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PLR Content - free and fresh every week to your inbox! July 17, 2014 |
Dear Thank you for subscribing to my PLR content weekly ezine! If you haven't already done so, its time to collect your other subscriber gifts, including a set of sample PLR articles and also my report on how to use PLR to slay your competition. Grab them by clicking on the download links here: I hope you enjoy the e-zine as much as I do writing it. Thank you to my readers who refer other people to my ezine. If you ever decide that you want to unsubscribe, you will find the link at the bottom of this page. Welcome to the new "PLR NewsFlash" ezine, where as a subscriber you will get updates about the latest PLR content packs posted on the site and as WSO specials, and also be given a free PLR article to use every week - Lucky you! Inspiring Power Quotes For This Week:7/14 "Thoughts and ideas are the source of all wealth, success, material gain, all great discoveries, inventions and achievement." - Mark Victor Hansen 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 What's New?![]() You can grab the latest version here at any time (right click to download): Strategic Services PLR content Catalog THIS WEEK Is the first WSO of the year, with brand new PLR content for the Blogging niche.
1. There is a report called "Bloggers Guide to Overcoming Writers Block" which has 1,870 words of helpful information over 14 pages with illustrations. 2 & 3. And the report comes with TWO different book cover designs, and also includes the psd for each one as a bonus so that serious publishers can edit them with their own author and site info 4. And for those who don't want to do their own document publishing I'm including a pre-published version in 3 different formats! You get it in the classic Adobe .pdf magazine style publication, a kindle/tablet .mobi format report and also a smartphone/tablet .ePub format... so all your various favorite reader gadgets are covered for your list! ![]() ![]() #5. You also get TEN big brand new PLR articles covering the Blogging niche to use as online content, ezines, autoresponder courses, videos, more reports... whatever way you want! For those of you who like to spin articles, there are bonus mini versions of three of the articles in (auto generated) spin syntax ready for you to tweak and spin. TITLES: 6. Then to help you always have great blogging topics to write about I have compiled a MONTHLY CALENDAR outline of Holidays and ‘International Day of ...’ 20 pages of BLOGGING SUBJECT IDEAS to inspire you! You will never run out of ideas for what to write about each month when you use this guide! 7. And as an extra give-away or promotional tool I also created a magazine style "info sheet" .pdf doc that you can distribute via social networks or as a download for your lists with the "Top Six Tips for a Successful Blogging Business"
8. And who doesn't love Memes and graphics that you post on FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest that you can brand with your website/blog and use to promote the socks off your new blogging content? You get 15 new graphic Memes in this pack. ![]() 9. Then I created an InfoGraphic, covering 5 blogging topic ideas.... because they are the 'must-have' new marketing tool all the pros use. 10. And for those people who apply the power of keyword research, I compiled a list of the top 100 most 'profitable' keywords... the most searched/googled Blog keywords, with the least results found online. And just to sweeten the pot even more, and make sure this is the craziest value deal ever.... I have added a PLR pack with another 50 PLR articles about Internet Marketing and Blogging from my existing PLR store stock. All this for only $7.... what are you waiting for? Go check out the WSO page here:
*AND* if you know others who would love to get this pack, please do share this link and info with them - Thank You!!!! JVZoo affiliates can get their links now here: JV and and apply for quick approval from me NOTE: this is a 'forever' WSO promotion opportunity - there is no time restriction to this sale, so wherever you promote this pack on your blogs or in your reports or via social networks - the links and sales page will stay live and earning you sales for as long as JVZoo/WF are online - I will not remove these PLR packs from sale!!! NEXT WEEK: I plan to release a new pack of PLR Reports and articles for the Pet DOGS niche and a heap of other brand new content about dog accessories and pet care that includes unique marketing tools. It will ALSO be sold as a "Warrior Special Offer" sale package and affiliates
can promote it via JVZoo. This is part of a series of WEEKLY brand new releases I'll be doing, so get ready for next weeks ezine!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ This week's BONUS MEME GRAPHIC for you to use and have some fun with!
![]() Sponsored ResourcesOur Sponsors and Affiliates are what keep this newsletter and the weekly gifts free to you, so we appreciate your support when purchasing from our sponsors. Want to know who I buy PLR content from? Well, I have a few great ghostwriters I buy from, but my favourite PLR store is Tiffany Lambert's PLR-MiniMart. If you can't find the subject content you need on my PLR store, do check it out! Your ad can be here for just $15... contact me to learn more!
This week's free PLR article:Just copy and paste the content from here and use it within the PLR rights (stated at the bottom of this article)"Stress Management at Home" - 541 words You would think that with all the time-saving gadgets and modern conveniences of today that we'd have less stress. The truth is, some of those things designed to save us time and make life convenient for us causes stress in a lot of people. Take a drive thru for example. It was designed to be easy and quick. However, most of us pull off from the drive thru window with more frustration than we had went we entered the line. It seems like everyone is in a hurry and rushes through everything. This, in itself causes stress. We take vacations to escape the rat race and enjoy a slower pace in life for awhile. But even before we come back to our real world we're already dreading it because of the rush and stress we know we'll face. Life doesn't have to be that way. You can slow down and let some things slide. If things in your home life are causing you stress, you can change that. Always have trouble finding your favorite shirt? Can't remember where you put the electric bill? Can't find your shoes or keys? Maybe we can't control how the outside world runs, but you can get a grip on these things and keep your home organized and well managed. Life just feels better and runs smoother when things are in place. Create a Peaceful Atmosphere Try this instead. Stop at the front door, close your eyes, take a deep breath and intend to enter a peaceful environment. This is your home. It should be your haven. Once inside, put your things down and then light candles and put on some relaxing
music. If you have children, you may have to set some time frames for when they can have the TV blaring or play in the house. Kids often need these quiet moments too. Creating a harmonious atmosphere is good for the whole family. Yoga and Meditation Most people turn on the TV and grab chips and popcorn. While this can be relaxing, it can also bombard the mind with more stress. Programs on TV rarely instill values or teach morals or good behavior. Having yoga nights with your family can create those things and bring you all closer together. If you do have family movie night, pick a good classic like Homeward Bound or a Disney film. These are always fun to watch and they're just good clean fun for
kids. Setup Routines When you're less stressed at home, it's easier to deal with the stress of the outside world because you know you can escape the world's chaos when you get home. End of free PLR article Here is what you can do with this PLR article and meme/graphics: [YES] This source file of contents: * Can be used as content on your website or blog * Can be used as content in published e-books and reports (sold with personal rights only) * Can be used in an auto-responder series * Can be Edited or Spun however you wish * Can be used to produce video articles * Can be published off-line * Can have your name put on them * Can be rewritten for submission to article directories
[NO] This source file of contents: * Cannot be sold or given away with other PLR or any form of resale rights * Cannot be added to a PLR or IM membership sites * Cannot be submitted to article directories without substantial
If you want to compile the articles into an e-book or report you can sell or give away your finished ebook, but you must only give personal use rights to your buyers. In other words, you cannot pass on PLR or resale rights to these articles in any form. The articles have been written around keyword phrases and the title of each article includes the keyword phrase. If you are using the articles on your website it is a good idea to give each article a unique title. Keep the keyword in the title, or if you decide to change the keyword, change it in the first and last sentences of the article too. You can edit the articles for your website any way that you wish. Any questions, comments, concerns or help needed, contact me using the email form at Editor’s Note / Humour / new free booksI really appreciate you subscribing to this ezine, I hope you enjoy it, and I welcome your feedback about this ezine - Don't "reply" to this ezine... you can use this form to Contact MeHave a Laff! Painful Employee Evaluations "His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid
curiosity." "This employee has delusions of adequacy." "She sets low personal standards and then consistently
fails to achieve them." "This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an
idiot." "Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only
gargled." "Got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thingy to hold it
all together." "A gross ignoramus -- 144 times worse than an ordinary
ignoramus." "A photographic
memory, but with the lens cover glued on." "Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train
isn't coming." "Has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking
for it." "He's so dense, light bends around him." "If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean." "Wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Thank you for joining us today, I hope that you have found some helpful PLR packs and enjoyed your free PLR article this week! Helene Malmsio No Liability Under no circumstances will the product creator, programmer or any of the distributors of this product, or any distributors, be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this product. This product is provided “as is” and without warranties. Use of this product indicates your acceptance of the "No Liability" policy. If you do not agree with our "No Liability" policy, then you are not permitted to use or distribute this product (if applicable.) Failure to read this notice in its entirety does not void your agreement to this policy should you decide to use
this product. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. The liability for damages, regardless of the form of the action, shall not exceed the actual fee paid for the product. Note: Articles in this pack may concern health treatments and references to trademark brands. I am not legally, medically or professionally qualified and like all of my products, these articles are supplied for entertainment purposes only. Any claims that are made in your use of them and any consequences of your use of them are your own responsibility. You are advised to take legal advice in relation to setting up disclaimers and other aspects of your business. |
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