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Inspiring Power Quotes:
"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man."
– Benjamin Franklin
"An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves."
– Bill Vaughan
"Most of us look forward to the start of a new year as a clean slate. We reflect on the past 12 months, take stock of where we are, and make new resolutions about how to improve in the coming year."
– Mazie Hirono"
See the daily famous quotes here for January Daily Inspirational Quotes
Learn more of our how to do it tips for motivating yourself every day by using free daily motivation and also get inspirational quotes.
Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
Wishing a very happy and prosperous New Year 2022 to you and your loved ones!
I'm spending time reflecting on the year passed, and making plans to thrive in the year ahead. You need a positive outlook, and an attitude of gratitude to do well in dire times like these.
But no matter how tough it can be, its essential to approach every day with a sense of anticipation for the good coming to you, which is attracted to you by having a genuine gratitude for all the good that is already part of your life.
This month I thought it would be timely to share suggestions for gratefulness and maybe a bit of a challenge to you to start practicing it if you are not already.
If you had to list what's good in your life, right now, and you weren't allowed to mention any material possessions, would you have a hard time coming up with the list?
If you’re unsure how to consciously cultivate gratitude, this self help report has
gratitude prompts to guide you and suggest areas of life to focus on, so you are sure to find something to be grateful for every day.
Life is so much better when approached from this viewpoint. You will be glad once you begin to practice daily gratitude in everything.
O.K. Lets begin with this edition's Power Tips self help report for you... ENJOY!
"Count Your Blessings In 2022"

What A Difference A Bit Of Gratitude Makes!
Gratitude can be simply broken down to appreciating the good things in your life. It doesn’t always seem simple, though.
When things are hectic or stressful, finding the silver lining can be challenging.
However, learning how to embrace gratitude can significantly boost your happiness. Being grateful offers a host of other benefits you’re probably not aware of, too.
Let’s take a closer look at the concept, ways it can improve your life and how to practice it.
About Gratitude
There are many definitions of gratitude. Some people believe it’s a feeling or emotion. Others look at it as more of a mood. Still, some folks believe gratitude is a personality trait a person exhibits. These can all be correct.
In essence, gratitude elicits satisfaction and appreciation in a person through feelings, actions or even inherent
However, even those of us who may be more inclined to feel grateful on a regular basis through our glass-half-full-optimism likely need to work on evoking such an outlook.
Gratitude can be viewed as a practice or something you perform regularly. Most people practice something because it benefits them.
This is true of gratitude. As with other practices, you’ll get better at demonstrating gratitude the more you work at it.
Benefits of Embracing Gratitude
There are many benefits of gratitude; many of them have been scientifically proven. Once you begin to understand these, chances are good that you’ll see why it’s so important to develop a grateful mindset.
Gratitude can have a positive effect on both physical and mental health. Research has shown it to improve relaxation, sleep quality and energy levels.
Being thankful for your blessings can enhance your
emotional wellness. You’ll deal better in crisis situations and find you’re more resilient when you’re able to look on the bright side.
This can contribute to better relationships, too. Appreciating the positives in life can simply make you feel happier.
Ways to Practice Gratitude
Recognizing your blessings may not come easily at first, but there are some ways to help make it a habit and a regular part of your routine.
One of the most convenient and impactful methods for cultivating appreciation is through keeping a gratitude journal.
In this practice, you’ll write down three things each day that you’re grateful for, which makes it easier to notice and recognize those good things. Meditation has also been shown to help.
Also, making an effort to thank someone each day, for even the smallest thing, opens your eyes and heart to abundance. Giving back and doing good for others can
provide tremendous perspective, as well.
Now you have a better idea of just what making a concerted effort to count your blessings can do for your life.
Embracing and expressing gratitude are more important than many of us realize.
Start & End Your Day By Counting Your Blessings
One really easy way to get started on a gratitude practice is to make a habit of counting your blessings both morning and night. You don’t even have to write them down, as in a gratitude journal, if that seems too overwhelming.
Simply taking a few minutes when you wake up and before you go to bed is enough to begin cementing this new practice into your routine.
Before long, you’ll be easily noticing that blessing abound. Here are some tips to help you begin.
Start Small
Easing into any habit is usually the best approach. By making it easier on yourself, you’ll be more
inclined to continue moving forward.
So, try not to put too much pressure on yourself to come up with grand examples of gratitude when you’re just starting out.
Just appreciating the bed where you’re starting and ending the day can be something to add to your initial list. Sometimes simply recognizing a tiny blessing can have a big impact.
Add It On
A helpful method for remembering your new gratitude habit is to add it on to your existing routine.
Whatever you normally do in the morning and night, be sure to include a few minutes to think of what makes you feel fortunate.
For example, if you have tea every morning, this would be a good connection to make. Sitting down to tea will soon become a reminder to contemplate on your three things.
Create Visual Reminders
If you find yourself forgetting to do it or skipping out on your new task, add some
visual cues to your environment. Post-it notes are great for this.
Stick one on your nightstand. Add another to your bathroom mirror. Technology comes in handy for reminders, as well.
Set an alarm on your phone so that you don’t leave the house or fall asleep without taking time to consider what makes you feel thankful.
Turn It Around
You can also try the opposite. Turn complaints around into something positive. Maybe you wake up with a sore back and don’t want to get out of bed.
It may seem obvious, but reminding yourself that you’re in overall good health and that you have a safe place to sleep can do wonders for your outlook. Try to find the silver lining. It really works.
Take Notes
A good habit can be jotting things down during the day as they happen. It only takes a few seconds to make a note of what you feel grateful for in that moment.
You can reflect on it later during your quiet bedtime routine.
Hopefully, you now see how getting into the habit of recognizing the good thing in life really isn’t all that difficult.
A few small changes to your routine and you’ll find it’s actually quite easy to implement this practice.
Enforce the Gratitude Habit with a Small Journal
Once you get into the habit of contemplating what you’re grateful for each day, it’s time to consider making it a written activity.
This can be intimidating for people who don’t like to write or who feel they may not have time to dedicate to such a practice.
In all honestly, it really doesn’t take much more time to write it down than to simply think on what you appreciate, and you don’t have to have strong writing skills in order to jot down three sentences.
Let’s see if we can’t make the process seem less stressful. There truly are
some amazing benefits that come from the physical process of creating a record of gratefulness.
More About Gratitude Journals
While it’s called a “gratitude journal”, it’s actually a tool or a record. You don’t have to write in a paper journal. The important part is that you take the time each day to record a few things that make you feel fortunate.
Doing so can actually help to manifest more positive things. Writing down what you’re appreciative of each day brings that sense of gratefulness to the forefront.
It allows you to focus on the positive, helping you to spot opportunities you might otherwise have missed. Keeping a gratitude journal gives you a written record to pull out and look back on any time you’re feeling less than fortunate.
It can provide you with motivation in the toughest of times.
Benefits of a Gratitude Journal
There are many benefits to keeping a gratitude journal. Instilling a writing practice in this way ensures that you maintain a focus on positivity.
Sure, sometimes bad things may happen, but this overall emphasis on finding the good can help to provide you with the resilience to keep going.
Your stress levels will decrease as you begin embracing an attitude of gratitude. Plus, the act of writing can be therapeutic in itself.
Writing also helps to give you a different perspective on things that you might not see as readily without engaging in the process.
You can identify patterns and insight into your life that might help you to identify opportunities and to grow.
Tips for Using Your Journal
The most important thing when it comes to a gratitude journal is consistency of practice. Some journal twice daily. Others prefer
Regardless, it will only be effective if you use it regularly. One of the best ways to help yourself want to use your journal is to choose a format you enjoy.
Don’t force yourself to write in a journal by hand if you prefer to use electronic methods. You can keep your records in a simple word processing spreadsheet or use one of many apps that are available for this purpose.
On the other hand, if you are inspired by a beautifully-bound paper journal, find one that speaks to you and start writing your thoughts down immediately.
No matter what you use, keep it handy by your bedside or on easily accessed devices. Turn your routine into a ritual. Make it a process that feeds your soul.
Incorporate your morning coffee into your journal writing or light a candle with a lovely aroma to accompany your routine. Just make it yours.
A gratitude journal can be an insightful and life-changing
tool. Remember, you only have to write three simple things you’re grateful for.
There’s no need to make it complicated. Start your record keeping practice today and see what it can do for you.
“What I've learned is there's a scientifically proven phenomenon that's attached to gratitude, and that if you consciously take note of what is good in your life, quantifiable benefits happen.”
- Deborah Norville
Report continued below...

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"Count Your Blessings In 2022" Report continued...
Use Gratitude Meditations & Affirmations To Boost Your Spirit AnytimeYou’ve probably heard of both meditations and affirmations, though you may be uncertain of just what they are and how they work.
They may even seem a bit too new age for you, but don’t underestimate their power just yet. These two practices are actually quite simple to add to your routine or even to use in a particularly stressful moment to gain perspective.
Take a look below to learn about how to use gratitude meditations and affirmations to boost your spirit anytime.
What Are Meditations?
A meditation is really just a practice of taking some quiet time to be mindful and focus your attention on a particular thought or issue.
It’s a moment of silent reflection that focuses you on the here and now. Gratitude meditations involve focusing your thoughts on being grateful for the particulars of your life or
situation, even the ones that may not seem so positive.
Your gratitude journaling can be considered a meditation, even. Any contemplative, purposeful time spent focused on being grateful can fall into this category.
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are short, concise and positive sentences that are meant to purposefully affect the ways in which we think and feel. These can be in both conscious and unconscious ways.
What we think greatly influences how we feel and behave. Introducing these positive messages into your life on a regular basis can help you to internalize them and begin living accordingly.
Gratitude affirmations focus specifically on being grateful and appreciative.
How to Use Them
Both meditation and affirmation are easy to put into practice. They can be used almost any time and anywhere. When you think of meditation, a long, intensive ritual
may come to mind.
In actuality, you don’t need to spend a lot of time meditating in order to reap the benefits.
Simply sitting quietly for a few minutes and contemplating on what you’re grateful for can help to center you and to provide new perspective, which often will lead to feeling better.
If you want something more structure or have more time, you can look up guided gratitude meditations online or grab a meditation app to try. When it comes to affirmations, a good practice might be to combine them with your gratitude journal.
Write down positive messages that apply to your life and help to inspire or motivate you. Perhaps you want to keep them in a separate journal or store them online.
Then you can pull out your collection of affirmations for a pick-me-up when you need one.
Gratitude meditations and affirmations are simple tools that offer a big return. They take only a few minutes
to practice, and you really don’t need any special equipment.
Give them a try when you feel you could use an injection of gratitude in your life.
Today’s Challenge – Find Something Random In Your Environment To Be Grateful For
If you’re still on the fence about starting a practice of gratitude for yourself, I’d like to issue you a simple challenge.
Just for today, find just one random thing in your environment to be grateful for. This is a low-stakes activity that can be a great way to jumpstart your pursuit of gratitude. Keep reading, and I’ll show you just what I mean.
What to Look For
It’s easy, really. There are things to be grateful for, even on the difficult days. In fact, it’s even more impactful when you discover little rays of light in the darkest times.
You can look for anything within your daily routine that inspires you. If you don’t leave your
home that day due to sadness or inability, perhaps the very roof over your head could be your source of gratitude.
Even a beautiful flower out your window might be enough to influence your mood for the better. Find just one thing and focus on that.
What You Can Expect
Let’s be realistic. Taking a minute to notice one thing you’re grateful for in your day probably isn’t going to completely change your life.
However, it could be a significant jumpstart toward moving you in the right direction. This is especially true when you’re going through a difficult period.
Turning a long-standing low mood around even slightly by acknowledging one small good thing can be quite meaningful. Remember, our thoughts influence our feelings and behaviors.
Future Payoffs
Sometimes all it takes is one small catalyst to spark major change. Some consider this the “baby steps”
Every habit or practice begins with one small step. Taking a moment to be grateful for just one thing in your environment today can improve your mood, even just a little bit.
You may notice a weight is lifted from your chest or that some of your anxiety has eased. Hold onto that feeling.
Notice whether your perspective improves after reflecting on gratitude just once today. This lift in your mood and brightened outlook can lead you to feeling better, which then influences your actions in a positive manner.
You might just notice it’s a bit easier to find that one thing to be grateful for tomorrow.
Give it a try. Find one tiny spark to light the flame of gratitude today. Be intentional in noticing the effect it has on you.
You may find it’s simpler and more rewarding than you realized to begin your gratitude practice.
“Every time we remember to say ‘thank
you,’ we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.”
- Sarah Ban Breathnach
Show Your Gratitude With Words
We’ve talked about the process of writing in a gratitude journal and the kinds of benefits that activity can offer. Writing is a powerful process.
Sharing your written words of appreciation with others can have an even bigger impact than journaling privately.
Personal notes can really brighten a person’s day, and the positive vibes are far-reaching. Keep reading to discover why you may want to show your gratitude with words, starting today.
Writing Has Power
In a busy world, we can get caught up in ourselves and the things we absolutely must accomplish each day. It’s easy to forget to acknowledge the important people in our lives.
It’s for precisely this reason that receiving a note of thanks or appreciation is so very meaningful. People simply
don’t receive these spontaneous offerings on a regular basis.
That’s why setting aside the time and taking the effort to write such a message is so powerful, for both you and the receiver.
Sharing Gratitude Strengthens Bonds
A personal note or message goes far to show you care. Words have meaning, but it’s often said that actions speak louder. The recipient of your note will be surprised to receive it.
A positive surprise almost always improves someone’s day and mood. This can be especially impactful if you intentionally send your message to someone you know is going through a rough patch.
Regardless, this small gesture will go far to strengthen existing bonds because it’s such a customized act. When people feel a personal attachment, they tend to experience feelings of closeness and meaning.
Your written acknowledgement of their importance in your life will surely affect your
relationship in a positive way.
Ideas to Get You Started
Your words of gratitude don’t have to be in hand-written form, though it truly is a nice touch that’s a rarity these days.
You can send electronic correspondence, if you prefer. Your message doesn’t have to be long, either. Any written words of appreciation will be a start and can be quite meaningful.
Here are some examples:
• Drop a post-it note of love in your child’s lunchbox
• Slip a little love letter into your significant other’s coat pocket
• Send your colleague an email thanking them for their assistance
• Mail your best friend a funny card with a personal note of appreciation just because
• Text a buddy a note of support on a difficult day
• Give your doctor or other professional a written message of thanks for their service
• Write a letter to a loved one expressing your indebtedness
This is just a short
list to spark your own creativity. People from your past, older relatives, neighbors, kids’ teachers and other meaningful people in your life should be considered as recipients for your words of gratitude.
If possible, try to take on this practice daily, at least for a while. You’ll see the momentum can lead to some pretty amazing results.
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”
- Willie Nelson
Helpful Tips To Tap Into The Power Of Being Grateful As You Move Forward
We’ve come to the end of our mini-challenge, and we’ve covered quite a bit of information. You’ve learned why acknowledging, embracing and expressing gratitude is so important.
You’ve also learned a few specific ways to begin a practice of gratitude in your own life. I’d like to expand on that as we end our challenge to provide you with a more in-depth list of helpful tips to tap into the power
of being grateful.
You can use these ideas as you move forward in creating your own routine.
Take a Gratitude Walk
Going for a walk is a great way to relieve stress and gain perspective. It offers a number of advantages. You leave your regular environment, get out in the fresh air and move away from distractions.
It’s a form of physical exercise that comes with all sorts of health benefits. Walking can even be considered a form of meditation.
It’s a fabulous way to focus on gratitude. During this particular jaunt, pay special attention to the things you encounter along the way.
Chances are, you’ll discover plenty to be thankful for during your walk.
Make a Gratitude Collage
A fun way to acknowledge your gratefulness in a visual way is to create a gratitude collage. This process works in a similar way as a vision board.
You can cut
out pictures from a magazine or add personal photos. Your collage can simply be laid out on a poster board or you can get more creative and decorative.
You can even keep your board electronically on Pinterest or some other app. The point is to collect images that move you to consider your good fortune.
It’s a good idea to put your board in a place where you can see it or access it daily. You might even want to add to it to keep its momentum going.
Hold a Friendsgiving
Friendsgiving is like Thanksgiving, only with friends and chosen family instead of biological family.
This special occasion is often held in place of traditional Thanksgiving for those who don’t have family physically nearby or who aren’t emotionally close with their relatives.
Sometimes it takes place near the actual holiday. You can get creative, though, and hold your own special gathering, customized to your
needs, any time you wish.
A gratitude party or get-together can remind you of the people who are most important in your life and enhance existing bonds.
Look for Gratitude in Challenges
Let’s turn things around a bit. You probably know how easy it is to focus on the bad stuff. Sometimes we get stuck in the negative and allow it to weigh us down.
That’s natural, but you can interrupt that cycle by consciously working to find the gratitude in life’s challenges.
Look for the lessons or the silver linings. Be sure to write them down in your gratitude journal or make a note of them in some formalized way so that you can look back and remember the good that came from adversity.
Help Others
One of the most impactful ways to gain perspective and be grateful for what you have is to help others in need.
This can be through a formal volunteer effort with a
philanthropic organization or it can simply be something like helping a neighbor you see who could use a hand with his lawn.
No matter what the effort, you’ll reap the rewards when you pitch in to give to others. Try to do something to help someone else at least once a week, and you’re sure to experience a boost in gratitude.
Give these ideas a try. Research or brainstorm some additional ones on your own.
Just get started so you can see just what a difference embracing a mindset of gratitude can have on your entire life.
And if you don't have one already, please do check out my range of rather gorgeous guided gratitude journals, most of them with full colour illustrations and include writing prompts for you.
I hope you enjoyed this self help report and will put the information to good use!
You can learn more here about how to create a self development plan and learn how to get your life back on track again.
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Healthy Power Tip:
Healthy EatingFresh vegetables are better than cooked or canned vegetables. Try to eat your vegetables raw. When you cook them, you are removing nearly half the vitamins.
50% - 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates. It is a myth that you should try and avoid carbohydrates when you are on a diet. Carbohydrates are an instant source of energy.
25% - 30% of your diet should be proteins. Protein is an active part of keeping your body healthy.
Fats should only be 15% - 20 % of your diet
Try and adopt a vegetarian style diet. A vegetarian diet is healthy, but research has shown it often is missing vital minerals that come from eating meat. If you try a vegetarian diet, allow yourself to eat meat on the weekends at the beginning until you learn about the proteins in vegetables.

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"Commit To Your Goals"How often have you set a goal for yourself, worked on it for a little while and then given up? Don't feel bad about it.
It happens to everyone. What you need to realize is the people who set goals and achieve them have had a lot of practice.
Yes, it takes practice. You get in practice by keeping your goal in the forefront of your mind at all times. It means you do something daily to reach your goal. You can't just set a goal and expect it to happen. It takes work and it takes consistent effort.
How can you finally commit to your goals and achieve them?
Your Why
One of the first things you should do is figure out why you want to reach a goal. Many people set goals of weight loss, eating better, or growing their business.
However, they rarely stop to think about the why behind it. Without a big enough reason or a big enough why, it's soon forgotten. It just doesn't seem that
Knowing your why for putting forth an effort is a huge key to success with achieving goals, yet many people forget this. In fact, most articles you read on goal setting leave out this key point.
Let's discuss some reasons why you might set certain goals.Your goal is to lose weight. Why do you want to lose weight? Do you want to feel better, have more energy or look better in new clothes?
It's not just about losing weight. There has to be a compelling reason behind it. You have to focus on this reason, not just the goal itself.
Let's say you've decided to start exercising every day so you can lose weight, which is your ultimate goal. Unless you remind yourself each day of why you want to lose weight, it will become easy to skip the daily exercise.
You'll put it off until tomorrow because you aren't focusing on the why. And you know that once you put it off today, when tomorrow rolls around you'll put it off
What if your goal is to increase your business? Why do you want to increase your business? Do you want more money, more subscribers, to offer more products?
You'll need a list of things you should do each day or week to accomplish this goal and then work on that list consistently. Keep reminding yourself of your why.
Maybe your goal is to eat healthier. What are the benefits of healthy eating? You'll feel better. You will have less stomach trouble. It could help you have clear skin and give you more energy.
Is there another reason why you want to eat healthier?
Perhaps you're already having health problems and want to control them with better eating habits. Determine your why.
Get real with yourself and dig deep to figure out why you want to set and achieve your goal. Once you know why and you focus on that, achieving the goal will be much easier.
Follow Through
One of the biggest
mistakes people make, other than not determining their why, is they fail to follow through.
One way to help you keep working at it is to think about the consequences of not doing it.
This is also an important piece of the puzzle. If you haven't thought about what could happen if you don't do something to reach your goal, then chances are you won't do anything to achieve it.
What will happen if you don't lose the weight? You'll still be overweight. In fact you may even gain more weight.
You still won't have the energy you'd like to have. You'll still have to wear the same old clothes you've been wearing.
You could develop heart disease or diabetes. You need to keep the consequences in your thoughts too. This will help you follow through each day.
This same tactic works in the business building example too. What will happen if you don't grow your business? You'll be stuck in the same spot next year. You won't increase
your income.
Not increasing your income can keep you from enjoying nice vacations or luxury items you want. Always keep in mind what won't happen if you don't follow through with your business building plans. This can be a big motivator in itself.
If eating healthy is your goal, what are the consequences of staying on the same diet you're on now? Will you feel bad and have low energy? Will your skin look unhealthy? Will your current eating plan lead to health problems?
You have to know the consequences of your continued actions so you can focus on creating something better and more healthy. What will happen if you don't follow through with eating healthier meals?
Commit Daily
Once you set a goal and determine why you want to reach it, you must also renew your commitment to it on a daily basis. If you don't keep it fresh in your mind and work on it every single day, you will soon forget and it will become unimportant like it has
in the past.
Achieving any goal takes some work on your part. It's something you have to actively work on. This doesn't mean you can't have a break once in awhile, but even while you're taking a break, you need to keep your goal in mind. Plan to get back to it as soon as possible and then do it!
To recap, you first need to know why you want this goal. What are the benefits of achieving this goal? Once you've determined the rewards of reaching this goal, you also need to consider the consequences of not reaching it.
Let both your why and the consequences be your driving force. Then it will be much easier to commit to your goal each day.
Whether you want to lose weight, eat healthy or grow your business, it takes some work each day so that you can see progress and reach your goal.
It doesn't have to be huge steps, just small steps each day will keep you on the right track.
(1028 words)
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Well, I certainly wish you a very prosperous and happy New Year, filled with good health, and abundance in all the things you do want in your life for 2022.
I'm making my plans for the work I do, the home nesting and gardening I yearn for, and for my creative artistic pursuits, which include my book publishing on amazon and my handmade junk journal making.
I simply can't imagine a life that is not filled with work to do and things to create for a sense of joy and accomplishment.
But this year it would be nice to incorporate more relaxation and less 'must-do' activities that push me too hard sometimes.
Oh, a reminder to you here that if you haven't already set up your 2022 Planner, I have published some rather lovely ones here that you can check out for yourself: 2022 Planners. Simply order online and have it conveniently delivered to your
I'm so grateful for the lovely people who choose to get my books, it inspires me and motivates me to keep creating and working hard!
Check out my profiles for more in the series of paperback and kindle books I have published:
These simple inspirational 365 Dated Page a Day Journal Planners with a famous quotes to the top of each page are proving to be very popular.
So, if you like to have a daily inspiration this book is for you. The pages can be used for long journals every day, or be split up into Line-a-day multi-year journal on each page.

And once again, thank you so very, very much to everyone who has invested in one of my books... I really appreciate your trust, and know that you will love the book!
And p.s. Any reviews posted on Amazon and Lulu would be hugely appreciated as well!!
Do get yourself a beautiful and inspiring Diary or Planner. Yes, like one of the ones I have designed for you.
They work. They make you happy. Use them.
Click HERE or on the banner images above, as I keep adding new designs every few days... and if you have the time, please do tell me what you would like to see included, so that I can meet your requirements!
And a reminder: "Power Tips" is here to help you learn and apply new self growth strategies. Are you getting benefit from these self growth reports? Most importantly: Will you USE what you are learning?
If you are, how about you tell your friends about "Power Tips" and share it around with your pals!
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May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!

Have a Laugh!
Things you wish you could say at work1. Ah, I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again.
2. I don't know what your problem is, but I bet it's hard topronounce.
3. How about never? Is never good for you?
4. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
5. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
6. I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter.
7. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.
8. I don't work here. I'm a consultant.
9. It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.
10. I can see your point, but I STILL think you're full of crap.
11. I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
12. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.
13. I
have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a darn.
14. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
15. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
16. It'll be ready Thursday - now, which Thursday is another question.
17. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
18. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
19. What am I? Fly paper for freaks?
20. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
21. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.
22. Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
23. No, my powers can only be used for good.
24. You sound reasonable. Time to up the medication.
25. And your crybaby whiny-butt opinion would be?
Daily Self Reflection:

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