities we previously found pleasure in, and can affect just about every part of our bodies.
Just experiencing the above symptoms can actually increase our stress levels- for example, if we are not sleeping then this can lead to impairment of our work performance, which increases our anxiety- and raises our stress levels. We become locked in a cycle or ever increasing stress.
Relieving Stress
It is a major step to admit that you are stressed. There is a certain sense of stigma attached- we may feel that everyone is stressed to a certain extent, and so we should be able to cope.
But there is no doubt that stress can quite easily cause serious health concerns, and even endanger our lives. If you feel you are suffering from stress, you must talk to somebody about how you are feeling, preferably your doctor.
Your doctor may recommend
a course of medication, particularly if you are also experiencing associated symptoms such as depression or anxiety. You may need a course of antidepressants, or sedatives.
You may also be offered counseling. A trained counselor will allow you to talk about what you are feeling and will work with you to eliminate the cause or find your own solutions.
Depending on where you live, your local health center may offer services such as self help groups, workshops etc or may be able to signpost you to any in your area.
Identify the Cause
You can also help to alleviate your stress levels by identifying the cause of your stress. For instance, if your job is causing you a lot of stress, can you change jobs?
If not, can you talk to a line manager about changing certain aspects of your job, or getting help with certain tasks? If you are in debt, can you
arrange some kind of a debt repayment plan to give you peace of mind?
If you are experiencing family or relationship issues, can you hold a meeting to look at ways of resolving these, or attend group counseling sessions?
There are certain causes which you may not be able to eliminate, such as bereavement, divorce or a house move.
Sometimes these just have to run their course and once they are resolved, hopefully the stress will be too.
If they are causing real problems, then counseling may be an option. Even just talking to a close family member or a trusted friend can help.
If you are able to identify the cause or causes of your stress, you will be able to put measures into place to avoid or reduce the stress inducing situation.
By being aware of certain triggers which cause stress (for example, driving) you can learn to avoid the triggers as much as practically possible (by somebody else doing the driving when the
roads are likely to be busiest for example) or seek help with dealing with these specifically.
It is also possible to manage your stress naturally, read on for some stress management ideas.
Lower Stress Using Breathing Techniques
How we breathe can affect our whole body. Deep, steady breathing will induce calm; it is a technique often used in practices such as yoga and meditation.
As soon as you feel yourself becoming stressed, relax and take some deep breaths. Make sure you are breathing from your diaphragm- you can check this by placing your hand on your tummy.
It should rise and fall when you breath. As you inhale, count to three slowly in your mind, and as you exhale, count to five. Do this until you feel much calmer.
Report continued below...
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I'm an author who has published over a dozen self help and natural health ebooks and paperbacks, so in this section I'll usually feature one of my books for you to check out.
THIS WEEK ON SALE: I have reduced the price of my 7 Ways in 7 Days To a Youthful Mind and Body kindle book from the usual $6.45 down to only .99c because I want you all to get a taster sample of how good my natural health books are!!!
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"Take Control Of Your Stress" Report continued...
Relaxation Techniques
Learning some relaxation techniques can reduce your stress levels. When we become stressed, our muscles tense up, which can cause us problems over the long term.
Consciously tense and then relax each part of your body in turn, starting from your head and neck and gradually working your way to your feet and toes.
Make sure you build some relaxation time into your daily schedule. Take time out, and do whatever it is that relaxes you, whether it’s taking a long hot soak in the bath to having an early night with a book.
The Importance Of Sleep
One of the ways stress can affect us is an alteration of our sleep pattern. If we are feeling stressed, we can find it very difficult to get to sleep as things are often on our mind constantly.
It can be very difficult to switch our thoughts off,
and when we do manage to get to sleep we may wake several times during the night.
A lack of quality sleep can make us feel less able to function at work etc and increase our stress still further. There are several techniques you can use to improve your sleeping pattern;
Taking a hot bath shortly before bed will not only relax you, but your body temperature will drop afterwards, which is a signal to your body that it’s time to sleep.
Avoid drinking coffee and alcohol before you go to bed.
Get into a routine. Get up and go to bed at the same time each day.
This will enable your body to set its biological clock and you should find that you start to feel sleepy at bed time.
Play some relaxing music once you are in bed, close your eyes and use the visualization technique described
in the Visualization section.
Try not to focus on the fact that you can’t sleep. Do something to take your mind off it, such as reading a book. When you naturally start to feel sleepy again, go to bed.
If these techniques do not work and you are having real problems sleeping, or your health is affected, discuss this with your doctor as they may be able to prescribe medication.
Yoga and Meditation
Yoga and meditation are both ancient disciplines which work on the principle of clearing your mind of every day stresses so that you can concentrate on yourself as a whole.
Many people who practice these report that they feel much more relaxed, feel in better health and enjoy quality sleep.
Most communities have at least one yoga or meditation class you can try, or your local library
or the internet should have lots of information on the basics if you prefer to study at home.
Visualization Techniques
Sit somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful, tranquil place, such as a secluded beach or a forest.
See the scene in your mind- feel the warm sand, smell the fresh air and breeze against your face.
Hear the gentle sounds of the waves lapping the shore or the breeze rustling the leaves on the trees. Visualize it as clearly as possible; this will become easier with practice.
Doing this exercise regularly will help you to relax and manage your stress levels.
Music can be a great stress buster. There may be a certain piece of music which always makes
you feel good- if so, make a point of listening to it more, especially when you are stressed.
There is a great selection of relaxation CDs nowadays, with natural sounds incorporated such as mountain streams, birdsong or sounds of the forest.
Play one of these and feel yourself float away. They are great when used with the visualization technique described above.
Stop Smoking!
Too many people turn to smoking as they believe that it helps them to relax when things are stressful. This is a mistaken belief- smoking does not help, and can actually make your stress worse when you are craving your next cigarette.
In addition, smoking damages your body and puts you at risk of developing cardiovascular disease, heart disease and some cancers.
The same goes for drinking alcohol to excess- another thing people tend to do to try to
relax. If you are concerned that your drinking is getting out of hand, have a talk with your doctor.
Regular exercise is a great stress buster.
It is a fact that many of us don’t get the weekly exercise levels recommended for maximum health, so implementing an exercise routine into your schedule will improve your overall health and help prevent you from developing diseases such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease (many of these are also made worse by stress!)
When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins, which naturally reduce our stress levels and make us feel good.
Exercise also helps us to relax as we are naturally tired afterwards rather than the mental fatigue we get from a day slouching in front of a computer.
The minimum recommended guidelines for exercise are
thirty minutes five times per week. Choose an activity you feel you will enjoy and will be able to stick to regularly.
Don’t choose one which you dislike or you won’t feel motivated to do it, which can add to your stress.
It might be more fun to undertake an activity with others, for example playing tennis with a friend or taking the whole family out on a cycle ride.
The best forms of exercise are those that raise your heart rate and leave you slightly out of breath.
If you have not exercised for a while, it is a good idea to get the go ahead from your doctor first. Start slowly and gradually build up to avoid risk of injury.
Eat Well
It is easy to get into bad eating habits when suffering from stress.
Some people turn to
fatty, sugary foods for comfort, which gives a sugar rush followed by what is known as the ‘sugar crash’- a steep drop in both sugar and energy levels.
This kind of diet can have longer term health implications, as well as causing potential weight gain.
Other people find that stress makes them lose their appetite- they skip meals and seem to survive on a diet of coffee.
This is equally bad as their energy levels will be constantly low, and their immune system will be taking a battering. Eating a poor diet can cause irritability, low moods and lack of concentration.
Food can have a big impact upon our well being, and when we are eating a healthy, well balanced diet we will find it so much easier to combat stress and feel great.
Eating smaller meals regularly spaced throughout the day will keep the metabolism steady and supply a constant stream of energy.
You should aim to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables- at least
five portions a day- and reduce intake of foods containing a lot of sugar and fat.
You don’t have to cut out all the foods you enjoy, just save them for special treats and enjoy them in moderation.
If you eat rice, pasta and bread, try the wholemeal varieties.
Too much caffeine can make you feel irritable and anxious, and can affect your sleep, so cut back on this.
Drink plenty of fresh water, and avoid sodas, even diet varieties- they are full of artificial sweeteners, which can cause health problems.
Eating a healthy diet will help your body fight the symptoms of stress, as well as improving your overall health.
If you think that stress is becoming a real problem in your life, don’t wait until it affects your health- deal with the cause, practice some of the techniques given to you in this report and feel the benefits.
These are all
common sense tips that will give you a good start on managing your stress levels better.
I hope you enjoyed this self help report and will put the information to good use!
You can learn more about how to manage stress with the top suggestions in my online guide!
And remember I have a great value self help stress management training book to help you learn the best possible methods you can apply to improve stress management in your life and career. Perfect for really busy people!
And please do let me know what your most desired self help topics are, and I'll try my best to publish exactly what you are looking for
Get Motivated!
Here's a Free Motivational Social Media Graphic For You To Enjoy and Share!
All you need to do is to right click on the image and select "Save image As" to download it to your computer.
Feel free to download and share the social media image below with your friends and family - ENJOY!

Healthy Power Tip:
How to Practice Clean Eating
When you’re used to one way of eating - especially if it’s the way you’ve eaten most of your life - change can be difficult.
Fortunately, it’s not impossible to choose clean eating so that you have a healthier, long lasting life.
When you decide that you’re going to make changes in how you eat, there’s more to it than just staying away from foods that aren’t healthy for you.
You need to know which foods you should eat in order to get the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to have in order to function properly.
Choose the majority of the foods that you eat from the way that nature made them.
This will be whole foods like you would find on any healthy eating plan. You should eat plenty of whole grains along with fruits and vegetables.
Use only dairy products that are low in fat. When you do eat plant products - such as nuts - buy the brand that doesn’t use salt.
Additional salt in a product can push your sodium level over the healthy limit.
You’ll want to stay away from as much processed foods as possible. Because life is what it is with time crunches, you might end up having to choose a processed food every now and then.
If that’s the case, choose the healthiest food from among your choices. For example, if you have to buy a boxed pasta, make sure that you pick the one that’s whole grain.
Look over the label carefully. The more ingredients listed on the side, the higher the odds there are some dangerous additives in the box.
For the healthiest result, pick the foods that have short labels with a list of ingredients that you can understand.
Clean eating means that you need to watch the amount of sugar that goes into your eating plan. Foods that contain sugar can cause you to develop a sugar addiction.
I'm thinking that since achieving a happy balance in our lives of Health,
Wealth, and Happiness, maybe I should make next week's report one that is health related... I'll have a think about it!
Your Free PLR article: "Steps to Create a Better You"
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You can grab the latest version here at any time (right click to download): Strategic Services PLR content Catalogue
Want to know who I buy PLR content from to use on my sites when I don't have content of my own already? Well, I have a few great ghostwriters I buy from, but my favourite PLR store is Tiffany Lambert's PLR-MiniMart.
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"Steps to Create a Better You"
If you're like most people, you've read your share of self-improvement topics, books, and listened to audios. One person says focus on this, another says focus on that and before long it all gets tangled together.
The following is a simple step by step process to help you tackle the overwhelm that often comes from self improvement.
Step 1: Take stock of where you are and where you want to be.
Spend some time writing in a journal or taking notes and really dig deep about where you are with certain habits, like need to exercise more, need to eat less, etc.
Whatever areas are bothering you the most that you want to change.
Then, describe where it is you want to be. If you don't have a clue where you want to go, how can you expect to get there?
Step 2: Stop one destructive habit at a time.
Trying to change or stop all of your bad habits at once is a sure way to
fail. Instead, tackle one thing at a time. Once you've made progress with it, start on another one.
Step 3: Start a constructive or better habit.
One way to help eliminate a bad habit is to replace it with a new one.
It may seem like you're doubling up on tackling things, but adding a good habit to focus on when you're trying to stop a bad habit can help you succeed.
Step 4: Lighten up and Laugh.
It's true, laughter is often the best medicine. When you lighten up, stop taking things so seriously and start enjoying yourself, it's easier to tackle the things you're trying to change.
Step 5: Give.
You can choose to volunteer your time at a local charity or you can give money to a charity. Giving makes you feel good about yourself, especially when you're struggling with other things in your life.
Many self help advocates claim that the more you give, the more you'll receive. While that claim can't be
proven with scientific facts or any statistics like that, it sure can't hurt to give it a shot.
Step 6: Practice gratitude.
Practicing gratitude is one of the secrets to a happier life. When you focus on the things you have and are truly grateful for them, you don't have time to worry about what you don't have.
If you follow successful people, you know they all practice gratitude. Most even claim that their success didn't take off until they started adding this practice into their daily lives.
The above steps may not be easy, but they have been striped down to the basic elements of making change. If you can only do one thing to create a better you, you may want to start with gratitude.
Yes, it's listed as Step 6, but it really is one of the most important steps in becoming happier and keeping with your goals.
End of free PLR article
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Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
Last week I was very peeved to discover my Power Tips magazine was in my sp@am bin, when I was wondering why it hadn't arrived in my inbox yet.
So, I hope you did get your copy last week, it was a good edition! If you like, you could 'whitelist' Power Tips so that it doesn't end up in your bin by mistake.
Well, I've been talking about the new series of personal journals and planners that I've been creating and learning how to publish into paperback books... and I've got the first few up and online.
I even made my first sale today, of a Monogram 90 day Planner! And the principle is, if you can sell one, you can sell thousands - lol! Hopefully these journals will help to reimburse me for the thousands I just spent on the new computer.
But without a doubt, the greatest benefit of this project is the fun I'm having, and finally getting the creative juices flowing again. I'm bursting with ideas for very colourful, very visually stimulating
journals that I want to create, above the usual Diaries, and journals.
I even published my first few Bullet Journals, although since they are dot grid pages they are not exactly a creative challenge, apart from the cover design creation.
Anyway, for those of you who would like a look, you can see some of the new designs here:
***90 Day Weekly Planner - Rose Cover
***Monogram A - 90 day Journal Planner
***Mindful Dreaming 30 day Journal
***Floral Bullet Journal 150 dot grid pages
***"Monogram B Bullet Journal (I'm still loading the rest of the A-Z for these!)
So, I'm busy, with so far creating 5 new books/series, and I'm
having creative fun... love working on the cover designs as well. What do you think? Anyone interested in these, or have any suggestions for what you would like to see in journals? I'd really appreciate your feedback friends!
Well, like I said last week... its been a few weeks of sending you self help reports. So how am I doing? "Power Tips" is here to help you learn and apply new self growth strategies. Are you getting benefit from these self growth reports? Most importantly: Will you USE what you are learning?
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May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
Have a Laugh!
The Wisdom of Will Rogers
I simply adore the quotes assigned to this man, I hope they really do come from him, because they are wonderful - ENJOY!
1. There are 2 theories to arguing with a woman...neither works.
2. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.
3. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
4. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back in your pocket.
5. If you're riding' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there.
And a couple more I recommend we reflect on daily:
"Worry is like a rocking chair - it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere."
- Dorothy Galyean
"We would worry less about what others think of us if we realized how seldom they do."
- Ethel Barrett
Daily Self Reflection:

Thank you once again for joining us today, I hope that you have found some helpful self help tips and also found our free PLR article helpful to build quality relevant niche content on your online properties!
Helene Malmsio
Published by: Strategic Alliances (est. 1987)
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