10 Simple Ways to Achieve a Stronger Friendship with Anyone

wo thousand years ago, Aristotle made a fascinating observation about humans: People are social creatures. This central truth about human existence tells us that cooperation is the backbone of society.

We see this fact expressed at a fundamental level. For example, we need farmers for food and doctors for healthy living.

But what makes human society work is not just the cooperation of all its members to get things done, but also their ability to build bonds of friendship with each other.

This fact is even more important than you think. Research shows that strong social connections boost our health and well-being, help us succeed in careers, make us more resilient in times of stress, and generally increase our quality of life.

Since friendships are so meaningful, how can you build stronger bonds with anyone?

Try these tips:

1. Remain positive and express politeness.

When you speak, do so in a manner that considers the feelings of others. Consider your words before you talk. And don't feel so proud that you refuse to apologize when you say something you did not intend.

2. Make honesty and sincerity a driving factor.

A strong relationship is a product of deep trust and respect for each other. You will build a good relationship when you tell others the truth and they feel they can trust your words.

3. Avoid hiding your vulnerabilities.

Many people are cautious about displaying their weaknesses to others. But such caution leads to a false sense of invincibility. By sharing your fears, concerns, and uncertainties with another person, you build an even stronger bond.

4. Be open-minded.

A good friend understands that his views are not the only views that exist. He respects the opinions of others and is willing to change his view when he realizes that he has a flawed original understanding.

5. Look for common ground.

A good friend recognizes that they are part of a much larger community. This larger community may include people of different religions, cultures, and races. Good friends look for the common ground between their views and others, even if they disagree.

● Rather than fight over an issue, they explore areas where compromise is possible and make this compromise a central component of building their relationship.

6. Go beyond the golden rule.

The golden rule states that you should treat others as you want them to treat you. This rule captures much of what a good friend does: You think about how the other person feels and acts from this awareness.

● But the golden rule falls short because it doesn't consider that different people have different preferences and needs.

● Therefore, a good friend goes beyond the golden rule and considers each person's preferences and needs.

7. Remind your friend via text of a memory that makes you laugh.

An unexpected laugh does much to improve a person's mental health. Sometimes, you and a close friend can become distant because of the busyness and distractions of life.

● When you share a funny memory, you reconnect and make the friendship more authentic.

8. Plan your next time together.

A good friend looks for ways to spend time without making it about the relationship. This act can take the form of planning a weekend trip, attending a sporting event, or grabbing coffee.

9. Share your current goals with your friends.

Sharing your dreams can be a motivating factor for one or both of you. You may convey an intent because you need help, but you might also do so to boost the overall quality of your relationship.

● It is not always about what you want. It is about getting what you need from each other.

10. Talk about the new events in your life.

People love the news. It's always more interesting to listen to new things than rehash the old.

Talking about your recent experiences can make you feel inspired and bring you and your friend closer. It's an excellent way to refresh the bond.

No matter who you are, we're all in this together. We all need friends, and there's no way to get them by doing nothing for them.

If your life seems like it needs a jumpstart, then create a plan to do something meaningful with someone that you care about, and you'll start feeling better right away.

Making Friendships in Adulthood

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to make friends as an adult?

Growing up, it’s easier to meet people. You go to school with classmates or peers in the same life stage as you.

As we enter adulthood, that gets harder. People move. Our priorities change. Our lives start to revolve around work and our families.

Everyone becomes engulfed in their own routines. They are in different phases of life, whether it be raising children, getting married, or focusing on their career.

But research has shown that friendships can lower risk of heart disease, reduce stress levels, and improve quality of life.

One study even found that the difference between most unhappy and most happy people was based on how socially connected they were.

What is the key to making friendships in adulthood? Making an effort.

While we could find social circles at school growing up, making friends as an adult is different.

If you want to make friends, try creating habits that will help you make those friendships as an adult.

Consider these habits you can build to make friendships in adulthood:

1. Be proactive.

Be proactive when it comes to meeting and getting to know others. Make that effort to smile and start a conversation!

2. Build self-confidence.

Research has found that people tend to underestimate how much they are liked. Building your self-confidence will make it easier for you to start or keep a conversation going.

3. Ask questions.

Be curious about the people you meet. Ask them questions about their hobbies, why they think a certain way, or what gets them excited about life.

4. Keep showing up.

As you make an effort to build friendships, you’ll find some obstacles: you might get rejected, people you meet might be shy, or you might prefer the comfort of staying at home.

When this happens, think about why you want to make friends - and motivate yourself to keep showing up.

5. Be engaged.

Avoid taking on the role of the fly on the wall. Introduce yourself to others, ask them about themselves, and if they want to hang out in the near future.

Here are some ideas of places you can show up to make friends:

1. Pick a new hobby and sign up for a class.

Sign up to a class (like an educational, art, cooking, or fitness class) to meet others who are interested in learning the same skill as you!

2. Invest in experiences.

Friendships are built through new experiences. Go on a tour in your city or spend a few days on a group camping trip.

Invest in experiences where you can connect with others and build memories.

3. Go to meetups.

Attending meetups and events in your local area is a great way to meet people who have interests similar to yours.

4. Create a friendship habit.

If you want to make friends, make a habit out of building friendships. For example, aim to go to coffee with a new friend once per week.

5. Volunteer.

Volunteer for a cause that you believe in! You can support a cause you believe in, as well as meet people who believe in the cause’s mission.

6. Create your own meetup.

Think about what you enjoy doing - going hiking, having brunch or playing board games. If you can’t find a meetup around that, create one!

7. Start a conversation with a stranger.

Waiting in line? At an event? Don’t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger!

Even if you don’t see them again in the future, you can use that conversation as practice to build new friendships.

Although friendships may come effortlessly growing up, they take more effort as an adult.

Put yourself out there, be engaged, and keep showing up. Ask people questions and invite them to hang out again.

Enjoy the experience!

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Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: How To Build Friendships And Maintain Them


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